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Messages - El_Infante

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Suggestions Corner / Axes suggestion.
« on: January 15, 2013, 07:13:47 pm »
Is a simple suggestion for axes, that I noticed after playing M&B With fire and Sword.

In that game, axes have penetration factor against shield & amors. Why axes have in warband 2x damage against shields? Because axes don't have cut damage exactly. Is not the same a sword, where the purpose is to cut & slide or thrust vs an axe where the damage is a mix of cut & pierce, because these weapons have their mass on a edge and concentrates all the strenght of the hit on a point. That is the reason it can "cut" through shields better than swords. IMO, axes should be unbalanced because that is the "nature" of the weapon. It's strong is the unbalanceness. For example, imagine a plain sword trying to cut through a chainmail. It make no sense. Imagine now a two handed viking axe hitting strong that chainmail. Poor is the guy that is under the armor.

I'm not talking about giving only axes bonus vs armors. It should have handicaps.  Being unbalanced allow the fighter to give potent swings that can dice & slice through shields and armors. I really don't know how to balance it. Now with WSE2 and enhanced hitboxes, the engine can differ between a blunt or cut hit with weapons (specially polearms), so it can be an option, not only for cRPG, also for Melee B.

It can give axes another role that breaking shields, and I think every suggestion is welcome. The more depth the game have, the more happy we are. :)

My two cents.

Suggestions Corner / Re: spawnraping, valor and multiplier.
« on: January 15, 2013, 06:40:59 pm »
I agree, but only for a time. For example 30 seconds or 1 minut and, when you leave it you can't enter again. I hope I can see spawnrapers burning on fire. A lot of games, have a spawn-respawn zone where you can't enter. Why not here? Spawnraping is a cancer on crpg.

Sell/Trade / Re: El_Infante store
« on: January 15, 2013, 12:59:02 pm »
Daily bump!

Sell/Trade / Re: El_Infante store
« on: January 14, 2013, 11:38:35 pm »
Thanks  :D

Sell/Trade / El_Infante store
« on: January 14, 2013, 10:58:07 pm »
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Looking for:
+3 Italian sword
+3 Elite cavalry shield

Also interested on:
+3 Knightly arming sword + gold (100k)
+3 Nordic Champion sword + gold (100k)
+3 Knightly heater shield  + gold (100k)

Not interested in other offers. Won't add money for the trades.

Also trading the gloves for plate mittens. Offers up on the market. PM here or in market to Tercio_Infante.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Turn speed (A new approach)
« on: January 13, 2013, 03:44:56 pm »
It is a great suggestion, but I doubt if it's possible to develop on the current engine which have severe limitations. Maybe with WSE2? I don't know if the engine can support a "dynamic" turn speed or it's just a variable. It will be the definitive balance between short & light weapons vs heavy or larger ones.

General Discussion / Re: TO THE DEVS TEAM !!
« on: January 11, 2013, 07:01:47 pm »
I agree with blackbow. Why people don't whine when on EU a 40% of the server is in a horse? I played archers many gens, and to be honest i'm tired of stupid nerfs. Every patch, one nerf. I don't understand why people rage about group of archers. If you get caught by four of five players on melee you are dead. The same situation vs five archers.

I totally disagree with "balance" dev team. Arbalest was being OP, a fast and superaccurate 100p medieval shotgun about a year, just because one developer was using it. Maybe with archery is the same with the difference no dev archer defend ranged role in crpg. And also every nerf was a total facepalm.

Turn nerf? 1h fucked.
Slot system? Kitting archers.
Increased upkeep? People raging about getting more damage of ranged.

And I hope no changes will come because now they are busy with other business.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery nowdays
« on: January 08, 2013, 01:49:27 am »
I disagree. In the old crpg times, where every archer had melee weapons I don't remember too much kite like nowadays. And 15 arrows is not enough for an archer. Accuracy is far from being accurate, and to be a decent archer you have to spend a lot of skill points in WM and PD, thing that an arbalester don't need.

I encourage archers to have melee skills, but give them decent weapons to fight with.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Archery nowdays
« on: January 08, 2013, 12:15:26 am »
People whine about kitting archers. I don't know why devs decided to increase arrow weight that was IMHO a stupid idea. Just give archer melee capabilities and they won't run. They don't run because they don't know how to duel&melee. They run because with a fucking pickaxe you can't do shit.

Just increase nÂș of arrows of each quiver and allow archer to have at least, 1slot decent weapon, like mace or langes messer. I play an arbalest build and, if I can equip a mace and enough bolts to shoot entire rounds, why archers can't? Also, ranged are in the game to kill you, like other classes, and other players should assume that they will die to ranged as they die in hand-to-hand combat.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 1h Stab still a viable attack?
« on: January 07, 2013, 11:51:35 pm »
Before turn nerf, it was a viable attack. Now, it isn't. If you glance, you are dead and it glances often. It seem like a bugged animation or something but it's not easy to land a stab, moreover to a armored player.

Announcements / Re: Xmas, Strat, bonus and PJA
« on: January 06, 2013, 05:01:35 pm »

Announcements / Re: Xmas, Strat, bonus and PJA
« on: January 06, 2013, 04:54:11 pm »
1 Loompoint for everyone as christmas gift. :)

General Discussion / Re: What happened to this mod?
« on: December 24, 2012, 08:12:37 pm »
Just don't expect to play the same game for 2 years and not getting bored. Just wait for M&B II. :)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Is Arbalest OK?
« on: December 19, 2012, 08:08:21 pm »
I played 4 o 5 gens of loomed arbalester and I have to say that:
- Rain ruin our day. Why? I have to change server everytime it happen. I hope someday dev remove that unfair penalty.
- Accuracy was nerfed a lot. In the oldtimes we had pinpoint accuracy at 170wpf. I agree is not balanced but a slightly buff is needed because is very hard to land far shots and our fire rate is so slow.
- Ranged damage is random. That is why sometimes players with heavy armor get oneshotted. (Speed bonus + high random damage).
- Oneshotting is luck. Sometimes archers die in one shot, sometimes not. The best way to do is shooting people that are running straight to you.

The thing I more hate is the repair rate. I can't earn money because that 1400 repair occurs more than it should, and my equipment is cheap (scale armor, mail gauntlets, and a flanged mace)

General Discussion / Re: So, is Horse Archery Skill really Balanced?
« on: December 17, 2012, 04:40:13 am »
Horse archer is a crap build. Crap damage, crap accuracy, and very expensive. I hate them all, and I wish all horse my old friendchers burn in flames but I agree they need a big buff. They do more damage bumping than shooting. Sometimes when I get shot with one of them, they do around 5-10% damage per arrow, and I wear light armor.

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