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Messages - MouthnHoof

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people are already capitalizing on this imbalance by making low agility, high strength builds, and more will be after reading this thread. so my suggestion is simply to remove or at least greatly reduce the wpf points gained passively from leveling up. and balance this by increasing the amount of wpf points given from weapon master.
These threads keep poping up.

1) do not underestimate the contribution of agi to movement speed regardless of athletics.
2) shielders still need it for the shield skill.
3) do not overload the WM skill and make it a must have - it is meant as a wpp boost, not the only wpp source.

If your problem is the low benefit of agility to non-shielder builds, then attack the problem at the source using a pre-exisint solution:
Give wpp per agility raised point
Yes this is how it works in the singleplayer game: one gets 15 wpp per agility increase. Then you can lower the wpp gained per level. 42/3 will gave the wpf in their weapon of choice as a well trained peasant. WM stays as an optional skill for those who need more wpp like hybrids and low agi builds. The balance should be that 9 agi + 3 WM given enough wpf to raise one category to 120ish.

General Discussion / Re: Jobs, Gold and Repair
« on: July 01, 2011, 12:27:14 am »
>Stop It<
I think you have misread my post - the gold sink I was talking about is the equivalent of infantry's plate to archers. i.e., very high quality albeit very expensive top equipment that you cannot use every round. The easiest to implement is through the arrow stacks. Will you pay more for another +1 damage quiver? How much will you pay for 5 more arrows in a quiver? How about +2 or 10 more arrows?

What I am talking about is giving them a small BOOST through un-sustainable upkeep on some new items, not replacing the current ones. Don't want it? keep your current gear and hoard the money.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Prevent unrealistic blocks
« on: June 30, 2011, 12:01:00 pm »
I don't get it.
Someone is having a problem not being able to kill peasants because they manual block with their tree branch? If you can't kill a peasant while wearing plate and waving a flamberg you should die instead.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Unsheathables taking up only one slot.
« on: June 30, 2011, 11:57:20 am »
Good idea, though then you can have a poleaxe, shield, lance combi on horseback again. But i like it. +1!
The poleaxes should be unsheathable.

Suddenly they can have both lance, large shields and sword. No, no no.
The way to solve the large shields issue is to make them unusable from horseback, not to mess with the number of slots they take. If they should be able to be used on horses they I do not see the problem. Lance+cav shield+1H is a perfectly reasonable setup isn't it? I am one of the largest horse eaters... I mean haters.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Reduce Free-WPF per LvL
« on: June 30, 2011, 11:50:07 am »
In my opinion the balance between Agi and Str atm is a bit wrong.
While IF and PS which you get with Str get a fixed amount of +% every lvl
Weaponmaster gets more ineffective every further lvl if you dont plan to go hybrid.

Solution would be: Reduce free WPF per lvl, increase WPF per point in Weaponmaster.
This would give a bit balance back.
If you want agility to affect wpf do it directly - you get X amount of wpp to spend per agility just like in the single-player game (you get 15 per agility there). Weapon master is for large wpp boosts and it makes agility meaningful only in multiplications of 3. It also eats skill points that you can use elsewhere now when you do not need to raise it very high.

General Discussion / Re: Jobs, Gold and Repair
« on: June 30, 2011, 11:40:29 am »
honestly think we make to much gold.... Playing casually for 2 months I have every piece of gear I want and 250k+ to go with it.
The money system now is not about being able to buy the items, it is about being able to use them for long periods. Archers and light infantry rarely have monetary issues since they use cheap equipment anyway. For them money looses its meaning quite fast. For cavs and heavy infantry money limits their ability to field the best equipment that they would otherwise use.

Perhaps archers need more gold sink. The real thing they waste are arrows so perhaps the upkeep of those need to increase, but give them a wider range of quality in arrows (combinations of larger bags, damage bonuses), so that the expensive ones are also desired.

Suggestions Corner / Clear&simple wpf/PT limits. Armor wpf penalies.
« on: June 29, 2011, 12:18:06 pm »
Clear&simple wpf/PT limits
Currently there is a requirement of 13 wpf/PT, otherwise the effective PT is lowered to the max value allowed. This is highly dynamic and confusing since the wpf/PT is not clearly advertised (people argue if this is 13 or 14), it is dynamic and affected by the armor you wear in each round and easy to make mistakes during level ups.

I suggest that instead the increase of PT is simply blocked through the character screens (in game & that will not allow to increase PT byond the current throwing wpf. Much simpler, transparent and prevents mistakes. Also, it removes the need to calculate the armor wpf penalty each round that I replace a piece of armor. Which brings me to the second suggestion...

Display armor wpf penalty in the ( character equipment screen
Display it for the default setup next to the total cost, slots used and weight.

