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Messages - ArchonAlarion

Pages: 1 ... 38 39 [40] 41
Add in that armor too  :D

Suggestions Corner / Re: Stamina Bar Needed
« on: February 14, 2011, 11:03:35 pm »
The stamina bar is a fine idea.

The problem  is not the shittyness of the stamina bar, but the shittyness of a multitude of other parts of the game, such that sticking a stamina bar in would require vast alterations. Is it possible? Yes.

I hate the weapon speeds in this game, and I also hate the seemingly random applications of knockdown and crushthrough to some weapons, but not to others. I have suggested that all weapons have crushthrough and knockdown with the probability of success being based on weight and str of attacking and defending weapons. Obviously most weapons would have miniscule chances of success, whilst others in the right circumstances would have high chances (Great long bardiche against club). A stamina bar, affected especially by weapon weight, is yet another way to make it work and be "balanced," whatever that even means.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Balance or Authenticity?
« on: February 14, 2011, 10:42:21 pm »
A game can be both authentic and fair. Meaning, weapons and armor can have realistic physics, and the cost of gaining, using, and maintaining those items can be the balancing factor.

I'd rather experience gritty and realistic medieval fighting, than ANOTHER lame-ass rock-paper-scissors.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fatigue bar & Sprint
« on: January 13, 2011, 08:01:46 pm »
I'd like this a lot. Would allow increased stats for some weapons (due to new stamina handicap) and possibly an increase in armor stats especially plate. Also, crush through block could be added to more weapons and they would not be over powered (Higher weight, more crush through, less stamina)

General Discussion / Re: Archers buffed too much
« on: January 13, 2011, 04:38:27 am »
"Balanced" or realistic take your pick. If archers have to be balanced with the other classes than the game will not be representative of medieval warfare and hence will be WoW/checkers/counterstrike. Balance makes games corny in the end.

Spam / Re: Admin abuse against rpers
« on: January 12, 2011, 11:34:14 pm »
sometimes I rp a boisterous traitor to my team and get kicked, I wonder why...

Suggestions Corner / Re: autokick for leechers
« on: January 12, 2011, 06:16:35 am »
The game should not penalize your gold gain because you wore heavy armor and used your weapons. The unrealistic leechers are because of a system that rewards it. Players need more direct influence on their xp and gold gain.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Characters completely broken
« on: January 11, 2011, 09:37:50 pm »
this is really annoying. Please fix this gender switching issue. I want to play with a new name and a different gender.

Announcements / Re: Retirement back, without name change
« on: January 11, 2011, 09:14:52 pm »
So i did the name change, but now I can sign in with both my old name and new name and they both have the same stats and items. BUT i cannot access the chars in game.


edit*: now my old char is gone, but i cannot use my new char in game, although it shows up fine on .net

It was the gender switching bug. Please fix this.

General Discussion / Re: Heirloomed items
« on: January 11, 2011, 08:37:35 pm »
Not only did I heirloom my german poleaxe to heavy, thus making it suck dick, but now I can't even use it and have wasted my heirloom chance.

Thank you chadz.

General Discussion / Re: "Accused of exploiting Awlpikes"
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:10:36 am »
DSM_king is very fast with his awlpike, but so what? You can't ban or kick people for using their weapons effectively, that's a problem with the weapon.

cRPG Technical problems / My broken gear is now available again...
« on: January 11, 2011, 02:06:35 am »
I had a set of plate armor pre-patch.

My cuirass and gloves fully broke and disappeared from my in game and .net selections. I assumed this was supposed to happen.

Now, after the .210 update I can select them in game fully repaired but they don't appear on my .net inventory.

General Discussion / Re: Gold for Kills and damage
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:48:18 pm »
I don't know about some lucky few who can sustain their equipment now, but I'm forced to spend EVEN MORE TIME GRINDING because I can't use the stuff I want to.

Yay running around naked, waiting for my gold to increase!

The new patch (.210) has a different name for the banner files (just "banners_a" now instead of "std_bannners_a"). It would be more convenient if you could change the name in the future, thank you.

Announcements / Re: Version 0.210
« on: January 10, 2011, 10:22:27 pm »
I have the patch, but I still get kicked from the servers? Are the servers outdated still?

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