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Messages - ArchonAlarion

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Announcements / Re: Official Item Survey Result Data & More (OISRDM)
« on: June 02, 2011, 01:22:35 am »
Armor wasn't counted though, hmm.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add over head spear attack (with shield)
« on: June 02, 2011, 01:16:05 am »
I would really like to see spears get more variety in their attacks. The attack should have a spd/range penalty, but can get over low walls and teamates (useful for shieldwall/DTV).

One issue though, this overhead spear attack is blocked by an up block? I think that is inconsistent with the rest of the game and silly. 2H sword stabs would basically be coming from a similar angle, yet they are still downblocked, as are all thrusts. The up block is for defense against an attack swinging down on your head.

I would like to see this, but not if it is up-blocked.

Also, I think there should be an animation for two handing an over head thrust, with a pike for instance.

Imo, the more options the better. It is true that there is hardly any renaissance clothing.

*camels too!

** and Donkeys!!!!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Suggestions to re-balance throwing.
« on: June 01, 2011, 06:25:42 pm »

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: June 01, 2011, 02:30:30 pm »
I doubt anyone will trade 2-slot sheathable sword for a 0-slot unsheathable one. What build will use this?
I'd also strongly support any suggestion to make all long 2H weapons unsheathable and made 0-slot as well.

You may be misunderstanding what I said. I meant that if the only reason why unsheathable polearms were 0 slot is because they are entirely held in hand, then any other weapon should have the option to be entirely held in hand (never sheathed) and thus cost 0 slots.

In other words, what is the difference between an unsheathable pike and a 2H sword that you happen to never sheath? Both should be taking up 0 slots if the slots are reasoned to be non-hand held storage places on the char's body. Unfortunately, 2H swords must take up slots for the potential that they will be sheathed at some point.

I'd support unsheathable polearms being 1 slot to be consistent with the logic of the other weapons' slot values.

*edit: Ugh, reading your post again I realized I interpreted "I'd also strongly support any suggestion to make all long 2H weapons unsheathable and made 0-slot as well." as you being of like mind to make polearms (long 2H weapons) 0 slot, but now I think you might have meant the longest of the weapons using 2H proficiency, rather than weapons actually held in two hands that are long relative to all weapons, i.e. polearms. I still stand by my above points, anyways (the argument can be applied to 1H never sheathed, bow, etc.)

I am currently playing as a 1h Horseman with shield no real difference between normal shielders (same thing but I ride on a horse for a bit) anyway I find it easys to fight 2h most of the time since as you said quite a few just spam while they do I simply backpeddle for a few steps then charge forward to catch them off guard or just wait till I hear him hit my shield then left swing at him and press the attack. Making this game more realistic would make it shite, yes its fun to have a certain amount of realism in the game but to much, then people thinnk why the hell am I playing this when I might as well go outside and do it? personally I think its just you tactics that are making you lose to 2h players.


Suggestions Corner / Re: Black Hood(s) Fix
« on: June 01, 2011, 02:16:55 pm »
Are you guys serious(ly retarded)?

What the hell is cartooney or warcraft-like on a stamina system? It doesn't even need a bar. Just decrease swing speed little by little for each consecutive swing and restore it quickly when not swinging. Nobody besides spammers can have anything against it.

I was not referring to the stamina bar, but a previous comment where someone was claiming that realism will ruin the game.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Spear and Sheild
« on: June 01, 2011, 01:38:27 am »
Ever heard of a guy named Alexander the Great? Who conquered 1/5 of the worlds population at the time?  He used hoplites and lighter version of hoplites that used pikes instead of spears.

Yes, and those hoplites worked in close formation, which was the reason why they were effective... like I said. They would not be so effective 1v1 (unless they pulled out a short sword). Also, when they used longer spears, they'd use them two handed (keeping the shield passive on their forearms). What is the issue here again?

Using a shield and spear requires no more strength than it takes to pull and hold a longbow.  Archeologists have found bowman remains with bonespurs their muscles were so fucked up from being so strong on their bow arm.

