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Messages - Torost

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: Meet the Archer and Crossbowwoman!
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:35:59 am »
Counting kill:death is of no use.
Archers now can only kill off peasants and other archers, essentially doing a job not needed.
And pick off severly wounded (<15% life left) meleeplayers.
So the K:D numbers is just counting how many peasants were on the server while you were playing.

Think if you wanted to swing your sword, had to press.. wait 4 sec for sword to chamber, release wait 2 sec before the swing landed.
In the meantime your target has moved, put up the appropriate block, a friend has stepped inbetween and u tk him.
And if you get a miracle and hit him, you just have to hit him 10 more times to fininsh him.
That is , if he doesnt hit you ONCE, and kill you.

And all this theoretical 18 arrows a min x dmg calculations are just drivel.
You never get to just stand and release arrows into a target.
You have to be constantly on the move, keep up with the mainforce, else cav/melee will get you fast.
Its damn hard to get a clean shot ,since you can not fire when there is friendly players in the proximity of the target.  They will always run into the arrowpath, and circledance.

It takes all the fun out of the game.......

edit: Bob you are a retard ...

 When you slow down the speed of the bow and missile to snailspeed, it becomes a bore and impossible to play, it takes forever to do simple task like shoot an arrow. This is esp irritating when the accuracy is scheit, since you just have to fire on whim and hope to hit 25% of the time, even with well aimed shots. You have to have jediskills now to predict where the zigzagdancing 2hander will be when the arrow reaches its target.


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Meet the Archer and Crossbowwoman!
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:30:54 pm »
In an earlier versions of cRPG I used to play as an assaultarcher.
I ran around like a Legolas-Rambo with a Strongbow/Warbow ,powerdraw 10 and 1-2 shotting ppl with great speed and precision.
In heavy armor with a backup 2hand axe.
Opponents shields and armor made little difference. 
High level archers were truly overpowered.

The true power of the bow came from its ability to give fast and precise damage.
You could shoot into meleefights from close range, without hitting friendly melee if you used common sense.
Stop cav by doing a cold stand and headshot the rider or the horse.
Shoot the shielder in the feet or hit a small window above the shield that resulted in a headshot.
The heavy damage was a bonus, but it was the speed and precision that was the key.

So adjustments were implemented gradually so  that it would remain Mount and Blade, and not Warbow and Arrow.

The adjustmentteam in crpg seems to be trying to balance  theoretical damageoutput between bows and xbows.
It seems like they are forgetting that the most important thing for the bow to work is that is has to be fast and accurate.
The xbowmen reload behind cover, and release their bolt with good accuracy, and can aim until they get a clear shot.
The archers have to draw(reload) in the open , and release their arrow at a fixed time window when the reticule is small(ish).
If the target is blocked by passing friendly melee or cav in that 0,5sec time, you have to abort the shot ,and draw again.
I usually abort half shots. Mostly because people get so angry if they get teamwounded or teamkilled.
Since accuracy and missilespeed is lower now, its very hard to engage any target in the proximity of friendly units.
And most have learned how to zigzag and do the crazydancespinn ,even the cav on horses.

The inability to stay on the ground and run together with melee , has forced archers to try and find highground, esp roofs.
Where it is easier to get clear shots,and less worry about beeing cut down by melee or cav.
The changes made one after another has reduced archery to an slowfiring roofcamping inaccurate  closerange "sniper".

The low armour+no melee wpf+2 slotsystem+slower drawspeed+slower missilespeed+armoursoak+lower damage has effectivly neutered this once so overpowered class.

I deleted my archer today, and rolled out an xbowman.
Soon you will not see any but the most dedicated or fools trying to use the bow.
Ranged players want to play ranged, when more archers convert to xbows , meleeplayers will be cursing even worse than before.
Because xbows are a real cowards weapon, cover shoot, reload , run close to a fight, shoot, run back to cover,reload.. goes on and on..
And they will be faster than most and pack a mean punch, since most of the skillpoints will go towards agi for weaponmaster and athletics.
No need for lots of str for powerdraw anymore.

Sorry for incoherent wall of text, I can rant on forever :D


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Meet the Archer and Crossbowwoman!
« on: July 15, 2011, 01:53:19 am »
I have played an archer from the start of cRPG.
Today I find archery futile and obsolete. Due to nerf upon nerf upon nerf.

You have made the bow inaccurate,slow and lowdmg.
And to top it off, you have very few arrows, so you can only take shots you have a good chance of hitting. (meaning not giving longrange suppression fire, forcing melee to run with their shields up, dehorsing cav, fireing distractionshots at enemy xbowsnipers.)
The bow either has to be accurate/low dmg or inaccurate-heavy dmg. 
Slow/naccurate/low dmg/low supply of arrows makes it useless.

For ranged damage, the xbow is the superior choice. Low skill, hard accurate punch.

I cant even imagine how one should level up as dedicated archer, and get the masterwork items.
Insta30 is the only way, unless you want to waste your own and your teams time

If you want archery to be a part of cRPG you have to seperate the roles of xbow and bows.
Today xbows can do everything bows can .. just better,simpler and cheaper( in terms of skillpoints)

I would like archery to become more of a supportrole, so that a team of archers could shower incoming cav, densly packed melee with a rain of arrows. But this takes teamwork. cRPG plays more like a team deathmatch, where everyone just runs into battle trying to get the most kills.
All you meleeguys whining/wondering why cav is so "OP"? You made archery useless, now you must deal with cav at pointblank.

Would turning of the K:D ratio ingame induce more teamwork?



General Off Topic / Ironclad - Great medival battle/siege movie
« on: July 11, 2011, 03:15:21 am »
It is amazing if your into medievial armour,weapons,sieges and such.
(That i guess you are if you are playing warband)

General Discussion / Re: Your first ever screenshot from cRPG?
« on: June 09, 2011, 11:20:10 pm »
oh well..

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