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Messages - Vexus

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Eh, they're PvP-PvE matches are they not?, the matches clearly include both aspects and that seems to be the entire point of the game. I think the game will have wasted potential for sure, but for other reasons.

The normal enemies and environment are currently only there as hindrance or to make other players spot you. You get more exp if you kill them, and that's it. The game is still based around killing the boss or camp outside to kill the players that killed it and take the bounty.

hunt needs more content and polish before it becomes interesting for me , at this state i don't think it's worth the money with 2 bosses and 1 map...but it's my perspective.

Hunt is going to be a game with a lot of wasted potential imo. Has so much variety/depth in pve(Already has a lot of different enemies which behave and fight differently not including bosses), yet it focuses only on pvp matches.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Re: Gloria Victis
« on: February 23, 2018, 10:16:04 pm »
Hey, after all this time it still gets updated multiple times a week.

Pretty impressive if you ask me.

Oh, for sure! We will wait until it launches.

I'm asking because if we do, I'll buy it before the price rises ;)

Since the game is close to launch (In march I believe), has anyone tried it recently? Would like some opinions on if it's a good game to start with friends.

The new combat certainly looks better.

the 2nd part in the interior is unplayable for me, the framerate is like 2 times slower than in the outside. i'm not sure how much should i upgrade my graphics but i guess by a ton so i'll stil with the flight ticket instead and wait for optimalization if it comes :)

agree that saving via drining potion is totally stupid. if some people want to play like 20 mins they're forced to buy an item for ingame currency that is not really cheap. or they're forced to run to some bed to sleep and they can't turn off the game immediately. ill design.

Yea that was my issue with it. If I have only 30 mins of playtime, I have to stop whatever I'm doing to find something to drink (Or craft it) or somewhere to sleep.

Not gonna happen. Thankfully there's alternate methods to remedy that.

Needing to drink to save seems stupid of a mechanic.

I've seen it happen to some people with mags bugging out. As golem said however, there's quick reload which drops the mag too.

It's actually easy to hatchet a scav if you get the upper hand. Aim for the head and rotate around them lol easy kill. Can get you some easy weapons early on.

Well I love the metro series but we're talking online games so didn't mention it.

Never heard of desolate, gonna check it out.

Ops yeah, you're right.

At least a survival game might have fitted in a sense.

There's (Yet another) survival game in the makings from the team that did stalker and survarium. Won't have the name due to copyright but will have mutants and anomalies I believe.

Find it odd you think I'm arguing with you lol.

I'm just stating some concerns with the game from my limited knowledge of seeing others playing on youtube. Since they don't show everything, I had no idea about that rush viability and fixed spawn points. So I stated some points in that regard. It was previously stated that having heavy gear makes you harder to die. So, while technically even a hatchet can kill them, it's not good odds. All I'm saying man lol.

Or.... you could just kill the rushers? The reason every match isn't "full of rushers" is because it's a very high risk approach and people care about their gear.

You can obviously, with specific weapons like grenades as I mentioned. My point was that unless it's high risk, it shouldn't be viable.

I asked in the previous page about that, and now you answered. So that's settled. I'm thinking on giving it a shot (If there's ever a discount), so knowing more about it from someone that's playing is important. I'm not a big pvp guy, but the scavenging aspect is something I really enjoy.

That rush in, kill people, loot and off you go, shouldn't be a viable approach else every match would be full of rushers and that'd be boring imo.

I know there's npcs and player controlled npcs too, but that's not the same thing. Npcs are loud with their talking/cursing so it's easier to spot.

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