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Messages - Erasmas

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Epic fail to small clans
« on: March 15, 2014, 11:29:31 pm »

Oh fucking lol, so your telling us how to play strat are you? GO got caught cheating with the whole CD key thing not once.... but twice.
It nearly wiped you off the map last strat round.
And that was when you got caught, god knows how long you manage to fuck a game like this up and cheat cheat cheat to get what you wanted.
Get our shit together? you mean buy tons of CD keys and win? haha!

You know I have been in coalition last round, and I dont hate anyone of the UIF, except GO.
For ruining the game for every one because GO thinks their entitled to cheat in such a small community based game.

"Grey Order was started by one guy"  one guy with many many CD keys for all we know.

I really really do not understand why you would cheat in a modded game like CPRG/strat, whats the enjoyment then? and don't go everyone does, because most do not.

Honestly, its a question i would like to see an answer too.
Is it because exploiting stuff and / or cheating is part of the game for you guys?

Not a single word of what you wrote is true. Enough said.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Epic fail to small clans
« on: March 12, 2014, 11:08:21 am »
To what end? What is the goal? Amassing gold? What is that going to get them other than better gear? They need incentive. Big groups get towns, castles, villages, titles, all kinds of notable stuff.

Grey Order was started by one guy. It took some time and effort to make it visible on the map - to get first village. It took a lot more time and effort to make it a clan that holds a castle. Holding a city was a dream for a long time, and seemed impossible in the world full of Templars, Mercs and other big clans. And there was far less incentives in first iterations of Strat.

It turned out it that things are difficult, but not impossible. Nothing changed in that respect in Strat 5.
Just get your shit together guys.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: DONKEYZ?
« on: March 11, 2014, 01:43:12 pm »
noone forced chadzs to carry stuff yet? really? c'mon guys share the knowledge :) or devs maybe?

Strategus General Discussion / DONKEYZ?
« on: March 10, 2014, 10:03:32 pm »
Did anyone try to use chadz's beloved idols instead of horses to carry goods on Strat 5? Any idea how fast they are? Do they carry crates at all or do you need to drag them behind you all the way? Any (reliable) input will be appreciated....

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Start of the new strat round is glorious:

Joe woke up naked in the middle of a grassy plain. At first he assumed the worst, but his butthole felt normal. He laid back in the tall grass and giggled, a little high from the adrenaline. chadz had started things up agai

I love you Joe, come to EU and marry me  :D

Hell yeah, it's fun to read  :D

I just love this sweet descriptions of the NA-side strat and crpg reality: 

Joe was masturbating in his room. A carrier pigeon landed on window sill, interrupting his happy-time.

Joe put his head between his legs and sucked his own dick. The length of his cock made this maneuver easy.

Joe was jerking off when someone knocked.

 :D :D :D

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: March 05, 2014, 08:37:23 pm »
Guilty as charged:
(click to show/hide)

Hm. Inconclusive IMHO. Not a single decent bottle of vodka there. What the fuck are you guys drinking over there???  :P

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: March 05, 2014, 01:04:12 pm »
Why does the main US astronaut look scared shitless???

Strategus Issues / Re: -2147483646 troops FTW! [Bug report]
« on: March 05, 2014, 11:45:07 am »
Why exactly do you want to know that, Kinn?  :wink:

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Is their a chance?
« on: March 05, 2014, 11:25:25 am »
Wouldn't it be awesome if the ukrainians and poles were not giant pussies this time around and actually fought and beat the russians.  Man, if game world only reflected real life. sigh.

Man, if game world only reflected my real life I would be much deeper in shit than it looks on the battlefield  :D :D :D I'm glad it doesn't  :D

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Druzhina broke Strat
« on: March 05, 2014, 11:19:26 am »
Let us know how it ended.

Unless it ends in changing - to + or meeeega loot - then let ME know  :wink:

EDIT - oh it ended already. I heard that lots of aspen stakes was used...  :D :D

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Suggestion for Strat 6!
« on: March 05, 2014, 05:33:45 am »
What I think: high crime rate makes the the fief undefendable - any troops defenders put there disappear within 24h, i.e. before battle starts . It makes them voulnerable. Then, go get them if you dare! Don't forget to bring loooots of eq with you! After all the idea of the crime was to keep troops in field instead of stacked inside fiefs :)

Seriously? Give it more time. Things haven't settled yet; it is still the beginning of Strat. We will be able to see how it works when all fiefs will be taken. It is too early for a decent, well balanced suggestions.

General Off Topic / Re: Attention Grey Order !!!
« on: March 04, 2014, 11:56:21 pm »
If we weight lives against lives, how many of them has been lost by soft judgement? If there was 10 times more people dead by the hands of a former inmate, than innocent people executed, would that be enough of an argument?

Satius enim esse impunitum relinqui facinus nicentis quam innocentem damnari.

No. The general idea on which the modern criminal law is construed is to make punishment rather swift and unavoidable than harsh. Also, it is not universal truth that all former inmates return to crime. 

Death penalty or any permanent body injury is irreversible. That is why it should not be allowed. Also, (there many researches on that topic) - the death penalty does not prevent crimes, however the swiftness of the punishment does. I believe the societies should strive - permanently -  to perfect the system, to cast the punishment fast, to avoid long criminal procedures, and to show that if someone commits the crime, the punishment is unavoidable. We do not need the death penalty to keep the dangerous people away from society.   

Suggestions Corner / Re: For the ladies! (;
« on: March 04, 2014, 11:30:33 pm »
im sure the c-rpg community can find ways to create "unique" looking faces.  :lol:

Talk to Gnjus :D

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: March 04, 2014, 01:09:29 am »
This whole thread is interesting cause it shows personal political preferences and how they depend on where each and every one of us is from.

We Poles live our history, we are immersed in it, we tend not to forget the past. And as much as I agree with DarkBlade - its pointless to do anything to change the political mind of Polish citizen - I do not think there is a large sentiment in Poland to reverse this past. Majority of people I know - at least these born in old commie times - are just happy that we lucky to live during the longest period without war in the history of Poland.  Because war always means devastation, death and losses. And that is why I personally do worry about events on Ukraine, aside from my personal political likes and dislikes.   

And let's make it straight - it has absolutely nothing to do with Greys. Greys are fighting for Elberl these days. It is just sad that vast majority of Ukrainian guys disappeared from TS. And I hope they will be back soon.

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