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Messages - ArchonAlarion

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Increase IF to 3 hp per lvl
« on: May 26, 2011, 08:05:53 pm »
For me its high. IF is the first skill I'll sacrifice for some other skill I want. I'd rather just get used to not letting myself be hit as much.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Increase IF to 3 hp per lvl
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:55:11 pm »
Yep. I usually take 0 IF or 6 IF.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:51:59 pm »
If it isn't based on realism then what is our reference point for determining the nature of any item?

If throwing was (correctly) designed as a secondary weapon, it would naturally find a niche within certain builds (light infantry, cavalry). Shields are a secondary item too; some builds need them more (light to medium armored infantry, heavy cavalry, besiegers). If throwing difficulty was strength based, I think some builds would take throwing and others would not. It wouldn't be a chuck-fest, though.

Builds should arise naturally instead of force fitting some dungeons and dragons class system on the game. Throwing is cool and sometimes useful, but not as a primary class. Once the stats reflect reality, gold cost should be adjusted and throwing can be a cheap option for certain builds to increase their versatility.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Increase IF to 3 hp per lvl
« on: May 26, 2011, 07:33:10 pm »
Keep IF the same, but nerf base health. This way, armor will matter more and so will each additional IF point.

The basis for the exclusion of firearms seems to be pop culture assumptions about medieval warfare.

Firearms were a part of medieval warfare. We already have the armor and weapons of the era when firearms were used. Also, there  is an unused wpf slot for firearms already coded in the game.

The arguments used for the exclusion of firearms can thus be applied to ANY item type, making it a purely arbitrary and nonsensical.

Plate armor should be more protective than it is now (against swords and other weapons which could rarely penetrate it), but firearms are of course the perfect counter to plated soldiers. Firearms are not as cost effective against fast, lightly armed soldiers; here, bows will be more effective due to their range and firing rate.

The more knights the enemy brings, the more guns you bring. Reality has its own balance, but this is constantly forgotten by the anti-realism league.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Firebomb
« on: May 26, 2011, 01:07:46 am »
Make them 2 ammo per slot and pretty expensive; no damage, just smoke.

If they did do damage, I'd say 1 per slot and very expensive.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: May 26, 2011, 12:55:54 am »
Historically speaking, throwing weapons have been used extensively well up until medieval ages. A javelin for example could pierce heavy armour, you also gotta remember that historically speaking no one was going to survive a javelin to the abdomen, or a 2h sword would not be able to wield a sword over his head rapidly swinging it around (a.k.a feinting), He would lose balance and get killed, they were very much a weapon used for crushing through formations. This is a game and if you want to take throwing weapons down to reality, you'd have to bring bows, 2h weapons, polarms and horses to it too. Then whining would occur. Throwers worked, people whined cause they didnt have the foresight to put a couple of points into shield and then just ran around with 2h's, no shield and whined more because a class had taken advantage of their bad choice :P Sadly there are a lot of 2h's who are very skilled with their weapons, unrealistically swinging it round like a nun-chuck, who can't accept it when players wisely choose to take advantage of their lack of shield :D

Throwing weapons should be common enough, but not useful enough to be considered "primary" weapons.

Should there be an "Unarmed" class too (With spiked gauntlets, kung fu, "powerfist", etc), just because we can conceive it as a distinct playstyle? No. Sometimes, weapons have limited uses. Throwing is one of them. It is a supplement to a melee soldier's combat versatility, not an effective style by itself.

Do you happen to be playing a "friendly archer"?

One of my alts (Dirty_Drop) is a low level archer, but I prefer polearm/melee builds.

The cure is to make the difficulty of throwing (and all weapons for that matter) based on strength. That way, throwing will still be realistically limited in effectiveness (as it should!), but more people will take throwing weapons to hurl at the enemy before charging into the fray.

Scene Editing / Re: Battle: Twin Peaks
« on: May 25, 2011, 06:44:09 pm »
Sick map. Although, I prefer more historical maps, I don't mind the occasional fantastic one and this one looks so cool.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: May 25, 2011, 05:20:49 pm »
Historically speaking  a durp a durpa video game, guy wearing samurai armor using medieval European weapons hurp hurp realism.

There is a difference between what actually happened and what is physically possible. It is not physically possible for throwing weapons to be as effective as you would wish them.

Throwing weapons do not naturally make a primary "class" so to speak. They are more like pistols or grenade launchers in Call of Duty (I play on occasion); they supplement a melee fighter's combat versatility. It should be possible to be a dedicated thrower, but this should come with the disadvantages of using weapons that have limited battlefield usage/effectiveness.

The other problem is the skill system. The reason my melee chars do not use throwing is not because throwing has been nerfed or anything, but simply because I do not have the powerthrow to use them. The difficulty of all weapons should be based on strength.

Then you will begin to see throwing as it should be; a supplementary weapon that many melee fighters will take to increase their versatility.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: RIP Dedicated throwing
« on: May 25, 2011, 05:13:27 pm »
Oh they're allowed.  As long as they're complete feeble-armed weakling pieces of vile shit befitting the nature of their playstyle.

ahaha +1

Scene Editing / Re: NA Siege map removals?
« on: May 25, 2011, 03:58:37 am »
I also love helms deep attacking/defending

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:56:34 am »
Historically, throwing weapons had limited usage. Making an entire class around them and forcing it to be equivalent to the other artificial classes is what you are suggesting. Imo, this will slowly ruin the game until it is no longer recognizable as mount and blade, but instead as a goofy-ass reincarnation of mainstream sock-raper-schizo mmorpg.

I love the comics though  :D

Suggestions Corner / Re: Bounty System
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:48:10 am »
Dune +1

Game Balance Discussion / Re: All X-Bows Should be Two Slots
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:45:45 am »
First of all, this argument isn't the same as my argument, at all. If you're actually talking skill points, then simply because of game mechanics, you'd never even be able to equip the weapon, thus it's essentially not in game. Second, gold has no relation to ones character aside from a mild increase in the average amount of gold one has, per gen of one's character. Skills on the other hand, are obtained through levels and are limited in supply. Gold has no cap. Because skills are limited, if you pump all of your skills into one thing, you're nerfing your character in several different aspects. There is no comparison here for gold.

Currently, yes you are right about gold being relatively unlimited. Would you agree that gold gain could be modified to make what I'm describing possible?

I kind of agree with the emboldened statement, it would indeed be nice not being confined to one playstyle. This is an "rpg" though, so classes will be inevitable. Without classes, crpg would truly be native, but with more equipment.

Native also has classes, sorta (infantry, archer, cavalry). I don't understand why a "role-playing" game needs to have rigid classes though. Classes will come about naturally. Like I said, the skill system would need to be changed, however unlikely that is.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Web GUI / New Heirloom Models
« on: May 25, 2011, 02:16:34 am »
Hey Final_Boss, would you want to remake some of the standard models too? Some just look crappy, others like the three sets of churburg plate can be redone for your heirloom models. The gold/chainmail churburg already can work as the lordly version I mean.

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