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Messages - ArchonAlarion

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Unstick command
« on: April 29, 2012, 01:37:27 am »
It would be cool if you had a dagger/knife you could kill yourself with it, instead. Or a wakizashi.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Forcefields, why are they here?
« on: April 27, 2012, 04:37:09 am »
As stated above, No. It doesnt simulate anything, I cant honestly say I have never abused it myself, just as I have shot ppl with 160 wpf arbalest, and just as arabalest has no real life medieval counterpart, neither has shields that block stabs to the back, arrows 20 cm's from them, etc. Shield skill should give you speed, maybe reduce the weight of your shield, and increase it's strengh, but the model of the shield needs to represent the actual blocking size vs misiles AND melee, just have a long hard look at Noob_Leoking in the screenshot and tell me that is NOT ridiculous.

The shield blocking animation is INSUFFICIENT to simulate how blocking with a shield actually works. Unless you totally re-work how shield blocking, it must remain.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Forcefields, why are they here?
« on: April 27, 2012, 12:28:48 am »
The force-field is there to simulate minute and irregular movements with the shield that can otherwise not be simulated by a combination of right clicking and character rotation. Sometimes the force-field get ridiculous with shield skill stackers, but overall it is a good feature to have.

Well for starters Alts will grind for looms slower then mains, so they are not too useful, as if you did the same with your main then you would have the gold and the faster track to looms (xp gen bonus). I should also point out that I have alts mainly so I am never ever bored, and so I can actually compare classes instead of making up random things like a lot of people do when talking about other classes "Oh yes, I played a thrower/cav/twohander/etc a year and a half ago..."
It also helps to cut down on annoyance, as if a patch temporarily screws things up or for whatever reason my main is just "not working for me" then I can fire up one of my alts.

And that's why I am never butt-hurt about balance or feel the need to lobby for my play-style (besides a bit of personal integrity). I have over a dozen alts and play between 6 of them regularly (including my main).

Suggestions Corner / Re: Giving money to Alts (Why it a good idea)
« on: April 25, 2012, 04:52:58 pm »
incoming infinitely fueled by endless gold STF cav alts here we come!

Yes, until your main runs out of gold. I know you are rich poop, and good for you, but that isn't feasible for most. Also, you are playing what amounts to a "dead" character. I don't even see much appeal in doing this. You'd also need to regularly play on your "slave" main to continue retiring and selling loompoints, all for a dead-end character.

In the end, the idea is fail because it simplifies the game. Gold is good because it adds an additional context, which players can build strategies around. Further, it ties wealth into a multi-generational continuum. Wealth is then not simply part of a generation's build, but is part of a wider strategy that connects generation to generation. I'm probably not explaining this well.

For instance, a player would do well to start the first generation off with a cheap gear specialist build, then retire and sell the loom point. As the generations go on, the player can use more expensive gear and heirlooms to offset the cost of hybridization (especially in the case of riding). I think the game will only get better the more main to alt, gen to gen continuums are added.

In capitalism, the more an item is demanded (popularity) the more are produced and the cheaper they become. Only in a world of fixed supply would prices become higher if demand increased.

ECON 101

This weapon should be unbalanced. It is slightly less weight than the morningstar, but also slightly longer.

Otherwise, the gold price of 7500 is negligible compared to the benefits of choosing the knightly mace over the morningstar. Even then, unbalanced is often a neutral thing because it gives you unpredictable feints, so maybe even upping the price to ~9500 would be more fair.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Overhaul (realistic approach)
« on: April 12, 2012, 08:07:47 pm »
Hey, I have an idea, let's just replace players with bots instead!

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Overhaul (realistic approach)
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:54:44 pm »
This would suck. It takes all customization and "mount and blade" out of the game. Screw choosing pre-set classes, I want to create classes dynamically based on the meta-game and use hybrids.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: A good polearm to use with a shield?
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:32:49 pm »
Ashwood pike - Range, but unsheathable

Battlefork - Best thrust damage, good if your shield breaks and looks cool

Warspear - Speed

Red Tassel - better seed than warspear, but less damage

Realism Discussion / Re: more realism : weaker bows or stronger xbows
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:25:57 pm »
Bows should be faster and xbows should be stronger but realism doesn't really matter if it gets in the way of balance.

Realism board, sorry. Not that i necessarily agree with the OP, but if you want to argue balance go to the other board.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Torch improvements!!
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:21:03 pm »
I like how the torch is useless. It is good to have items purely for rping and trolling.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Is this balanced?
« on: April 11, 2012, 02:33:17 am »
how are the 2h animations superior? they are longer, yes. but superior?

It's not just the length that's superior, but the way the weapon swings and blocks. I feel as though polearm swings are much easier to predict.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Torch improvements!!
« on: April 11, 2012, 02:09:51 am »
Sometimes uselessness is useful.

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