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Messages - Bjord

Pages: 1 ... 346 347 [348] 349 350 ... 352
Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 20, 2011, 04:13:27 pm »
You say one thing, then do another.

Hard for us to know your intentions that way, no ;)?

But if you love us so much then make a thread about it, and stop flooding this one :x.

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 20, 2011, 03:55:14 pm »
Muffin if you reroll as melee (because let's face it, archer is not your thing :p), I think you'd have bigger chances.

So if you don't get in now, wait another 1-2 weeks while rolling melee and re-apply. I'm sure everyone will have different opinions by then.

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 20, 2011, 01:41:50 pm »
(click to show/hide)
Those girls are ignorant, they know nothing of manly beards!

General Discussion / Re: they cant fight against you,so they ban you
« on: January 20, 2011, 01:25:25 pm »
He's saying:

Some noobs ragepoll him and it passes, what will he do to prevent it from happening?

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 20, 2011, 01:05:26 pm »
On what part exactly ? It's not my fault you people can't read and comprehend i don't think i insulted anyone here but have it your way, i will stay away from your thread from now on.

No one said you were insulting people, that's beside the point. It's your attitude that is the problem. Noc told you off already (Don't be so obnoxious), and I have reasons to agree with him. But I only say this because I'd like to spare you from more negative attention.

I don't know any simpler way to say this than "Just relax and it sorts itself out". I hope you see this.

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:58:28 pm »
Pully, you need to let that beard grow! LET IT FREEEEE!!!

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:55:32 pm »
I apologize beforehand for this double post, but I feel it's needed for setting the tone in this post.

I'd like to urge most of you involved in the minor dramas to take a step back and calm down.

Gnjus: Seriously, man. Shape up. I hold in you the greatest of respects, and always have. But lately you've turned into a sour person, and my patience is getting stretched with you. I don't want to tell you off either, so I'll just carefully suggest that you reconsider before you say anything that can be interpreted as negative. Please, and thank you. (Keep raging at archers though, always amusing ;) ).

Michael: As of now, I wouldn't really say that you're one of the most liked guys on cRPG. Personally, I have no reason to hold a grudge against you. But when you come into our territory and act all high and mighty, the consequences (will never be the same!) will be no one's fault but yours. Either get out or change your attitude considerably.

To the rest of you: I know I'm not perfect either, I rage a lot and I complain a lot. But I never do it out of spite or out of hatred towards someone. I've noticed a lot of bad attitudes in some people (whom I will not name), almost xenophobic-like attitudes. And if you feel that this part of my post fits in on you then reflect on this: Is it really worth spending all that time on negative energy? Don't be so judgmental, have some empathy. The internet is already harsh enough, no need to follow that precedent.

I hope you understand this post, and that is was for no other reason than to loosen the situation up.

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:35:44 pm »
Yaron, there is no reason to even remotely doubt Lizard_Man. Big +1 to Lizard_Man, competent cav, competent infantry. You helped level my alt yesterday by doing your job, so another +1 for that. Pippi Longstocking thanks you.

And a note for the future, Lizard. When you feel your schedule has calmed down and you have more spare time, come practice with me and others on manual blocking. Cyber is also a very competent 1hander and I reckon the two of you could spar. Manual blocking, regardless if you're a shielder, will let you develop more dynamically in your maneuvering skills.

+1 for Muffin, once again. Most of you seem to disagree that he doesn't belong, however. I find it questionable, and would debate it but being the carefree guy that I am I shall refrain.

If you don't get in, Muffin, Ninja could use some better players. Their current reputation is saddening : P.

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:24:23 pm »
He knows how to seduce other guys in the gym....i recon that's sort of a skill......   :wink:

Good point!

General Discussion / Re: Lorne's Napoleon Complex
« on: January 20, 2011, 12:22:51 pm »
I wonder if this over zealousness is a trend in NA admins or just a complete coincidence.

Devilize banning people for accidental tks and other minor stuff (But contrary to his fellow NA he unbans them with a "play nice and follow rules").

Garguro being Garguro (we don't need to go into specifics). But at least he keeps his server clean of annoying kids so +1 to that.

And now Lorne. Another popular figure associated with this type of controversy.

By the way don't get me wrong I'm not criticizing, I'm merely fascinated by all of this. It's very exotic to me (and I imagine to others also (See: Murmillus), since in EU we only have Wooki (possibly Lilith, but Lilith is only an over zealous goody-two-shoes, not a tyrant like Wooki).

Cheers NA, thanks for setting the standards!

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:57:47 pm »
Haha, Bouli I like your name ;D.

Good choice on joining Pecores, nothing wrong with being French! (:lol: :lol: :lol:)

See you on the battlefield indeed!

Faction Halls / Re: Mercenaries [Recruitment ON]
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:32:10 pm »
Xant you'll get used to it. Olwen calls me a noob the whole time, but when he dies it's because he  had the sun in his eyes :lol:.

So Xant is in! Congratulations, Xant!

Although if it was up to me you'd be in long before.  :|

Announcements / Re: Version 0.211 => 0.212
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:52:12 pm »
Archers are fine, you just need to adapt.

Spam / Re: The official cRPG post a god damned pic of yourself topic!
« on: January 18, 2011, 07:18:05 pm »
You know, you have the figure of a Greek God. Do you have any useful skills, though?

Who? Balton?


General Off Topic / Re: THE anime thread
« on: January 18, 2011, 05:19:56 pm »
I disagree I say berserk is the best anime I have ever seen, hands down.

That avatar is from a Hentai, wtf. :x

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