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Messages - Digglez

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General Discussion / Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:55:56 pm »
Or just join NA1 since siege is an inferior game mode (lol "team death match where lives mean nothing") with inferior maps.  One life per round makes everything you do that much more important.

Or we could play a TEAM-based OBJECTIVE mode, instead of bro-loving time-trolling cav & HA shit fest mode

General Discussion / Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« on: September 05, 2014, 11:54:03 pm »
Is the map that is a smallish oval castle, with a small gate that is basically a door still in the rotation? That is the best siege map i've played on I think. Very small way from attacker spawn to the castle, nice and open inside ect.

It's the castle in this Scoreboard.jpg if any one can tell from that.

Pretty sure you are referring to Rudkan, which is.

(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Re: Attn: NA Siege Bros
« on: September 05, 2014, 09:15:11 am »
Skimmed most of Jona's and agree nearly 100%.

chateau_de_chillon.  Never really saw a good flow when I played a version of this map.  It was always very confusing and poorly laid out.  The areas to fight were tiny, claustrophobic little alleys and too much vertical space.

However to rebut Taken, rochester_castle is terrible and nearly ALWAYS kills siege population.  Boring all around with little creativity other than take a whole minute to get to stairs than walk up into the meat grinder.

Any revision of siege should really take into account the ideal or realistic population rebuilding, so heir it on the side of smaller maps to help encourage people to play on siege again.  Once population is healthy again, slowly introduce some of the medium & larger maps

ok, so only 2 devs, which no longer work on the game are the only ones that can do server restart.  Can we get 3 more people who can do them? And maybe even someone in the NA that can do it while you guys are asleep so we can get stuff done?

Good initiative Tugboat.  Look forward to playing SIEGE more

General Discussion / Re: Auphilia On A Horse In Real Life!
« on: September 23, 2013, 04:40:58 am »
why are you riding around with a gun and no helmet at night?

The Chamber of Tears / Re: I´m so tired of all of this
« on: September 21, 2013, 04:22:38 pm »
get a decent shield & throwing.  MW throwing daggers rape archers

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« on: September 19, 2013, 11:40:43 pm »
And your American solution would be for the media to cover up these incidents? Phahaha, where to begin? Sweep the dead kids under the proverbial carpet? Good job, problem solved, freedom etc. 'What's the point in giving these Freedom Shootings all this media coverage, like big deal, it was cool the first 10 times guys...' Forget saving lives, let's just pretend it isn't happening, that's a much better solution, and maybe if we don't report it those damn foreigners will stop making fun of us xD

Is any of this irony getting through? Or are you just seeing stars and stripes on your page? Or maybe my words all blur through your American freedom filter into 'Foreigner! He's a Commi! Exterminate!'.

I'd provide you a link to a few of articles written by highly recognized and expert psychologists of why more publicity only fuels mass shooters, but its hard to find that link.

Again, 1000 dead people is a very small price to pay to prevent the shithole that is much of Europe.  Its funny, I dont see Americans immigrating to Europe, just people leaving your continent en mass for centuries.  Maybe they didnt want people telling them what to do.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« on: September 18, 2013, 07:04:47 pm »
Maybe you a foreigner is missing the point, having guns around prevents people taking your freedom. 
A thousand people dead over 10 years is a pretty small price to pay.  Instead you could actually care about something important like drunk or distracted driving that kills 100x more people.

No amount of gun control or mental health services would prevent as much shooting as the news media not giving these stories as much coverage as they get EVERY SINGLE TIME.  By broadcasting this shit like its important, they're just turning it into a video game and acheivement earning process for the mentally ill & religious wackos.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« on: September 18, 2013, 12:41:55 pm »
You don't want to go back in time, do you?
Just mentioning indian wars and slave trade. US should not point out others genozides.

US didnt kill near as many indians as the Spanish and Portuguese.  Not to mention Portuguese worked their slaves to death and were treated as disposable where US slaves were valued much more.
These are still not even a drop in the bucket compared to how many have died to European infighting in the 20th century.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« on: September 18, 2013, 08:37:26 am »
Haha, i think someone's patriotic juices have just started dribbling down their legs xD someone implied that 'Murica had a lot of school shootings, oh shit, blatant lie.

