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Messages - kooktar

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Closed Requests / Re: Banned Team kicking for zero dmg
« on: August 28, 2011, 03:06:53 pm »
Ive found out why yer such a raging douche, yer canadian. I would hate having to deal with frenchies irl too. Anyways, as for liars I was never banned for Team kicking off ladders, friendly xbowers or whatever your bullshitted in your reply. You might wanna do some research before you babble. I was banned for the following: QML spamming, about 6 months ago. Being labeled a "leecher" either falling asleep, or failing to go spectate while grabbing a drink. You admins on community really get yer rocks off for busting out your admin ban stick over petty issues. Dropping "construction sites" which "prevented attackers from winning" as a defensive player. And last but not least "team kicking", which occurred last night, but you've say I've been punished for  before. For one, I do not prevent players from enjoying their game play on the server. Number two, we obviously have friction. It is either because I am better than you, or I can shit talk, your "sphinxter" is too tight to enjoy life. Instead of me thinking about what I did not do, you should probably take this time while I'm off to go feel a breast, or get drunk, or maybe a combination of the two. Real life is awesome in the US, lack of french canadians. But seriously man, I got banned because you walked off a wall? It's your word against mine. I'm obviously an outcast so my word means shit. But I did LOL watching you walk off that wall. Did you guys end up losing because within the first 5 seconds of the game you hurt yourself?

Closed Requests / Banned Team kicking for zero dmg
« on: August 28, 2011, 06:18:43 am »
I was kicking sphinx for zero dipz at the start of the round as he was afk standing there. I get banned for no reason, not even warned. Dude has some nerd rage issues srsly. He walked off the wall like a nub and took fall damage. He'll prolly try to blame that on me.

Closed Requests / Re: Banned again. Construction Site
« on: August 20, 2011, 04:21:44 am »
LadderPulting is the act of throwing ladders under your teammates or enemies, causing them to be flung to their death or take damage. The ATS policy is that LadderPulting is unaccptable and will be immediately punished.

-Recommended Action-
1st Offense: Player should be immediately kicked
2nd Offense: Player should be banned for a short period of time but may be kicked instead, Admin's discretion.

Fairly straight forward, check behind you before you throw ladders up.


after reading the rules. Numerous people on defense were using ladders to kill attacking ladders. so Im assuming the 3-4 people doing this that round were banned also correct?


-Construction Sites-
The use of construction sites is forbidden on all servers, except the Duel server.

-Recommended Action-
1st Offense: Depending on the result of the Construction site, if the map is ruined, the player be immediately removed. Player should be warned about use of Construction site if it does not affect the map.
2nd Offense: Immediate ban, Undetermined time frame.
(click to show/hide)

So why did you skip step one? I was warned 1 time with red txt, and before the txt decayed off my screen i was banned. 1st offense details a kick is in order not a ban.


In all, its a game. I concede that you are the nerd police, and I will follow the rules. But shouldn't you follow them yourselves?

Closed Requests / Re: Banned again. Construction Site
« on: August 20, 2011, 04:16:19 am »
Um. I was on defense. So costing the attackers the round was a plus for me? I don't see why an item in the game is illegal. I can see longspear and pikes on horseback. But I was planting them to prevent attackers from advancing as a defender. And I get penalized? Either way I'm sorry. The first time I saw RED txt from an admin I was changing my equip to stop using them and got banned 4 seconds after the first red txt admin warning. I don't pay attention to white txt because its full of QQers and ragers. I just play the game.

Closed Requests / Banned again. Construction Site
« on: August 20, 2011, 03:09:24 am »
Was banned yet again. This time I saw the warning, 4 seconds before i got hit with a ban. I would have never planted them if I had known. Where can I see rules at where construction sites are not allowed. I didn't even have a chance to stop using them.

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from Community Servers
« on: August 19, 2011, 07:27:23 am »
Breh. I see that you are good at this game, so I apologize for arousing you. I work nights. Get home from work tired as shit. Play some warband to relax with a beer. Go to sleep. AFK normally in spectate but crashed out from fatigue before doing so, or what you call "leeching" for one round and get banned. Seriously breh? It is a video game. You can kick you know. I would think the chain of command would be verbal warnings, admin kick, repeat offenses that lead to a ban. But I see that you are a very prah admin so you skip to the end stepz. Thanks breh. Unban me soon please. K thnx bai. Sorry that I did miss your warnings and didn't move within 30 seconds. I was asleep.

Closed Requests / Re: Banned from Community Servers
« on: August 19, 2011, 07:20:38 am »

Closed Requests / Banned from Community Servers
« on: August 18, 2011, 06:03:42 pm »
I went afk in spectate mode and got banned? Dunno either way I was not at my computer when it occured so I have no idea what I did. No warnings of doing anything prior to being banned. So I'm assuming instead of kick they banned.

Sell/Trade / WTT Heirloom Point for +2 or +3iron staff
« on: August 17, 2011, 07:15:19 am »
Im gonna be 31 by this weekend. Im seeking a loomed ironstaff. I can loom any item, or if you wish loom one of your items for you.

Sell/Trade / Re: Need +2 or +3ironstaff
« on: July 29, 2011, 03:02:15 pm »
i meant I can loom an item for you, say you have a +2 something i can MW it. I just wanna get more bang for my first loom. Ironstaff doesnt seem that popular among players. And I enjoy using it.

Sell/Trade / Need +2 or +3ironstaff
« on: July 29, 2011, 07:51:42 am »
Trading my loom(any item of your choice) for a loomed staff.
contact kooktar on steam

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Request - Kooktar
« on: July 25, 2011, 06:11:26 pm »
Yes thank you for your time.

Closed Requests / Unban Request - Kooktar
« on: July 25, 2011, 04:58:47 pm »
As of approximately 10AM EST I am banned from all servers pre-fixed NA_cRPG.

On NA_cRPG battle, I was playing among others in a small game, 5v5ish. Neux team damaged me at the start of a round to 10%, a battle ensued, and after about 10 landed blows and me parrying all of his attacks, the nub lay dead. Shit talking immediately occurred of who was the greater warrior. So another duel was proposed, which I won flawlessly again. Upon completion of the duel, I was banned from all NA_cRPG prefix servers, without warning from an admin before the ban, or after I fought and defended my in-game RPG life the first time. I am curious as to why this occured, and what I did so wrong that a perma ban across all servers without warning was the answer to.

Thank you for your time,

Closed Requests / Unban Request - Kooktar
« on: July 25, 2011, 04:31:35 pm »
Been banned from siege for like 4 months now. I was QMLing people loafing around after multiple rounds, probably either eating, smoking, or being fat. Legitimate QML in game, but would immediately come back to bitch to admins about it. On the other hand I also did QML to grief people. Atleast 60% of my QMLs were legitimate. Anyways, they nerfed the function, and its been months of bannage. I think I've done my time for the crime.

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