In the current patch, you need 14 wpf per point in power throw, after armor encumbrance reduction, in order to have enough wpf. If you do not have enough wpf after encumbrance, your power throw is reduced. For instance
Nope, 13 wpf / PT.
Ahh, I see, so it means that armor will effectively lower both wpf AND PT to match it.
The problem is that the whole thing is so unclear. You see, even the required wpf/PT is not really clear and the wpf penaly that I suffer from armor is not easily available either. Hence my suggestion to simply block the increase of PT at the character screen instead of making it a dynamic and confusing system. This also brings up the issue of the armor wpf penaly - it would be nice to see it in the character equipment screen: where it shows the weight and upkeep and slots values to the default gear, it should also show the wpf penalies.

I'll post these in the suggestions board.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Unsheathables taking up only one slot.
« on: June 29, 2011, 11:57:34 am »
Nah. This will just lead to all archers carrying long weapons and storing them on the ground while shooting. The current system is definitely better.
I don't have enough time to heirloom my weapons. If you leave a good weapon on the ground I WILL take it.

Also, the picking up speed is slow: and archer that was pointing at a charging guy and trying to do archery things will have to find the weapon on the ground, point accurately to get the pickup label and hit F, then there is a drawing animation and he can start fighting from a stand still. If the archer is willing to spend 2-3 seconds to get his melee weapon from the ground instead of shooting me from 5 meters range, I heartily accept the tradeoff.

General Discussion / Re: Jobs, Gold and Repair
« on: June 29, 2011, 11:50:54 am »
Upkeep is based on time fractions, not total time. The people with no life playing this game and run in full place either have a stash of gold from previous low-cost runs or have to rotate their equipment just like you do in terms of fraction of the time. It is as fair as a system can get and I speak as someone that plays 4-5 hours a week max.

All the cries about nerfed throweres made me roll one. I went moderately-high PD/PS (7-8) with 1H as the melee option and no/minimal shield. Still leveling him up.

My intermediate observation is that he is not bad at all, but requires a different concept of the profession: a thrower is a skirmisher, not a full ranged fighter. This means that he WILL get into melee sooner or later and will do it WILLINGLY. The current wpf requirement per PT is a reasonable balance. It means that when you go 6+ in PT the wpf sink starts to be felt in your melee wpf budget - it is a good thing that prevents just any melee guy to go high PT and dedicated throwers pay for the increased range potential with lowered melee potential (not just transfering a few points from IF to PD to fill it). It means that going full out insane PT will rob you of most of your melee ability (still high PS, but really wpf starved) - again good for the balance.

One question: what exactly is the penalty when your throwing wpf is not high enough? I get the red text message, but does does it mean in practice?

Suggestion: Implement the wpf limitation through the web interface (& ingame character screen): i.e. do not allow to "+" raise the PT when throwing wpf is insufficient. This will solve all the confusion around this issue and prevent silly mistakes. It will also prevent from not having "enough" wpf because I wear some piece of armor that carries wpf penalties.

General Discussion / Re: No Trees/Bushes texture mod
« on: June 29, 2011, 10:10:39 am »
What ? So that's why my dedicated bushman in green couldn't ninja effectively !

Lame, really lame. Bushes add to the mod, it shouldn't be removed.
I changed the katana texture into bright shining pink so I can spot the ninjas from a mile away. Next I will turn the black ninja armor to brightly colored flowers pattern - makes them look gay AND easier to spot :D

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 1 slot for items that are only held
« on: June 28, 2011, 06:01:42 pm »
No, it would be. This would make unsheathable weapons the backup melee weaps of choice for archers/xbows and such. Run to pew-pew spot with big-uge weapon in hands, drop it there, pew-pew, then pick it up when you need it. The idea behind slots was to eliminate this.
Sure, I want to see them picking it up in a hurry when the see a 2H/poleaxe guy charging at them...
If it is on the ground they cannot run with it. They will find it hard to quickly change locations, so this only work if you camp one spot. If someone is willing to go through this hassle and not have their melee weapon available on them, be my guest.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 1 slot for items that are only held
« on: June 27, 2011, 11:49:08 am »
Even making them 0 slot will not be unbalancing, so I agree.
It should be coupled with flagging most of the polearms and 2H weapons "cannot sheath".

Suggestions Corner / Re: Horseman's Mace
« on: June 27, 2011, 11:39:29 am »
Old idea, suggested cav axe and cav mace ages ago. We need decent models though.
We have it, it's called Fighting axe.

Yes for this. But It should be very long and slow to be a useful yet still balanced cavarly toy. Like 80 spd and 105 length.
105 will make it the longest 1H weapon (together with a couple of others). 90 is about as long as it can reasonably be, essentially the blunt equivalent of the fighting axe.

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