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Messages - Draggon

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General Discussion / Re: Class you dislike fighting the most?
« on: May 05, 2012, 04:28:28 pm »
As a 2H cut/blunt...

HA/HX are just annoying.  You don't really "fight" them, they just run from you and you can't catch them on foot.  And they don't ever seem to be that effective other than being the last one alive in Battle.  In Siege they don't amount to shit.

Other 2Hers who have the lolstab animation, just because they can always outrange me with the stab.  But that's on me - I just have to be more aware of what I'm fighting.  The spinstab is annoying as shit tho.

Anyone that abuses the jump glitch alot (where you swing right thru their body when they jump-spin).

Stealth-from-behind-Cav.  Of course you don't really "fight" them either.  They just couch you from behind and you never hear them coming.  Other than that, Cav are not that annoying imo.

Spamitar/shielders are probably the most annoying for me.  Either that or 1h hammer/shielders, but of the two spamitars are worse.

High-Agi polearms with either spears, awlpikes, becs, or halberd types are a pain 1v1.  That godam 1-inch turn/spin stab is huge BS.  Plus the polestun & hiltslashing.  This coming from someone who has also been polearms for 2 Gens.
Pikers/lancers are a pain in a group, impossible to block other melee plus a piker who can hit you from a mile away through their own team.  Also the fact that they can stab you through doors, gates and around corners = winsauce.

Archers, Xbow, Throwers are annoying mostly because I get hit by enemy as well as 'friendly' range usually right when I'm in the middle of a good melee fight.  Other than that I can expect to get hit by them when I'm in the open or going up ladders/ramps.  But then other times I sneak up on them from the side or behind - so we come out in a wash there.

Friendly cav, of course you don't fight them, but they're annoying due to trying to KS and end up bowling you over just before you make that last killing blow, or of course all the friendly horsebumps that take off any variety of %'s of life depending on how hard they hit you.

Total War Series / Re: Third Age Total War
« on: May 03, 2012, 01:49:10 am »
Man, Third Age was one of my favoritist mods ever.  If they added all these updates to it I may have to dig it out and go at it again.   Loved attacking humongous Orc/Uruk-hai  hordes with much smaller Rohirrim armies.  Epic carnage.

Why arent you using dropbox, skydrive or googledrive?

The 2nd link in the OP doesn't require any kind of registration for those who don't have or don't want a Nexus account.

Faction Halls / Re: [Ver 2.6] Arked-Draggon Alternate Clan Banner Pack
« on: April 30, 2012, 09:17:52 pm »
What's the difference between this one and overdriven's? Honestly a serous question haha Ive been wondering this for awhile now
Mine includes all clans as long as they pass a basic quality check.

This is strictly for the more 'medieval' realistic looking banners and so is more stringent on rules.

Yeah you can pretty much call Overdriven/Kalam's Pack the "Official" Clan Banner Pack.  Mine/Arked's is the "Alternative" or "Medieval" Clan Banner Pack.  The clan banner slots are the same for each pack (or at least will be when I'm done matching them all up), but like Overdriven already mentioned, not all of the official banners will be in the Alternative pack.  However, one thing I'm working on is inputting "placeholder" banners that follow the theme of the clans whose official banner may not have made it into the alternative (medieval) pack.  That way, even if they never submit a banner for the alternative pack, at least there will be something there that will associate with their clan.

Thread should be stickied.
Congrats  :)

Thanks dudes, and kujos to the admin that stickified it.  8-)

Draggon, if you think it'll do, you wanna add ours to this pack? (if there's room)

Knights of the Honor Guard  (D-1-5 in Overdriven's)

I'm actually working on D right now, so that'll work perfect.  You mind if I fade, scrape it up a bit?  Medievalize it?  Looks a tad 'factory produced' atm.  Other than that it's a good banner.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Buff Alternates please
« on: April 25, 2012, 05:09:24 pm »
One good thing for sure about the idea of letting Alts access the Market is that it would bring some fluidity.  Right now the Market seems pretty stale.  Hardly anything is moving or being bought compared to just a couple of months ago.  Some Alt fresh meat on the Market would probably give it the jolt it needs.  And of course there would be more reason to play Alts then too.  Currently it just feels like a waste of time to play one.

