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Messages - Soldier_of_God

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32]
Strategus General Discussion / Re: When will strategus be live again?
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:44:31 am »
did that make sense to anyone else?   :|

Strategus General Discussion / When will strategus be live again?
« on: January 12, 2011, 04:37:36 am »
I want to play! does anyone on the dev team have an estimate?

Suggestions Corner / Re: WPF reset/refund button.
« on: January 11, 2011, 06:56:36 am »
Im sure that eventually things like this will be heard.

Faction Halls / Re: [TR] The Risen (Recruiting! EU/NA)
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:56:10 am »
i has joined the club  :P

Suggestions Corner / WPF reset/refund button.
« on: January 10, 2011, 09:06:39 am »
if this were added beforehand, there would be more hair on my head right now. heres my reasoning why:

everyone wants to try a shiny new destructive implement to inflict pain in a new way, but sometimes it doesn't go as
planned. you need to try it to see if it works, but if you do, you end up taking it in the shorts because... well it didn't work out like you planned.  :P

that being said, i believe there should be a level cap for resets, and every level after the cap it should cost 2000 gold.
you shouldn't just be able to change your stats whenever you want, neither should you be penalized for trying something new. and yes, i do realize you can have ALTERNATE CHARACTERS, but doesn't it seem more smart to invest in ONE CHARACTER? this way, you aren't totally screwed either when it comes to retirement, and you have a bunch of crap you don't want.

15th level is good enough to figure out what you want, right? i mean, if you lasted that far you should at least have a CONCEPT in mind. and if you know where you are going to dedicate yourself, and dump all your WPF where it belongs up to that point, i believe then that this would make retirement less of a worry and more of a good thing.

but to make it clear... if you decide on level 31 to change your skills for retirement, it should cost 32000 gold. and i also
believe that all the WPF points retained by retirement should be PERMANENT.

now concerning the game...

1.) if it doesn't hurt, why not?

Why not add this feature if there is no real negative side effects to it? whats the worst it could do?
It should be just as simple to refund points as it is to add points programming wise.

2.) this could be very helpful.

i mean, who DOESN'T want to take back their decisions? i know i do on a regular basis. it really is
a kick in the ass to invest in something you really aren't going to use that much.

3.) please?

I'm sure that Santa would leave you a shiny new sword under your Christmas tree if you did... 
and im sure you would LOVE another shiny new sword to chop off peoples heads with.   :wink:

Game Balance Discussion / Game balance suggestions
« on: January 08, 2011, 10:58:40 pm »
i will start with pros/cons of the new build.


-more Gold
-more Experience
-faster leveling
-stronger teamplay required
-less tanks/calvary/uberpeople


- team attacks are unpunished
- no combat bonuses
- team kills are unpunished
- one loss erases multiplier
- gangbanging

solutions for cons:

1.) Team attacks/kills unpunished

some servers will have mirror damage or insta-kill - but that does nothing to help the team does it?
i suggest the old system of gold and xp loss with a twist. x2 level of killed in gold + another 0, same for xp.

example: murdered a 20 level warrior = 400 gold lost, 400 xp lost.

this way, people will be cautious who they kill, particularly a team paragon or something. accountability is a very
good team tactics builder. consequence = better behavior. that, and it will not effect level as bad as the pocket; which
is really where it hurts anyway :P

2.) no combat bonuses

this is a tricky one. if you give bonuses people go rambo. if you don't good players aren't really rewarded.
x2 level to gold, and  x1 level add another 0 at the end for xp.  for a level 20 warrior killed, 40 gold, and 200 xp.

not bad, but nothing worth sticking your neck out for.

a reasonable compromise for the skilled. if someone managed
to kill 10 of these guys it would amount to 400 gold and 2000 xp... still reasonable for the skill exerted, and the teamplay
that usually is required.

3.) one loss erases multiplier

based on performance of round, every 2 kills = 1 point of multiplier taken off round losses... kills per round of course.
so if someone killed 10 that round, they would keep their bonus. 2-4 you would still have x2 or x3. makes the
good players suffer less from losses, and motivates the losers to... start winning : )

4.) gangbanging is very natural to the human mind. you see one threat. 1v1 either you run or fight. 2v1 you feel more
confident about fighting. 3v1 you feel invincible.
the opposite is also true. this natural play of events prevents ramboing, and effects "morale" of the team. there really is
nothing that can be done, nor should be done.

thats my take on it, hopefully people will listen. it sure would make the mod better.

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