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Messages - ArchonAlarion

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39 ... 41
General Discussion / Re: Game crash on server entrance
« on: May 22, 2011, 06:17:14 am »
So basically now I just have to recreate my chars' faces? Annoying, but thanks for the help guys.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: All X-Bows Should be Two Slots
« on: May 22, 2011, 06:02:46 am »
okiedokie  :)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: All X-Bows Should be Two Slots
« on: May 22, 2011, 05:41:16 am »
You honestly think that making plate more realistically impenetrable than it is now when one can make a heavily ironfleshed, power strike happy strength build would be offset simply by the fact that armor costs alot? With as broken as that build would be, people with such a set up would win so often and hold onto a multiplier so often that upkeep would be totally neutralized.

I believe that armor should be buffed and base health significantly nerfed. I also dislike the current gold gain system. Buffing plate armor is not the sole change I'd like to see  and I agree that it alone would "Unbalance" the game.

Suggestions Corner / Re: (Skill) Add Engineering Skill
« on: May 22, 2011, 05:34:46 am »
Engineering should not affect crossbow use directly *(I wouldn't particularly mind it, but I don't believe its necessary).

However, the play style of a dedicated crossbowmen complements the use of defensive siege equipment and sieges in general. I can imagine a crossbow player spending their extra skill points (They need less skill for their weapon than other classes) in engineering for the use of siege equipment. This also benefits their team making dedicated crossbowmen-engineers a sort of siege oriented sniper-support class.

The difficulty of siege equipment should be based  on engineering.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: All X-Bows Should be Two Slots
« on: May 22, 2011, 05:12:43 am »
The idea behind the the armor vs plate video is that despite being within the guaranteed kill zone of the bow, it was completely neutralized by the  heavily defended plate of the armor. I didn't even go into the fact that plate armor was practically sword proof unless one was using a tapered blade or something akin to a Halberd. It is still up for debate, but Plate armor is largely viewed as being damn near impenetrable to arrows and bolts 8/10 times. Does that sound like a fair example of realism to base a game off of?

Yeah, it does. Unfortunately m&b cannot account for spots of thinner armor and gaps in armor. That being said, plate should cost a lot of gold and be well protective. At a certain cost, a player cannot maintain plate armor, thus limiting its usage.

Also, the point behind the Xbow vid was that it was shown to be impractical in almost every sense when compared to the long bow. The Velocity wasn't really much greater in most cases, and when it was, it took near 30 seconds to reload a single shot, giving it no mobility and making it a terrible weapon in any environment other than a heavily fortified wall. A crossbow of similar firing rate to it's bow counterpart was virtually inferior to it in every way.

So why was the crossbow so widely used in the middle ages? Because it was easy to use.

A truly realistic medieval combat simulation would be just that, a simulation. It would no longer really be a video game. It would be like comparing piloting in a flight simulator to the piloting one does in one of the battle field games. I'd love to see a medieval combat simulator, even if done in mount and blade; but DON'T try and bring it into CRPG, it simply would not work.

As long as the game fairly awards gold and that there is a cost to using better equipment, then I think there will be balance. Balance should be thought of as an accidental state, rather than some goal when comparing weapons. The purpose of gold is to close the gap.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: All X-Bows Should be Two Slots
« on: May 22, 2011, 04:46:38 am »
Don't take my word for it.

I don't understand this video's relevance. If a longbow propelled arrow from distance x can penetrate plate armor y, than I would hope it would be reflected accurately in Crpg. Whether the video experiment accurately simulates the physics of medieval combat/armor/weaponry is another matter.


This video seems to support my argument.

Realism is also a slippery slope. If we are going to talk realism, then why don't we add a stamina system like in AOC? While we are at it why don't we add misfires?

Why don't also have it set up to where a lone long pike man rather stopping plated chargers singlehandedly breaks both of his arms from the sheer impact of such a massive armored beast coming at him when he tries to stab it?

It would be neat if these things were added to the game.

Reality has a nasty habit of being terribly unbalanced more often than not.

Physics is perfectly balanced if you catch my drift. The average combat utility difference between two items is difficult to calculate. Gold cost is the way that this gap can be bridged (under a fair gold gaining system).

@Tydeus: Machine guns are not in the game  for the purposes of aesthetics. Imo, there are enough fanciful, cartoony "balanced" games out there; I would like to see a realistic medieval combat simulation.

Should a naked man throwing rocks be "balanced" against a knight on horseback? Where do you draw the line?

Game Balance Discussion / Re: All X-Bows Should be Two Slots
« on: May 22, 2011, 04:16:22 am »
It's been said time and again, realism will NEVER be a good way to balance a game.

A lot of things are said time and again. Why should I believe you? What is your criteria for balance?

What is more balanced than reality?

Moar plate

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Horses have no natural predators
« on: May 22, 2011, 03:22:36 am »
The counter against cavalry is teamwork and battlefield awareness. Cavalrymen are dashing individualists who play mind games with the little guys  :D. Their mentality is on a higher plane than the infantry because the range of their movement is greater (They see the big picture of the battlefield). Infantrymen should generally lose to horseman one on one. If the infantry players moved in tighter formations, then cav would be less of an issue.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Back Sheaths for 2 slots + poll
« on: May 22, 2011, 03:08:26 am »
Mountnhoof, I agree.

Even though I mostly play as a polearm specialist, I'd like to see them become unsheathable-1 slot for realism and balance purposes.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: All X-Bows Should be Two Slots
« on: May 22, 2011, 03:00:45 am »
IRL, crossbows require less exertion and training to use, than bows. Longbowmen were so strong that their left arms developed bone spurs, but a relative weakling could use a crossbow. Because they are mechanically drawn, the strength of the user does not effect the speed or power of the bolt. Aiming would require some training, but less than a bow where fatigue worsens aim when holding the drawn bow (as seen in the game).

Crossbows niche should be a ranged weapon that does not have skill requisites to use. They are slow to reload, and their gold expense should balance any stat-based advantage they have over bows.

In an ideal Crpg, I'd imagine dedicated crossbowmen as a sniper class. They would rely more on gold than xp (Think italian mercenary cliche). Peasant levies would enjoy sacrificing some armor/melee wpn gold for a pricey crossbow instead because of the low requirements to use. Wealthy melee infantry with some item spots to spare might take a crossbow to a siege. Basically, the way they were used irl, making an intriguing simulation of medieval warfare rather than another boring rock-paper-dildo.

General Discussion / Re: Game crash on server entrance
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:38:16 am »

I would like to play Crpg again at some point, so i can grind my masterwork german poleaxe back, now that I've lost it to another bug.

cRPG Technical problems / Re: Restoring sold items
« on: May 22, 2011, 02:36:27 am »
This sucks. Now my main char has no heirloomed items.


Suggestions Corner / Re: Chariots
« on: May 21, 2011, 09:07:20 pm »
chariots would need to be greatly slowed by uneven terrain. Too bad m&b doesn't have a vehicle system like in modern fps, so chariots could tip.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Chariots
« on: May 21, 2011, 08:51:20 pm »
Slow horse manouver, increase price.

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