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Messages - ArchonAlarion

Pages: 1 ... 29 30 [31] 32 33 ... 41
And extreme balance can never exist unless you actually turn the game into a rock paper-scissor simulator.

Too many variables for a ham handed forced "balance". Reality has its own balance anyways.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Split NA players from EU players.
« on: June 15, 2011, 07:08:01 pm »
Multiple continents that force server for real world locations would be so COOL.

The continents should be similarly sized, but the terrain should be different.

If items required terrain specific resources to produce (wood-forests, metal-mountains, wool-pastureland, etc.), and the world map terrain translated to the battle terrain, then over time the continents would evolve different fighting styles.

My underwear is now sticky thinking about it.

Like, if the NA continent had lots of steppes and plains, then horseback combat would dominate; if EU had lots of forests and hills, then archery would take more precedence. This would be a general trend though, not a necessity.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Duel of the Dead
« on: June 15, 2011, 06:20:06 pm »

Yeah. but would be so cool otherwise.

Another idea would be if spectators became "specters" and could float around the map with their model textures made semi-transparent and only visible to other spectators.


Throwing is a supplementary weapon, mainly for 1h +shield builds. The ammo is low, the weapons have short distance, with a shitty to moderate damage amount. This is important for throwing weapons to keep their upkeep down, so they remain accessible as a supplementary weapon.

Most of the problems in this game boils down to difficulty requirements and wpf. If throwing was strength based difficulty-wise, more people would take throwing, as they should.

I think you all watch too much cirque de solei or something.   :rolleyes:

They whack off to it probably.

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Screw anti-realism, it is a false god.

Who said I am against the idea?  :P

When I get home, I'm gonna make a catan+expansions map of calradia lol

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How to use the bomb?
« on: June 14, 2011, 07:11:54 pm »
hao is babby formed?  :twisted:

Hao gurl get pragnent?

Imagine trying to block with a pike irl (or any similarly sized weapon).

The switch from overhead block to side block would be so cumbersome and require a lot of space to manage.

If block speeds could somehow be changed, than the pike should have a very low blocking speed. If not, then the block should be removed, or the animation changed to something slower and more realistic.

1) Never done this myself nor had any problem with others doing this. It'd stop those cool overhead attacks where you jump off from a roof on top of someone, so no thanks.

No, it would just stop jumping backwards/sideways, not jumping altogether.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: XP and Gold system idea
« on: June 14, 2011, 06:53:24 pm »
What do you mean by "end of the game"? Like, the map? So, the ticks are at the very end of the map?

Sorta confused, sorry.

This could be a good idea, but i don't even imagine how it would be hard to shoot a guy that constently dodge, it's hard when ppl zig-zag so it would be impossible with dodge.

Make zig zagging/direction switching harder. Backpeddling and strafing are too easy/fast

Would destroy the fun of melee combat.

Why? Did I say blocking no longer works? NO. Plus, I even suggested a way that crushthrough can be countered, by holding a block down, instead of clicking it.

This naturally makes sense. Quick, light weapons will basically never crushthrough, so only have to be blocked by a tap. Slow, heavy weapons will often crushthrough lighter weapons and weak opponents, but this can be prevented to some extent by a firmer block.

The fun of melee combat is destroyed for me when people are able to block unrealistically.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Let Main act as a cash/item conduit to alts?
« on: June 14, 2011, 04:51:01 pm »
It would be awesome if INT and CHA were added too, so it would be worthwhile for main chars to have trade, leadership, etc. Leadership could determine the number of alts you can have, trade decreases prices, training increases XP gain, blah blah blah. Main Chars should have some stat based edge over alts too (faster gain or something). Trade and leadership could perhaps carry over generation to generation somehow.

Main Chars who sacrifice combat ability for INT/CHA skills will have more alts, with better gear. Main Chars who max their combat ability will be godly forces of destruction, but be limited to one build, which might not work for all settings. They'd also have to rely more on their own personal ability to turn the tide of battles to gain because of their lack of trade/training.

This way, the Main char is like the head of your own mini faction and the alts are like the troop types you can field. As the main char increases in generations your access to better item technology would generally increase due to gradual pooling of gold.

Gen 1: Main char (Light Horseman). Invests in some Leadership, gets an alt (shieldman)
Gen 2: Main char (medium Horseman). Alt (Shieldman, now with heavy mail armor), alt (bowman)
Gen 3: Main Char (Medium Horseman), alt (shieldman again), alt (Longbowman), alt (crossbowman)
Gen 4: Main Char (Mounted Knight), alt (shieldman), alt (longbowmen), alt (heavy crossbow guy), alt (plated greatswordsman)

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