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Messages - Asheram

Pages: 1 ... 378 379 [380] 381 382 383
Announcements / Re:
« on: March 19, 2013, 08:32:51 am »
This game is such a joke. Spend 90+ hours to get a +3 item then they nerf it and your left with a useless piece of shit. Then they ask you for money to create a new shitty game so that they can do the same thing. This is probably the most retarded game I have ever played. Sure most games have there flaws but at least for the most part they are fair and consistent. I feel sorry for all you fools who gave your hard earned money to this rabble, you would have been better off burning it and heating your home. Wave goodbye to your "investment" and enjoy having chadz shit all over you in years to come.
All I can an say is I am glad I didnt buy into that new game crap.If they are going to bait you with a weapon that you think you can keep your build alive with then nerf it to be pretty much the same as knightly arming sword but 2000 more in cost and not refund looms spent in it after said nerf well I guess I am the idiot but hey will be an idiot with my money(my real life money) still in my pocket.
They need to make some better 0 slot shields if they arent going to readjust for 1h/shield xbow use.

Announcements / Re:
« on: March 05, 2013, 04:13:44 am »

New Horses!

1h buffed (and awesome new items)!

Archery nerfed, so much weight!  -> but they can carry 2 quivers cuz 0 slot 1h weapons.

Xbows are 2 slot...but dont worry LOTS of 1h are 0 slot now!

Some weapons slightly nerfed!

Daggers/Knives buffed!
Name me 1 1h weapon that is 0 slot and long enough to use from a horse?And even with your reasoning then it shouldnt be a problem giving out free respec or giving looms back that where spent on items that just ruined builds.I mean damn my 15/18 build really was that big of a threat?I build that way because I cant stand to be all ranged for a whole gen or all melee so I chose a gimped hybrid build that can do some of both and this just screwed the build I have used for 20 gens.

Announcements / Re:
« on: March 05, 2013, 03:25:58 am »
lol,you didnt hurt the dedicated hx with light xbow being 2slots really sure he will have a few less bolts to shoot but you sure did shut down the hybrid way to go.

Closed Requests / Re: please unban
« on: December 09, 2012, 10:49:49 pm »
You were kicked the first time for being the last player alive, naked without a weapon, running way far off along the edge of the map on NA1.
You came back in, I was told by someone in TS you still were naked without a weapon.
The next round started, went to spec you and you were still naked without a weapon.
I gave you a warning asking you to switch to spectator (mid-round) and spawn with a weapon during the next round or you would be banned for leeching.
You spawned in the next round, with a solid few minutes to equip a stick at the very least, naked without a weapon.

The whole time you were making comments about how the pink text makes you feel special, so you were very much aware of the warning I'd JUST given you.

I want to be accountable as well, so if another admin can jump in and give their say/post logs/etc, it'd be appreciated!
Sorry, I just retired and was a bit aggravated about screwing up my name plus was a bit intoxicated.I assure you I wasnt hiding I just forgot I have to set my gear because my saved gear wasnt usable at my level.And I guess you did give a warning but like I said I was a bit drunk I apologize.

Closed Requests / please unban
« on: December 09, 2012, 02:16:59 pm »
ok sry for posting in the wrong forum this is my 1st time dealing with crap like this
I just retired,made my name wrong to asheram the skillles forgot an s - that is what is on my mind-log on get kicked for no weapon with no warning by jeade get banned by same admin really- I dont cause trouble  here

General Discussion / Re: so i am banned
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:36:18 am »

General Discussion / so i am banned
« on: December 09, 2012, 11:27:54 am »
sry wrong forum

Ingame like in warband. Just create the same characters again with the same names (only the names and gender have to be the same, no matter their look).
Lol I forgot that part.Sorry davooq.

General Discussion / Re: Did they change how xbows shoot?
« on: June 09, 2012, 10:16:20 pm »
Finally justice. Bolts are as easy to see as arrows. Or rather... as hard.
It's a shame some people took their time making all their range ammo in fancy colors, so they noticce it easily, whereas normal people can't see them at all in long distance.
As much as cheating as thoses people who switched to transparent the leaves of the trees and the bushes.
Thats why there needs to be fire arrows,then all can see them =p.

Just download the game and mod on the computer you want to play them on.

General Discussion / Re: Really? Spam Filter includes QQF?
« on: June 09, 2012, 10:00:25 pm »
Yeah whistles and screams (QQV) doesn't fill up the screen.

Goddamn anti-fun old my old friends.
I dont have a problem with whistles and screams they dont fill up the screen as you said but command spam does and qmv turns everything off,even the helpful stuff.IMO they should just remove the chat portion of voice commands,and let muting the player mute just their spam not have to turn it ALL off to do so.

General Discussion / Re: Really? Spam Filter includes QQF?
« on: June 09, 2012, 09:21:19 pm »
Less work for admins would be just advising people to QMV in the server if they hate voice commands, and ctrl shift m for chat spam...surely.
I dont hate voice commands,I hate meaninglessly spammed voice commands which fill up the entirety of the left side of my screen and I shouldn't have to turn all of them off because some like to misuse the feature.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Exclusive banner issue?
« on: June 07, 2012, 02:12:38 am »
You upload a PNG with 132x340 pixels like these. The banners gets automatically updated through the crpg launcher.
I won a banner a few days ago but didnt make a clan til after I won it and it wont let me upload one,is there any way to fix this?I still have the auction won message in my inbox as proof.

"Marketplace auction #669 won

You have won the auction #669 with the highest bid of 32001 gold. The exclusive banner was assigned to your clan. The remainder of your deposit was transferred to you."

General Discussion / Re: The new shouts are all well and good
« on: June 03, 2012, 02:38:22 am »
+1 and even all voice commands should have a cooldown, but less than 10 second, more like 2 to 5 seconds.
I dont mind the vocal even if it is spammed,I do however hate the command spam as it fills up chat and when it gets out of hand the entire left side of my screen.They need to remove commands from chat and just leave the vocal part of them IMO.

I think you just made the clan after the purchase of slots  :P
I just made that mistake. :oops:

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