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Messages - Peasant_Woman

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Scene Editing / Re: Peasant_Woman's Maps. Updated - 17/10/2017
« on: October 18, 2017, 12:53:07 pm »
Fair and even handed say Jarold, my thanks.
This map was more of a cleansing exercise and I will revisit it at some point in the future.
The oversized tree was in reference to a real place, never mind.
I will take the rest of your feedback into consideration.

Scene Editing / Re: Peasant_Woman's Maps. Updated - 17/10/2017
« on: October 17, 2017, 08:47:11 pm »
New Map; Sanitarium - 186kb
A small retreat set in treacherous terrain, some say it is a secret monastic order others a mental health asylum for those so tragically afflicted.
It happens to occupy a highly strategic and defensible position ripe for the taking!


General Off Topic / Re: Las Vegas SHooting
« on: October 06, 2017, 06:34:25 pm »
So... the options are support foreign nationals who have nothing except nastiness in their heart for you, believe people can change and only for the better or implicate yourself in something by trying to do something about the pain and suffering simply by giving a damn.

The alternative is clear(ly ridiculous); treat everyone as an enemy and you will never not find them.

The rat plague may have been caused by Korvo. He may have brought it back with him while off being the advisor to royalty (Emily Caldwin) who ended up being 'the trophy/achievement' record of the game overall, as it is inalienable fact that no matter what Korvo did during the course of the plot there was no way in hell ANYONE was going to let her die of rat plague and they needed the purest Emily they could find, the one Korvo was protecting from the start.

This is the storyline the Outsider was protecting, he wove a plot such that the protagonist could have long-lasting permenance within the story, Emily was assured. Granny rags: case in point: she may have done something grusome to Emily if she had failed to become a good witch however even so Granny rags would have been elevated into a position where she may have been able to do something about everything.

Maybe that is all it is; just seeing which characters take a liking to you through story driven narratives and keeping yourself one-step ahead by being as helpful as you can while actually being out for number one only, in addition to those that supplied you with help along the way.

Realism Discussion / Ranged Weapons in general!?
« on: October 04, 2017, 09:26:32 pm »
Today I was lirking the servers and while shotting off my crossbow thought that maybe it would be a good idea to have arrows/bolts/Jarids/throwing weapons a player picks up be slightly more effective than usual to account for them landing in wine/blood/dirt/whathaveyou and it being more efficient from a rendering perspective?

Not sure if it is already like this or not however it would enhance the game for melee playersTM so why not?

Yes this is realism. :oops:

General Discussion / Re: The Donkey God Lives (More information coming)
« on: September 29, 2017, 08:12:02 pm »
Would like to humbly apply for a spot as a map maker in any capacity.
Messaged you njames89.

General Discussion / Re: OKAM - steam page petition
« on: August 14, 2017, 08:46:54 am »
Bron you're a snow wizard. Bron. Bron.

Found one;
Quote from: sic
After seeking lot of help from MS, but all in vain, i have figured out how to plan DNS and certificates:

I hope this will help out people trying to offer lync as a hosting service.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: EU, NA and China under one map
« on: August 02, 2017, 04:19:20 pm »
What about single players in clans? "Clanless"?
No-one is truly without a clan, however it may appear that way.

As long as they integrate well. No ostracism for a persons varied play-style please we don't need that!

General Off Topic / Re: Porn ID checks set to start in April 2018
« on: August 02, 2017, 04:14:38 pm »
Heard porn being banned in the UK August 2017/18/19 depending.
You heard it here first!

Suggestions Corner / Re: You have received a warning.
« on: August 01, 2017, 09:40:37 pm »
How much rain do the rain clouds make?
When admins rules you do forsake.

Give it time, form a lake
and run the pollutes down for sake

Please cheer up; it's not too late
or sit and cause another bellyache

Wroat u a pooem

General Discussion / Re: can NA get an RP server
« on: July 12, 2017, 06:23:47 pm »
*Throws toilet paper*

Just throwing out there; have noticed some players try to build the momentum behind their swings. It's nothing to do with realism, doesn't follow logic. If you observe carefully you can almost feel the force behind the swing before it impacts. Blocking.

Dishonored 2, Domina, Torment: Tides of Numenera

General Discussion / Re: Why our community dying?
« on: July 01, 2017, 09:30:49 pm »
{revive cRPG}
while (cRPGforBannerlord==false)

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