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Messages - 1slander

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General Discussion / Re: West Coast NA Battle Server ?
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:57:50 am »
Phone chadz and ask him, I'm curious.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: What is a good 1h build?
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:56:22 am »
IF is one of the most underrated skills imo.  I think it's a necessity for any balanced or str build.  But you're right, if you're going riding or throwing you can't have everything.  This time around I wanted to max out my hp's and 1 hand wpf so I found that my build was the most viable to do so.  Shield skill can stay at 5 imo (even 4), no need to go 6 as they're just laying aorund everywhere - but then again I have never tried a steel shield.

Closed Requests / Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:52:47 am »
I probably would of joined BKS a week or two ago if I didn't suspect they were going to troll themsleves into a ban somehow.  Pretty good clan imo.  Plus I'm a nasty little troll at heart but nobody likes a I'm prescious and sweet and kind.

General Discussion / Re: West Coast NA Battle Server ?
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:49:31 am »

I wish a mod with an actual answer would give us some info

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: What is a good 1h build?
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:39:22 am »
My current build @ lvl 30 is:

Strength 21 
Agility 15

2 pts converted

One Handed 146

Ironflesh 7 
Power Strike 7 
Shield 5 
Athletics 5 
Weapon master  5

I think the real cookie cutter is 18/18 and from there the obvious str or agi lean right.  I personally like str for the lasting power of extra hp and IF.

General Discussion / Re: West Coast NA Battle Server ?
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:35:42 am »
That sucks I was really looking forward to a low ping and who knows when the patch will come?  I heard 2015

General Discussion / Re: West Coast NA Battle Server ?
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:26:13 am »
What?  I had heard it was just waiting on chadz to give it the go ahead or something like that, like get the xp going on it perhaps.  I thought like a week or two but it's been awhile now.  The server was up for a few days but wasn't actively part of the system yet afaik.

Closed Requests / Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« on: March 24, 2011, 03:20:13 am »
QQ Baby

General Discussion / West Coast NA Battle Server ?
« on: March 24, 2011, 02:41:38 am »
I thought we were getting a west coast NA battle server were we not?  Any info and eta?

Closed Requests / Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« on: March 23, 2011, 11:09:32 pm »

I wouldn't let it phase me. Honestly, I'm mature enough to just accept that haters gonna hate and not let people get to me. I guess that's too much to expect from other people though, apparently.

Well whichever right.  What you consider mature behaviour is actually childish and brutish tbh.  Most people here are mature.  I am not itnerested in arguing though.  It's not my decision or my concern.  If you guys were any easier to get along with I doubt this would even be an issue.

Closed Requests / Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« on: March 23, 2011, 10:44:28 pm »
See, this kid's trying to troll, but observe how to deal with such attempts, children, and marvel:

Haters gon' hate.


Idk man, I think it's kind of telling when we're the ones sitting in vent enjoying each other's company and laughing, having a good time playing a game and other people are obviously so visibly upset that they feel the need to permanently remove someone from a server. Who's the one who needs to relax? I think if more people just took it easy and didn't take everything quite so seriously, things wouldn't really need to escalate. If I was walking down the street and some guy ran up to me and was like "OMG I'M WAY BETTER AT DANCING THAN YOU ARE," I'd say, "Great dude." and keep walking. I wouldn't run crying to Obama and ask him to be executed (banned from IRL) because he hurt my feelings.

heh, but in the same token what if someone was saying things that were said in the chat log in trw?  Let's be honest here.  Regardless I don't care, son.

Closed Requests / Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« on: March 23, 2011, 10:23:36 pm »
I suggest to ban all of them on the simple grounds of tomfoolery all across the board!  Tomfoolery superceded by such outrageous acts as -

1) the open ended challenge
2) the chatty chat chatty
3) the skillz to pay the billz
4) the horrific offenses occured in said game DF
5) the use of adjectives to describe faces of color other than vanilla
6) the use of spamming attacks followed by ridicule upon success

These are only to name a few of the tomfoolery offences occurred on todays date and every day beforehand since the inception of BKS into our good and proper ranks and roster of  upstanding members.  Membership should come as a privelage not a demand!  In the good words of LLJK - $10 please.

Closed Requests / Re: BkS_Bojangles banned?
« on: March 23, 2011, 07:50:39 pm »
BKS lives solely for the purpose of luring people into 1 vs 1 native battles.  It reminds me of Mcgruber where the guy kept putting his chest out and saying 'you wanna go!' - the old 80's adage.  It's exactly like that, but worse cause they're being serious ingame about it and won't let up.

They have some good players though.  I'll give them that.  But not all of them, some.  I dunno on this guy - never heard of him.  I think he's a straggler.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Advice on 1h weapons
« on: March 23, 2011, 07:15:02 pm »
I went against the grain and chose the Battle Axe, I also use IF, so perhaps taking advice from me isn't recommended but I was at the top or near the top of the charts last night in the battle servers for my team consistently - and there were some amazingly good players on - seriously.

Heirloomed twice, just hit 30 so 4.4 million to final heirloom on it.

Powerful Broad One Handed Battle Axe - weight 2.35 - requirement 9 - spd rtng 98 - weapon length 73 - swing damage 39 - Bonus Against Shields

at 3rd Heirloom it will be 99spd, 40cut and probably heavier

Build at lvl 30
Strength 21 
Agility 15
2 pts converted
One Handed 146 wpf
Ironflesh 7 
Power Strike 7 
Shield 5 
Athletics 5   
Weapon master 5 

Ussually wear chain to low tiered heavy, or else just the pilgrim disguise outfit which I can kill plate very effectively in due to mobility and hitting power with that axe - break their shield then break their face.

Good Luck On Your Build - I really hated going pure 1 hand at first since I used to be hybrid thrower but once you get the hang of it it's good.  Situational though and some maps will be tough, but all in all a solid choice.  Suck up close to your opponent, keeping them from circling behind your shield is the main issue.  Some opponents are just spam fodder while others take a long winded battle, but played right you can easily take on 3 people at once and walk away with a shred of life - and of course your dignity.

Break the mold and go warhammer - it was a hard decision for me but I chose axe because it was cheaper than the rest and allowed me to wear slightly better armor.  The knockdown feature is a blast and I always enjoy using a knobbed mace when I'm running as a peasant.

Most epic post ever.

Trollolololololol I luv that...poor Mel...did they take his freedom in TRW now?

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