You're right, we're all just jealous of how amazing 'Murica is. Did you apply statistics on the probability of being gunned down between the ages of 8-12 by an angry nerd? Cos i may be clutching at straws here, but i think that sounds like a thing that sometimes happens in some less fortunate countries... I feel kinda bad, cos after a shooting i feelz i really do, but then out come the NRA spokespeople saying 'Oh no! What an unavoidable incident, what a poor deranged fool, everyone should buy more guns to feel safer', then the parents of the slaughtered kids question how the fuck someone like that got an automatic weapon and people shake their heads sadly as the parents have clearly gone hysterical and are just trying to pin the blame on someone else.

The best part is how people drink it up every time, cos gun control would be 'Un-American' and then act startled when the next incident happens. Fun fact, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, so each time you give the same response after a shooting and do nothing, then act surprised as it happens again, that's insane. I can laugh about it, cos it isn't my country, cos i can't imagine another civilized country being too pigheaded to take measures, but then again knowing America their idea of 'measures' would probably be to give the 8 year olds guns of their own lol.

Long story short, sticks and stones etc, but you're the one with the country full of dead kids, 'Murica! Freedom! Yeah! Paul made a joke, then you got defensive on a subject that has no defense. Y'know how some people visit Rome for the history, France for fine dining and Northern Europe for the beer, it's no wonder terrorists pick America as their holiday destination of choice when they want to kill innocent people, it's basically part of your culture. 'Honey, imagine if we told our friends we spent a week in America and didn't shoot a single kid... What would folk back home think?'

We should rename them from 'school shootings' to 'America Shootings!' or 'Freedom Shootings', that way you can be even more proud of them cos they're such a unique thing to your country and they're acts of freedom that demonstrate how free everyone is, and if another country has a similar event you know they're just trying to be cool like you.

Last I checked the U.S. body count for isolated crazy person going postal events maybe slightly over  a thousand.  Whats your body count for Mr. aid-off  Hitlah and other hate crimes in Europe? Pretty sure you got us beat by 50+ MILLION chief.  Crazy people dont last long when a large portion of the populous are armed and willing to act.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove Timer on the Website
« on: September 17, 2013, 11:41:02 pm »
Wait. Wat? I thought this is the American "days since last mass shooting" counter and just working fine.

I thought it was the days since last being owned by a Genocidal madman.  So whats your at, like 595,680 hours?

Yes I went there.  Btw, Europe has MORE violent crime than US, just less murder.  Realistically if you arent a black male in the inner city your chances of getting murdered are lower in US and you are FAR more likely to get mugged or raped in Europe.

American natives equipment was all pretty primitive...only things not really represented in the mod would be...

Maquahuitl  (cricket bat w/obsidian shards lining edge)
Atlatls (spear & large dart thrower)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove Helms Deep Map NA2
« on: September 14, 2013, 07:46:01 am »
Wrong forum.

NA players are lazy fucks who couldn't be assed to apply for the job, so they get stuck with whatever the fuck gets put on there. All you had to do was apply, and BAM! you would have been the NA Scene manager.

I've asked more than once.  I could easily come up with a 5-7 map rotation of core maps and work from there, and actually take FEEDBACK from the community.  This is all assuming someone translates how to actually implement the friggin thing, I have no idea how the scene stuff works.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Secondary Mode of Throwing Axes?
« on: September 14, 2013, 01:50:53 am »
they're also very short, like 48 reach I if you dont have like 6+ athletics you can get kited easily

NA (Official) / Ban request: Remnant_Bullet
« on: September 13, 2013, 09:16:55 am »
(You can copy paste the text below and fill out the form)
1. Coxswain_Digglesworth
2. Remnant_Bullet  (+Remnant_cyberbully_smitty should get a ban for several intentional tk's too)
3. 12am CST, NA1 battle
4. Remnant guys had been fucking around TW/TK each other then started getting into it with MB as well.  I exchanged words/insults with bullet the round before he decided it would be ok to TK.  I was watching in amazement that would be so bold to go crazy with the TK's, so he comes over and kills me too for no good reason.
5. Bitter immature child
7. Longbow_MB, 2 other MB dont remember.

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