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Messages - MacX85

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General / Re: The Epic
« on: May 21, 2016, 09:26:53 am »
I also seem to remember a promised version with bots to play around with this week... Wonder if that's going to happen

Hurray for procrastination though!

Tell me about it  :oops:

General / Re: Plans for servers outside EU/NA
« on: May 18, 2016, 09:10:26 pm »
He is Austrian, you do know what happens when you enable Austrians?

They revolutionize the music industry?

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General / Re: The Epic
« on: May 18, 2016, 06:36:00 pm »

I also follow this game which is pretty similar to what is being talked here and they found some good solutions to afks, dcs and offline players. They also have a contract/agreement system.

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hm, interesting.

General / Re: The Epic
« on: May 18, 2016, 02:08:34 pm »
Oh, another thought. More about the missions, Players should be able to make deals with other players to do certain things, like sabotaging, assaulting a certain character, stealing blueprints, etc. Other more peaceful ones as well - like trade missions, construction task maybe, possibilities are limitless.

Do you need that to be coded into the game? Sounds like something players can very well agree upon by themselves.

General / Re: The Epic
« on: May 18, 2016, 01:39:18 pm »
Typically, how would one 'overthrow' or "stop a rival production in the neighbouring city"?

You could attack their supply tracks for a start.

General / Re: The Epic
« on: May 18, 2016, 11:28:50 am »
I don't think that will be an issue, I fully intend to run around calling myself a king from day1 as a shitty explorer with no decent gear or followers.

Then we'll have I nice place for you
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General / Re: The Epic
« on: May 18, 2016, 11:12:58 am »
About Kings. As I understood from what chadz wrote is that  once a city was found and developed the ruling dynasty (aka clan) can claim a King and a Kingdom of nearby territory. From some settlement to a city without coat of arms to a normal medieval city-state.

Yes, but that not the same thing as medieval kingship as it existed in the portrayed period (13th century). European kingdoms like France, England, HRE etc. had been established centuries ago and whoever wore the crown wielded some respect among the high lords, and could assign territory to this house or that one and speak justice.

I think it's just a nice idea for the persistence of the game aside from local feuds among cities.

General / Re: The Epic
« on: May 18, 2016, 10:43:40 am »
Very interesting, and if everything played out the way I imagine it it would be a dream come true.

Just some points:

You mention certain roles. Are those actual classes you have to choose from or can you be a fighter and explorer at the same time?

Won't monopolies be a problem? When one faction manages to build the biggest cities, attract the most important players and occupy the most ressources, what's stopping them from dominating the game quickly?
Or is this intended and once they do the map will be resetted?
Cities are where they are protected, where nothing bad happens to them, where they can practice whatever playstyle they want without having to look over the shoulder every second, worrying about a bandit attack or a murderer hidden under their bed.

So, no strangers can enter the city, I take it? Cause once you do, what exactly is stopping you from murdering anyone? Sure, you can have guards or the like but they can't actually prevent you from attacking some one who's just doing his business if you really wanted to do harm.

Eh, Vibe already asked my question about there being actual feudal kings.
So, just my comment towards that: I would like there to be a royal institution that people fight over just because it's the middle ages and that's what the big houses often enough fought about. Otherwise it could as well be set in some anarchic past of tribes settling in some area and occasionally fighting each other.
The position of a king wouldn't necessarily need to have actual power over all the subjects as it didn't irl. He could be someone who steps in and declare one of the warring factions an enemy of the realm so every other faction would act in accordance to the king's justice when they'd attack them.

Armies work similarly to taxes - you draft from your population, taking away lifetime from your population. Your people will understand to some extent, but if you just abuse them as cannon fodder, possibly even without pay, they will at some point become unhappy.
About that point: will the armies consist of the actual players, meaning you the tradesman who happens to live there are supposed to take up a sword? Or is it your NPC relative who you'd otherwise assign for other tasks?

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General / Re: An update on things
« on: May 17, 2016, 10:59:58 pm »
I consider both M&B and Chivalry to be pretty good. For me, it doesn't need to offer more than that to be fun.

I was thinking about other MMOs with supposed M&B-like combat like Gloria Victis and Life is Feudal which both fail utterly at the combat aspect imho, and thus I don't feel compelled to play it in the slightest. But every time I brought it up, I heard people saying "it's still pre-alpha.. relax" while all my hype went further down.

General / Re: An update on things
« on: May 17, 2016, 10:18:24 pm »
Lots of game manage to deliver big maps and persistence, but the combat mechanics are almost always lacking.
Therefore, I'd like it to work on small scale and enjoy the big world later.

General / Re: An update on things
« on: May 17, 2016, 10:01:49 pm »
True, but on the other hand.. dont we already have enough medieval fighting games??

But none with the future promise of going big.

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: May 17, 2016, 10:57:05 am »
I expected her to be rescued by her freaking dragon any time.
Disappointment was real.

No, that was clear to me that they wouldn't pull that trick again. The whole story arc was about her inspiring more people to join her.
I thought she would somehow convince the Dothraki that she's boss by diplomatic means. Instead she kills the bosses again, and that somehow worked out... oh well

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: May 17, 2016, 09:46:14 am »
GoT has become  the "Game of empty Rape Threats" now it seems

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