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Messages - ArchonAlarion

Pages: 1 ... 37 38 [39] 40 41
Historical Discussion / Re: History and Politics
« on: May 04, 2011, 03:40:29 am »
Free trade is not zero-sum. If you willingly enter into an exchange with someone, then you are trading something of less value to you for something of more value. The other party is doing the same.

There is no objective value. Some things like drinking water are popular values, but that is incidental, not some inherent factor of the universe. It could change with technology, for example. All value is subjective and best decided by the individual, not by a self-appointed "caretaker".

So no, pure capitalism is not "win-lose". The injustice you see today is from the remnants of old power structures that parasitically subsist off of the products of free market exchange.

It wouldn't be worth it though if it caused a major split, and resulted in "early medieval" and "late medieval" servers.

Actually, I think this would be pretty cool. In a more advanced game, your equipment would have a tech stat that when added together would be a tech score, and you'd be offered servers with people of similar tech scores. Of course, it would also be popular/possible to enter servers where the tech scores were not accounted for.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Unsheathable weapons slot usage
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:36:00 pm »
Nearly all polearms should be UN-sheathable. Velcro was not invented yet. Short ones (under 120) perhaps yes. This is the limitation of having a big powerful weapon. One of the greatest advantage of swords was that they were easy and safe to carry in a scabbard, unlike a long spear or a poleaxe. Elegant poleaxe, I am looking at you!

Since you have to keep them in hand, it may be reasonable to lower their slot requirement of unsheathable weapons to 1. It will not create melee/ranged hybrids since they have to start with the melee weapon in hand, not the opposite.

I agree, but unsheathable weapons really should not take any slots if slots represent sheathing spots on the body not in the hands



Different kinds of xp that are earned differently and give different benefits.

That way, players chars will evolve based on their play style.

Players who survive long will gain time based xp. This xp gives perks based on camping/sniping/sneaking/etc

Players who are near the action/near teamates killing enemies get proximal xp. No idea really what this would give you perkwise

Players who kill enemies will tend to get a lot of kill based xp. Character buffs


Screw the different kinds of xp, and just gain xp based on time, proximity, and kills.

It's more about playstyle and gamemechanics, historical accuracy is bs, should i remind you that Calradia doesn't exist so it doesn't follow any time line.

Bullets are still on website to promote players to create thread asking why there is bullet.

Firearms would basically use crossbow game mechanics (loading wise), so functionally they would fit in.

Firearms are historically accurate for the time period, so aesthetically they would fit in.

Also, they already have a wpf slot, but it was never used.

The cool thing about m&b for me is being able to experience a medieval battle simulation and because firearms were a part of that, I'd like to see them.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Unsheathable weapons slot usage
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:43:13 am »
I agree. It would be nice if there were left and right hip slots and back slots. Maybe 2 slots on each hip and 3 back slots.

Light polearm - back, 2 slot
Medium polearm - back, 3 slot
Heavy/long polearms - UNSHEATHABLE
2h swords/light - back, 2 slot
2h heavy - back, 3 slot
Bastard weapons - hip/back, 2 slots
1h - hip/back, 1 slot
1h small - hip, free
short bows - back, 1 slot
Large bows - back, 2 slot
crossbows - back, 2 slot
heavy crossbows - back, 3 slot
light thrown - hip, 1 slot
heavy/long thrown - back, 1 slot
bolts ammo - hip, 1 slot
arrows ammo - hip/back, 1 slot
large quiver of bolts/arrows - back, 1 slot
bucklers - hip, 1 slot
shields - back, 1 slot
large shields - back, 2 slot
tower/board shields - back, 3 slot
pavise (if there ever was one) - UNSHEATHABLE

Suggestions Corner / Re: Adding firearms to cRPG
« on: March 31, 2011, 01:30:05 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Early firearms were somewhat similar to shotguns. Often shrapnel was used instead of bullets. They'd generally have less range, lower accuracy, and long reload times.

The implementation of firearms is not the issue. The issue is the rest of the shitty mod, where superhuman stats take advantage of everything and equipment does not do what it does in reality.

Real life is balanced (physics). You don't need to distort the reality of weapons and armor to "create" balance. Manipulation of weapon cost/accessibility is enough if done properly, but of course it is not currently in crpg.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« on: March 08, 2011, 08:17:03 pm »
I really hate how people take chadz word as if he is an omnipotent being; "It didn't work"... "Durr Okay God."

Gold should be based on winning rounds like now and also kills (very small amount for kills), experience based on proximity to the fighting like in the good ole days (i dont remember if kills counted then, but they should).

Looting skill: increases gold for kills

Trade: increases gold per minute OR decreases cost of items

Maybe tactics and training for a similar XP gain.

General Discussion / Re: Disarming
« on: February 20, 2011, 02:51:10 am »
cool idea, but hard to implement. Doesn't mean we shouldn't plan and dream though.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus Tease - v2.0
« on: February 20, 2011, 02:42:26 am »
- villages produce only resources, towns manufacture items from resources, castles produce only troops

do towns produce troops? If not, why not?

