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Messages - balbaroth

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General Discussion / Re: Share your thoughts on monotony and cRPG
« on: March 02, 2011, 09:02:40 pm »
i have to agree with vicious here , the new system encourage people to be lazy and leech their lvls , ive seen tons of people leeching way more than when you needed to be close and survive to get the most xp possible,

also the repair system was good when it was launched.. hard and without pity , now , its too easy to get money...

i also loathe the banner balance , yes its fun to play with guildies i wont deny that , but its totally unfair to people without a clan ,  there is a reason why i dont play on the ats server that much , its because of banner balance :(

     and dont give me the excuse of : get in a clan ,  thats a simpleton way to adress a situation 

General Discussion / Re: The NA Alarm List
« on: March 01, 2011, 01:29:41 am »
thanks for removing me of the list, i dont play enough to warrant such high position , all i need now is a name change so that ill be forgotten :D

  ahh the joy of being low profile and not be ganged up like crazy  :D

General Discussion / Re: Hoplite Viable?
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:25:30 pm »
well , id say if your good with polearms , its viable , but i can count my fingers with 1 hand the number of succesfuls hoplites

General Discussion / Re: Crush-Through on Bar Mace and Long Iron Mace
« on: February 20, 2011, 11:21:01 pm »
Not this again. Personally i think the argument has been discussed far too many times, and there are other more important issues like server lag, throwing imbalance and some weird hitboxes which disrupt the game experience way more and need to be addressed. I don't want the devs to think the main problem currently is crushtrough. If they remove ct from the entire mod just because a few peasants with small shields whine, just uninstall. It's what i would do, no whine no posts, nothing, they're free to patch as they please, if it makes the game unfun for me i am in turn free to leave.

why people think its only shielders that are fed up with that op crushthru ,  everyone shield or not cannot block a overhead  crushthru  , i support the 50% max crushthru , its all about balance.... a superior fighter have a obvious advantage using a 100% go thru crush overhead , 

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: February 15, 2011, 02:46:24 am »
ecko i love your sig :D

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Round Shields...(Nerf thread)
« on: February 11, 2011, 03:18:44 am »
in this era of CRPG "ithrowshitatyou" nerfing shields would be a terrible idea ,  i wished tho that they made a better balance of the shields without nerfing them... :(

                i use to like the fur covered shield lots of hp but width is so awful you get shot all the time


where the hell have you been?

lost my passion to this game , still playing but alot less , i just dont like throwing fest it has became ,  i mostly play on low populated servers now, when there is people on the fallen server im there :D so hop on !

Tourney of the Champs ! arena tournie as well ! 

hopefully ill know the date of the tourny if i can be available  :D

i already said my comment about the way wpf's get scaled , and i think they went overboard with it , to counter the specialized builds
, i was talking to allers and he has a 30 str 3 agi build and he still has 122 in 2h , as you can see who need 50 more in a specific weapon , its barely faster , but with lots of str you 1 shot people , the balance is whack ,

Quote from: Ganon on Yesterday at 00:04:39

    Off topic was the obvious part about a skilled player winning over a lesser skilled one, which affects game balance how ?

    I disagree on your opinion, having and tried different character builds, the way wpf (diminishing returns on wpf) and stats work favours the hybrid characters. The difference is minimal, while it should require alot more skill for an hybrid to kill a specialized character in his specific area, be it ranged or melee. Hybrids should be harder to play than what they are now. 2h/thrower 1h/shield/thrower, archer/polearm, are too easy right now. As you see that is not just math, saying ok the specialized has a tiny advantage, everything is fine, it's not and it's a maior balance issue that could lead to alot less diversification, where everyone is either a 1h or 2h + thrower hybrid or an archer + polearm (or some other non popular hybrid build). I'm not necessarly calling for a simple nerf, they just need to be harder to play so we don't see the servers with exclusively hybrids (aka tankmages in the old days).

Personally I disagree.  The slight advantage is what the pure's should have.  Currently there's more diversity on the field than before.  If hybrids were worse off stats/mechanics wise than they are now we'd have what we had before:  Every melee is a 2her because that's the best melee build (it still is) and every ranged character is an archer because it's the best build (arguably still so).

Gorath... i'll have to agree  with Ganon concerning specialization , the return you get for being crazy enough to specialize is ultra low , with that being said people dont it anymore and people are becoming hybrids... which came to another problem most became throwers hybrids :p  we had peasant wars , plate wars, xbow wars , and now its officially the era of ITHROWSHITATYOU ( great char name btw  :D )

            heck i dont even specialize anymore myself , 15 agi man nothing else rest in str , people said i used to hit hard, they will have no idea when i will have 8 ps

Game Balance Discussion / Re: One-handers became too fast => Overpowered.
« on: January 26, 2011, 01:26:27 am »

The Elite Spammitar was always a mean beast in it's day because of it's speed. The Huscarl+Spammitar was even frowned upon as easymode.. Now 1 handers have faster swords and more damage.

hey now im still using that old senile weapon :D ! , my spammy is not ready to be forgotten ! 

   i'll agree now there is alot of weapons that are superior to spammy  even the regular scimi is almost equal to elite spammy now

General Discussion / Re: We all need some lovin, and nerfing.
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:34:04 am »
again. Archer... not thrower.
im scared of your avatar chew  :shock:

General Discussion / Re: We all need some lovin, and nerfing.
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:28:50 am »
You're right, throwers like you do need to be nerfed :D

lets all be patient , i can smell a nerf in throwing brewing around  :D and gorath , its not about me being already fast at 162, its about minimizing the value of agi compared to str , as of now str is way more useful ,

General Discussion / Re: We all need some lovin, and nerfing.
« on: January 19, 2011, 01:14:49 am »
This is generally why 2handers want to be able to spam. No shield for auto blocking like a shield which makes feinting to draw an attack so you can parry and swing while they're recovering way harder. Old Balbaroth was a hard lesson in learning to block until you died because his shield came up so quickly and he swung as fast/faster than you.

Not saying it should be like that, but it's a legitimate point as parrying or chambering is much harder than just rmb.

i dont swing that fast with 162 , actually next retirement ill be 12 agi rest str build, i prefer to hit once and kill than having 20 moar wpf  in 1h which is about barely nothing in terms of speed, i wish wpf hard cap would actually start at 200, if you get more than 150 in a weapon , the returns are so diminished your way better with more PS and str

General Discussion / Re: Analysis of Crpg
« on: January 14, 2011, 07:05:00 pm »
Heirloom an xbow, you'll be suprised :wink:

Tho, I hope they are gonna fix that.

light crossbow heirloom +1 modif gain like 12-15 pierce  ( working as intended ? ) obviously a huge huge damage increase

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