Yeah, so you'd have to be pretty jacked to use them. In other words, it takes high str to use effectively, as opposed to two handing it, requiring less strength.

Uh no, shorter spear is not more effective.  You ever see the counterweight thats on the end of longer warspears?  Uh, might wanna educate yourself.  Weight + reach = death dealing.

Weight + reach = fatigue. They were able to pull this off because of their close formation. A shorter spear would be faster and less tiring. Also, you have more control over a shorter weapon, no matter how much you balance a longer one with weights. Their formation allowed each individual to conserve shots and be protected from close combat, where their long spears could not be drawn back fast enough or far enough to strike an opponent in close range.

Shield + spear = one of the best combos ever created for warfare.

Sure, but not for the small scale, individualistic style of crpg. The key is in the mass tight formation.

Blocking spears is a joke in this game and theres no shield based attacks or moves (bull rush, push backs, etc).


Suggestions Corner / Re: Black Hood(s) Fix
« on: June 01, 2011, 01:21:06 am »

Historical Discussion / Re: Agincourt
« on: May 31, 2011, 09:57:18 pm »
Something that annoys me is "bodkin" arrows in Crpg. From what I've read, these were constructed from cheap, soft metal and were not the most effective at piercing armor. They were used for quantity>quality reasons, to increase the chances of hitting unarmored targets. I think they should be cheap and shitty, rather than the epitome of arrows as they are currently.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Spear and Sheild
« on: May 31, 2011, 09:26:39 pm »
I'm guessing a "hoplite" is spear+shield and pikemen is a guy with a pike.

I don't think spear+shield should be a very effective build, at least in the absence of teamwork. Using a spear with one hand and a shield in the other would be difficult and require a lot of arm strength/stamina. The shorter the spear, the more effective the build should be. Even 1Hing awlpikes is pretty ridiculous. Ideally, spear+shield builds are good in close groups against 2H, against ranged, and non-spear/lance cavalry. Pikemen will suffer against ranged, can outrange lance cav, and are better 1v1 (more attack directions).

Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: May 31, 2011, 09:12:39 pm »
I think you guys can safely assume that the "buff armor" vote was quite a few people saying "I wear armor, lets buff that!" Since more people wear armor then don't. I agree that plate is already pretty effective.

I voted buff armor because plate should shrug off everything but heavy 2H, high power pierce, and crossbows. I would like it to be expensive as it is effective too. Also, base health should be lowered, to increase the gap between low and high armors. This is entirely for realism purposes and not because I personally think plate is neato.

There are too many alterations on my wish list to simply get away with asking for "armor buff" and having people understand why it would still be fair and cool. Its not as simple as that.

I'm really getting tired of both the people who ask for changes because of their personal play style and the people who assume that is everyone's motive.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Make all long weapons non-sheathable
« on: May 31, 2011, 06:13:48 pm »
Anyone can just bring a 0 slot long spear along for the ride for the first bit to get them past enemy cav, then drop it and have 4 full slots of cqc gear.
All this would accomplish is cav and polearmers being pissed off and everyone else laughing their socks off.

Anyone who only takes three other items that amount to 4 slots, yes (significant difference). A 0 slot weapon still counts for the maximum of 4 weapon/shield/ammo items.

Also, you'd still pay the gold for that item, so if its worth it great, but it is likely many will not want to spend the gold. The better the polearm, the more expensive it will be for a weapon that is essentially useless when it comes time to switch to your "real" weapon.

If everyone did this, melee cav might be find it harder to attack in the beginning of the battle, but horse archers would have a field day. To counter this, people would have to resort to 1h unsheathable polearms so they could have shields, but of course this would decrease their effectiveness against melee cav. Further, not everyone is proficient or strong enough to wield a pike.

You are wrong, but as I said in my above post the reason why 0 slot polearms IS a bad idea is because it is inconsistent with sheathable weapons, i.e., why couldn't I choose to never sheath my 1h/2h/whatever so that it is 0 slot?


Nah, greatswords could be sheathed pretty comfortably irl and that is part of the weapons' usefulness; they are lighter than polearms, faster, sheathable, but lack plate piercing power (currently plate is too weak).

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