As for Strat, I'm not sure if it's possible to code it this way, but to avoid allowing multiple characters for one person in Strat as "mains", continue to only allow the actual primary Main to access Strat.  The rest are still just Alts.  However, everytime you log into an Alt to play cRPG, your Main in Strat reaps the benefits just as if you were on your Main in cRPG. 

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How does upkeep work
« on: April 24, 2012, 01:25:48 am »
Siege has the highest probability of getting repairs because the rounds usually last alot longer.
Battle is probably the 2nd highest due to rounds mostly being over within 2 or 3 minutes or even less.
Rageball 3rd (don't even need gear to play really)
Duel has no repairs.
Don't even bother with Defend the Virgin.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Retiring question
« on: April 24, 2012, 01:21:43 am »
Pretty sure it won't let you retire without choosing, but even if it did I'm more sure than you won't be able to keep a point to spend later. =/

Good news is that if you spend a point on something and you change your mind later, you can always trade that item for a different on the Market.

Okay, so doesn't matter who retreats, attacker or defender, either one would be teleported.  And the opposing side gets the % of gear/troops.

Have a situation where a member of a gens fratrem attacked and we're trying to figure the best, easiest way out of it.

Sorry for the necro, but do Attackers and Defenders both get teleported if one retreats?  And in both situations, does the lost gear go to the other side?  Or is just 'lost."

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Nice work on that Hashish banner.  Will be glad to add that to the Arked pack as well.

Diplomacy / Re: Astralis, WtF over?
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:54:58 pm »
Yeah I guess he just didn't realize that we fight for you guys as often as we can (plus you guys have fought in some of ours).  Pretty choosy about who we side with too, pre-Union/DRZ/Hosp invasion anyway.  Lately we've been fighting alongside just about any NA clan vs U/D/H while building a sizeable strikeforce to do the same.

Normally though wouldn't give a damn about attacking most NA or vice versa, but with EU all up in our biz, it's kinda like... why?  When we've got plenty of EU to jump on right here in our backyard.

Arrows did get with me via PM... see if we can work something out.


Edit: Resolved...
And of course, same as always, anytime you guys need extra blades don't forget you can call on swords n' axes of the Snowhawk brethren!

Diplomacy / Nada...
« on: April 22, 2012, 11:01:12 pm »

General Discussion / Re: make me a banner!
« on: April 22, 2012, 10:12:43 pm »
You can use any of the Adobe Photoshop programs, possibly even Elements although I haven't tried that one.  If you don't have access to any of those, you can download and use Gimp for free.
Once you have one of those installed, download this default banner and add/change colors, images, on top of it in layers until you got it like you want it.
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Do anything you want to the surface, but don't change the size if you can help it.
Other tips...
Try to 'distress' it some.  Use 10-20% layer transparency, and/or 10-20% desaturation.  May even wanna use a speckled brush and tear or scratch it a little.
Hit me up anytime if you have any other questions.
Niemand and Overdriven are also good sources to ask about banners.

Big tip.  Never, ever combine your layers or flatten image until you're completely satisfied.  Even then, you may not want to 'save' it flattened.  Flatten to create a .jpg and submit your banner, but save your file as layered so that if you ever want to come back and change something, you don't have to re-work the whole project.

cRPG Technical problems / Speed bug?
« on: April 22, 2012, 04:22:37 pm »
Headed out of the city marching at 28, hit the Quick March and speed dropped to 9.   :D
Gotta luv that.

Anything I can do in the future to avoid that?  Or pretty much just randomly screwed.

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