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Messages - Madcat

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
General Discussion / Re: Two Handed Spam
« on: February 27, 2011, 04:28:06 am »
Pass on that one.
I have seen a 2h hit a shield, the 1h attack only to be one shotted in mid swing because the 2 hander is that fast.  Personally I would have thought that the one handed weapon would out pace and 2h by default if only on the laws of physics. 
There doesnt seem to be a trade off with this weapon class insofar as they get horrendous damage, weapon range and shield smegging special powers at the expence of speed.  It seems a dedicated 2 hander gets all of the snacky super  powers and can swing like they're on combat drugs.

Its just seems to be getting a bit cheesy is all.

I've never been able to out swing a shielder continually who knows what he's doing.
On the times I do manage to attack twice before he can attack once, it is because of luck on my side or incompetence from the other player.

I also agree with what the first replier said, about how two handed weapon should have an offensive advantage considering all the hazards that come with it.

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: February 23, 2011, 01:03:11 pm »
I like this, but im afraid of buying expensive stuff now, very afraid.....

But it's so cheap.
I think you mean you are afraid to wear all your expensive stuff at the same time

General Discussion / Re: Disarming
« on: February 17, 2011, 10:55:18 pm »
one minor wound can sometimes cause physical or mental shock that lasts long enough that it allows enemy to take off your head instead of arm, but that's not the point. it could be implemented grappling the enemy and then that who waster clicks, disarms enemy (mousekiller)

And that would be sweet. But someone would have to make a combat system for it and new animations.
For the developers sake, the less new stuff and changes you need to make it work, the easier it would be to add to the game.

General Discussion / Re: Disarming
« on: February 17, 2011, 10:49:45 pm »

There should not be any 'auto-win' features added. Crushthrough is hardly OP either, you have plenty of chance to fight back. Weapon comes out of hands, insta death in many circumstances, just sounds like an OP ability that doesn't need to be added to the game.

Unless of course they also add wrestling, so once I'm disarmed I can wrestle you to the ground, tear your eyes out and choke you to death.

Yeah, I don't see either of these ideas happening lol.

So are you against the idea of disarm, or are you against the idea of a overpowered disarm? Because it sounds like the latter.

Nobody wants auto win features.
I think a disarm would add more color to the combat. Just the feature of being able to disarm someone somehow.
If it's doable, simple, spices things up and someone has the time and will to add it and balance it then why not?

I think it's a shame you dismiss a potentially good addition like that. It should at least be explored

General Discussion / Re: Question regarding couch
« on: February 17, 2011, 05:16:10 pm »
If its not one hit, i think people will stop using it all together

General Discussion / Re: Disarming
« on: February 17, 2011, 04:37:13 pm »
Disarming someone is not that hard.
I mean, if you damage someones hand or arm he will likely drop his weapon. That's a disarm no?

Disarming him without harming him would be harder / more dangerous.

General Discussion / Re: Disarming
« on: February 17, 2011, 04:03:16 pm »
I don't like random chances, this should be an intentional move if implemented. For example you disarm someone by attacking an enemy and he chamber and then you chamber his thrust chamber with an overhead.
Something complicated anyway. Personally I don't like the idea, but whatever.

It shouldn't be something overly complicated though or it will never be used and then what's the point of implementing it at all.
It should be something you can fairly easily "attempt" and defend against but it depends on paying attention
Unlike the kick which you need either a stroke of luck, be desperate or have the other guy be totally careless in order to pull off.

Losing your weapon shouldn't mean certain death. You should still have control over your character and not get stunned like from a kick

General Discussion / Re: Disarming
« on: February 17, 2011, 03:42:39 pm »
You mean, when you chamberblock someone you have a chance to disarm him ? Hey that sounds good  :D

How about only if the chamber attack damages you. Like if you block it, it does nothing. But if the chamber attack damages you, you drop your weapon.
This way people who pay attention can still block it and it doesn't turn into a random lotto thing

General Discussion / Re: Disarming
« on: February 17, 2011, 03:40:21 pm »
A disarm chance for certain weapons would be cool and would give a reason for having backup weapons
Like then maybe carrying a small dagger isn't such a bad idea :p

General Discussion / Re: Best 2H sword
« on: February 13, 2011, 05:41:50 am »
Why isn't the claymore there?

Faction Halls / Re: [Fallen]The Fallen Brigade (Recruiting EU/NA)
« on: February 13, 2011, 05:39:56 am »
Oh that looked fun. Wish i had participated!

General Discussion / Re: CRPG age
« on: February 11, 2011, 03:51:06 pm »

General Discussion / Re: cRPG + WSE - voice your opinion.
« on: February 04, 2011, 09:04:34 pm »
Able to hit more then one person in a single swing
Walking down a hill should be faster then walking up a hill

General Discussion / Re: cRPG + WSE - voice your opinion.
« on: February 04, 2011, 01:32:54 am »

For some reasons crpg is for some people more laggy than native.

cmp is trustworthy, but an extra program running will, most likely, cause even more delay, especially for those poor souls with old computers and horrible internet connection.

I don't see why you could assume such a thing

General Discussion / Re: cRPG + WSE - voice your opinion.
« on: February 03, 2011, 07:51:03 pm »
As long as it doesn't cause VAC ban on Steam, then sure, why not?

Actually no. It's just not needed.

But think of all the improvements that could be made. All of the stuff people have asked for years

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