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Messages - Keshian

Pages: 1 ... 323 324 [325]
General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:50:44 pm »
Yes, with 6-7 riding easily possible to many cav members the horse charge has become insta-kill witht he speed bonus.  Maybe lower the charge damage, or the speed boost from the riding skill, or just switch it back to 6 agility requirment.

General Discussion / Re: Fix list
« on: January 05, 2011, 07:49:15 pm »
The upkeep system should just be a steady rate like a % of the cost of your equipment per round or per minute (like 2-4%), which would still limit the sue of high end equipment, but its predicatbility would prevent the current rash of lsoing teams switching to crap gear and losing all 5 rounds because the alternative is to to treat the game like agamble or poker game with a chance for a huge expense.  Consistency would be much more useful and also easier to tweak in the long run to get the right amount of upkeep to limit excessive tin cans and plated chargers.

Does anyone have any feedback when this will be added back into the web site?  I meet all the requirements but nothing is showing.  Are we reset a whole week again starting from the day of the patch, because that would make no sense?

General Discussion / Re: Archery Help?
« on: January 05, 2011, 06:26:48 pm »
Level 40 is unattainable. My main started at level 31, will be lucky in 3 months to get to level 34-35.  Also wpf starts becoming incredibly expensive around 150.  I was doing okay with positive k/ds with my archer alt, but its frightfully boring and feels arcadish the style of shooting.  Will keep the alt, but my main is probably going cav/shielder as they have no reasonable counter now with 6-7 riding even polearmers ahve trouble so this is the best build if you want to help your clan on strategus.

General Discussion / Re: can we still retire?
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:35:56 pm »
They should check this, but is it possible a new week strated rolling for every charcater as soon as the new patch came out?  It would be kind of annoying to have to wait a whole nother week tor etire after already waiting a week.

General Discussion / Re: Repair poll
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:34:15 pm »
Make it a conssitent 2-4% of your equipment cost every round, instead of this randomized guessing game.  As it is now people all go to low end equipment when their team starts losing becasue the 25% of any one expensive weapon/horse/etc. could be devastating.  If you amke it a consistent rate there would be far elss motivation to switch up gear when you are on losing team because you have predictable losses.

The main problem is this makes spawn raping even more likely a way to win rather than real fighting.  You keep killing them so they spawn slower so you can camp their spawn.  What we really need is random spawn points within a general area so spawn camping doesnt happen anymore as its a ridicilous game engine way of winning rather than actual fighting.  Right now main strategy in most fights is to spawn camp which is silly and not at all realistic.

Contact Name on Forum: Keshian
Name of Character: Kesh_BRD
Sub-categories and division: Melee(a-1, b-1), Ranged(d-1,e-1), j-1, k-1

EU3?  Any possibility for NA duel server?

Faction Halls / Re: [BRD] The Bridgeburners (Taking Volunteers)
« on: January 03, 2011, 09:22:23 pm »
One of the coolest clans to be a part of, lot of fun with a bunch of the most entertaining players in cRPG.

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