- towns next to villages are bad at processing raw materials that are being produced in the village

This seems entirely unintuitive. Shouldn't it be the opposite?

- troops no longer cost money to produce and upkeep, but food

Strange. Why?

I don't play Strategus because I really don't know how, but yeah. Just wondering about these changes because they seem odd.

Beginner's Help and Guides / The Fine Art of Teamkilling
« on: February 20, 2011, 01:36:28 am »
On the Noble and Fine Arte of Teamkilling
By ArchonAlarion

Disclaimer - Like many CRPG players, I have from time to time enjoyed a good brawl with my fellow teammates. In recent days, I have put the practice behind me to hone my lesser skills and avoid banishment from the theaters of war. Team killing is an altogether unchivalrous practice and certainly worthy of exile, but if one is to partake they should do so in such a way as to inspire awe and respect. Thus I do commit to write this article in the hopes that the fine arts of team killing should not fall by the wayside or become overshadowed by well meaning, but uncouth practice.

   When you find yourself in battle, perhaps drunk or bored or spiteful, the natural inclination is to give your unsuspecting brethren a good knocking about. God has gifted the warrior with this peculiar humor so to derive the greatest pleasure from wanton backstabbing, such that no formal division of friend and enemy can match. Whereas the red text in the chatbox formerly invoked shame and sorrow, it now stands as a righteous, bloody testament to the spirit of Mars which hath overtaken thee. With merry glee, you hack ferociously at the napes and chops of those who were unfortunate to have ever wrongly called you friend and ally. As the blood soaks deep into the spawn point soil, more and more enemies with icons above their heads become jealous of your power and resolve to beat you into the firmament. The fighting goes on for what seems like minutes, and the chatbox fills with scorn and impunities upon your character. Fear and doubt descend on you, but be brave warrior; the naysayers are weak and womanly. If you are strong and determined, the regret turns to a divine madness, so driving you to ignore their threats of exile. Fight on soldier, fight in the name of betrayal and rage.
   The slaying of allies upon the fields of battle brings satisfaction unmatched. However, it is known that the art has fallen into disuse and its practice sullied by cheap imitation. It is little understood that teamkilling is an essential aspect of the battlefield; an element of chaos and curiosity. By it, you do everyone on the battlefield a philosophical service; removing the illusion that arbitrary distinctions between friend and foe have any material effect upon your blade. Teammates may even one day thank you for your wisdom and eagerness to teach.
What follows is a guide to artful and respectable teamkilling. In it, you will find the proper arms, forms, and customs of the art. Nevertheless, teamkilling takes practice and ambition. 75% of your methods of success cannot be found in this article; Most of your success is made in the personal touches you bring to the field, as well as an intuition of the time and place to act. Remember this always, and your murderous path will be long and bountiful.

On the various forms
   Unbeknownst to many denizens of our realm, there are many styles of teamkiller, which differ to such an extent that they parallel the “classes” of more chivalrous individuals. It is likely that there are dozens of forms out there in the wide worlde whether currently in practice or tucked away in dusty manuscript. Here I present half a dozen styles that are well known and popular in these lands. Note that no class requires much fighting aptitude. Teamkilling is one of those rare sports where effort is far more important than skill (Skill may even be a detriment in some cases).

The Dastardly Duelist
   Equipment: Melee only
   Playstyle: Kick or punch an ally, draw weapon, salute them, and fight. The duelist should lie in wait for a while before signaling out a promising victim/partner. It is worthwhile to continue fighting the same individual over the course of one or perhaps several rounds.
   Perks: Especially fun when raging. Great when your partner thinks you have finally backed off only to relocate them in the middle of a melee. A duel is never truly over once begun.
   Issues: May be hard to find a suitable partner, may devolve into Bezerker class (see below).

The Brazen Brawler
   Equipment: Nothing
   Playstyle: Punching and kicking rampage. You should never focus on a single victim for too long.
   Perks: Humorous and seemingly innocent, so banishment is rare. Also, you may convert some allies to your cause.
   Issues: The lack of red text in the chatbox may be disappointing. Lifespan will often be short.

The Belligerent Bezerker
   Equipment: Nothing worn, Big two hander
   Playstyle: Similar to Brawler, but it is okay to chase down a victim if you are so inclined.
   Perks: Arguably the most exciting and frequently experienced teamkiller class. Lots of red chatbox text. May derail an entire battle if successful.
   Issues: Very high risk of banishment

The Secret Spartan
   Equipment: Any
   Playstyle: Approach a victim on the edge of a high wall or cliff. Get into position and given them a good kick off your wall. May be worthwhile to shout “THIS…IS… SPARTA!”, but note that no one will hear you.
   Perks: Doesn’t alert the system that you are teamkilling and can be considered a higher form of pleasure, distinct from the other classes. Good for Sieges.
   Issues: May be challenging to find a suitable victim, victim will be more determined to ban you because they fear you’ll get away with it.

