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Messages - DesertEagle

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Recorded Team 3 vs. Team 4 battle so here it is ( added some story just for jewelry :) )

Game Balance Discussion / Re: OP Horse Archers
« on: June 26, 2011, 10:57:35 am »
It's pretty hard to do that whilst riding around trying to avoid the melee and looking for arrows.
Not at all. Saw it many times.
BTW it is funny how HA call all arguments against HA is OP "it is very easy", and all arguments against HA is OP "it is very difficult" motivating it like "is you wasn`t HA you don`t know how it`s difficult or if you think it is easy - you are noob HA"  :D
Then stop being ninjas *shrug*
Become a HA! :)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: OP Horse Archers
« on: June 24, 2011, 10:31:53 pm »
Yes...and a lot of the time the HA has run out of arrows and then is screwed and gets kicked either for delaying or goes and finds a weapon and then dies.
They just pick up arrows and shoot time continues.

Suggestions Corner / Split cut damage to 2 different types.
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:31:34 pm »
I don`t know, is it possible to do via module system, with out engine change but here is my suggestion:
Cut has few meanings, some of them are really differ in case of M&B. I`m speaking about
- slash ( for example axe damage type )
- carve ( for example knife damage type ).
So for now axe with some dmg and for example scimitar (dagger swing etc.) with same dmg will affect armor equally. For example you can see as people with scimitars easily penetrate plated tin cans and that looks weird. But as you can understand they must differ in this affection because of different damage types ( for example scimitar, dagger, nodachi,shashka,katana are faster but thier armor penetration must greatly reduce along with armor points raising in other hand - axes,straight swords are not so fast and thier armor penetration stay as it was.

General Discussion / Re: Simple question on 1h speed
« on: May 31, 2011, 07:06:04 pm »
u live on a Moon? :)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Strength build viable?
« on: March 20, 2011, 09:56:34 pm »
Level 30:
Strength   27   
Agility   9   

One Handed   110
Polearm   83

Ironflesh   8   
Power Strike   9   
Shield   3   
Athletics   3   
Riding   3   
Weapon master 3

+ Warhammer (Masterwork Nordic Champion optional)/Great Long Axe - almost always one-hit :)

Spam / Re: Itemized Heirloom Thread (Completed)
« on: February 26, 2011, 04:17:23 pm »
Incorrect xbow heirloom info:
(click to show/hide)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Smokebomb - A new ninja weapon please
« on: January 20, 2011, 07:42:57 pm »
Re: Smokebomb - A new ninja weapon please
Yeah, and a flashbang would be cool too  :lol:

Guides / Re: Tactics in cRPG, a guide
« on: January 17, 2011, 03:49:07 pm »
Any feedback is welcome. :)
You forgot to mention how actually to pick up the flag ( become a leader ). By pressing "P" I just get a mark on a flag and that is all. And can I create a flag with a picture of my banner?

I saw people nicknames over players in PWmod, think it could be done like that.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Banners, balance and factions
« on: January 14, 2011, 09:13:03 am »
Adding my suggestion from here:
Make faction tag independent from profile name
Well, I got this idea when I remember this system in BFBC2. This system allow to not change your profile name, when you want to move into another clan/faction, what is much easier. I think this may be usefull and for admins too. So my suggestion:
1) Make an option in cRPG character cabinet, where you can enter and save tag.
2) Tag will be automaticaly shown somewhere near the player name in the game.
3) Similar way prefix/postfix for Strategus
I dont know this system inside, maybe admins could find a better way leading to the same result.

Well, I got this idea when I remember this system in BFBC2. This system allow to not change your profile name, when you want to move into another clan/faction, what is much easier. I think this may be usefull and for admins too. So my suggestion:
1) Make an option in cRPG character cabinet, where you can enter and save tag.
2) Tag will be automaticaly shown somewhere near the player name in the game.
3) Similar way prefix/postfix for Strategus
I dont know this system inside, maybe admins could find a better way leading to the same result.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Spear Thrust - Too easily blocked
« on: January 12, 2011, 06:31:23 pm »
I think there must be some kind of chance of blocking thrust attack with a weapon.

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