The Sneaky Sniper
   Equipment: Bow or crossbow (bow preferable due to lower damage)
   Playstyle: Find a hidden spot, high up and away from hot spots. Locate a victim and send your arrows into their flesh. Make sure to hide or migrate if they are on to you. Worthwhile not to kill your victims outright, as it will lengthen your sniping spree. Act like you are diligently shooting the enemy if spotted.
   Perks: Sneakery, mind games, etc.
   Issues: Not a whole lot of red text, may be considered “too easy”

The Chortling Charger
   Equipment: A horse (preferably a charger)
   Playstyle: Now that teammates can be horse-bumped, it is your sacred duty to explore this aspect of the mod. Do not attack with weapons, but trying to punch your victim as you ride past is a worthy endeavor.
   Perks: Feels like you’re on a high horse. Easy to get out of arms reach.
   Issues: You will quickly become infamous due to the acreage of your offenses. Need a horse.

On Garb
   To be a respectable teamkiller requires a suitable wardrobe. The first thing to know is that heavy armor is almost always unacceptable. Your outfit should be humorous to oneself and shame inducing towards your victims, but not necessarily effective. Bridal gowns are excellent, as well as dresses, cloth shirts, robes, and pilgrim disguises. For footwear, none, excepting bride shoes. Hands are best uncovered, although a bezerker may want to consider gauntlets of some kind for aesthetic purposes. Helmets are really where you can go to town because any is acceptable. Overall, your clothing should make a statement not only about who you are, but also about who your victims are.

On time and place
   Timing is of course a key issue for any would be teamkiller. Particularly, what battles to refrain from offending and what battles to go at it. Basically, the more players care about winning a battle the funnier your betrayal will be, but also the briefer it will be. Select battles according to your tastes in that regard, but beware of admins as their powers of banishment are unrivaled. Sieges are great for teamkilling because of the respawn, which means more offending and a lower risk of banishment (due to players caring less about dying). Note that teamkilling in a duel server is fruitless. Many ignorant practitioners of the art have garnered only disappointment from such endeavors.
   An especially rewarding romp can be had on Native servers. The natives are primitive and unskilled, perhaps even sub human. It is your right as a member of the CRPG realm to stomp out these barbarian infidels, and you will possibly be thanked for it. Remember this: teamkilling a native player is not murder; it is the path to heaven.

   When threatened with banishment, to not stray from your duty. Instead, continue with a twofold deliberation. You may find it easier to turn off the chatbox, so that when your banishment comes it will be swift and painless, without doubts about karma plaguing your mind as your victims and their cronies jeer.
   When banishment does come, do not fear. Your faith will be rewarded by your victim’s butthurt and solace may be taken in this. Lay low for a few days and return to wreak havoc once again.

Teamkiller’s Honor
   If there is one principle in the teamkiller’s ethical code, which must be obeyed at all times it is this: Thou shalt not attack the enemy. The enemy is only a distraction to your higher pursuits. Do not engage both the enemy and your allies once your teamkilling has begun. If you do, you are simply an asshole worthy of no respect. The true teamkiller is utterly dedicated to their art.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Stamina Bar Needed
« on: February 19, 2011, 12:22:31 am »
@Formless: I think many individuals have trouble understanding that people may make suggestions for a reason other than their personal difficulties in game. A stamina bar would  be great, and it's definitely possible. There are enjoyable games that are more complex than mount and blade, it just comes down to intuitiveness and realism for any additional mechanics to work.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Can we please fix throwing?
« on: February 15, 2011, 04:21:41 pm »
Some dmg could be tweaked down, BUT by far the biggest problem is the quantity of ammo.

Basically, ammo for throwing should be halved. Some exceptions might exist.

General Discussion / Re: Bezerker
« on: February 15, 2011, 04:01:07 pm »
I only suggested points in iron flesh because I assumed people would be miffed if I didn't. personally, I never take ironflesh for any of my chars.

As for the historical accuracy, I figured the thread creator's vision of a bezerker was more cinematic.

New build:

Level 31 (8 892 403 xp)

Strength: 21
Agility: 21

Hit points: 56

Converted: 12

Ironflesh: 0
Power Strike: 7
Shield: 0
Athletics: 6
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0

Weapon Master: 7

One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 165
Polearm: 1
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

General Discussion / Re: Bezerker
« on: February 15, 2011, 01:39:53 am »
Level 31 (8 892 403 xp)

Strength: 21
Agility: 21

Hit points: 60

Converted: 12
Ironflesh: 2
Power Strike: 7
Shield: 0
Athletics: 5
Riding: 0
Horse Archery: 0
Power Draw: 0
Power Throw: 0
Weapon Master: 6

One Handed: 1
Two Handed: 157
Polearm: 1
Archery: 1
Crossbow: 1
Throwing: 1

Naked with biggest 2h axe you can get.

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