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Messages - Osakasa

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You can watch as steel pick shielderbot comes and melts away your HP with few hits regardless you are wearing light or heavy armour. Plus it doesn't really matter whether he has PS4 or PS8, both are deadly as hell. Same goes also for morningball, few hits and you have one fresh kill.

Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: April 09, 2014, 10:00:27 pm »

Kurwa iMac

Suggestions Corner / Re: [Item/Suggestion] European Cavalry sword
« on: March 07, 2014, 07:51:19 am »
I really like this sword, good work Senni. If this sword is meant to be cav sword and be a competitor for ACS, the balance between two swords goes:

                Reach    Damage (swing)
Sword A:  longer   less
Sword B:  shorter  higher

Why? Because +98% of hits on horseback are swings, so if this new sword has exactly the same reach but swing damage is lower, i would go ACS. I don't mind about rest of the stats (spd, mass etc.) but imo this is a big picture how to balance cav swords.

Nice little extra would be secondary mode as a 2h weapon if this had same reach but lower swing damage but that's another story though. Anyways, great work Senni :)


General Discussion / Re: The Ride ... of the Plated Chawesomegers!
« on: February 22, 2014, 08:50:11 am »
Plated Charger causes me same emotional feelings than Flamberge does. I just love to see them in actions. So many Plated Chargers must be much love then :)

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Strategus drama Penios
« on: February 21, 2014, 03:20:20 pm »
Sounds really gay... why this cav guy didn't def flags when they were all captured? There should be timer when all flags are down, team has x min(s) time to get one back otherwise fief/castle is captured

General Discussion / Re: Overall Balance Poll : Q1 2014
« on: February 03, 2014, 02:52:51 pm »
HA and HX are missing in your poll

Suggestions Corner / Re: Give pikes 4d attacks
« on: January 19, 2014, 11:05:01 am »
Needs couch while running

General Discussion / Re: A bit poetry
« on: January 16, 2014, 08:44:07 am »
An enemy of mine, slices my thigh
I might die, so i'm holding my s key tight
beSt key through times

I decide, I shall survive!
Holding my S, Glaive will do the rest
Hitting his chest, now watching his death

I gain my peace for a while
until an arrow hits my eye

Events & Tournaments / Re: 1 vs 1 Tournament, BRACKET & Prizes are up!
« on: January 08, 2014, 11:22:01 am »
Fuck why was I drunk when kpu and tor had their duel I wanted to see it:(

Someone threw alcohol moisturized bread into your pond?

The Chamber of Tears / Re: cav QQ
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:16:30 pm »
Poor Elmuri wanted to see this..
(click to show/hide)

So many arse horsery (i bet there are bunch of xbows too outside the picture [left down corner]), i hope i wasn't there :)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Missile speed
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:30:18 am »
Lower missile speed of bows.

Make PD increase missile speed more than it do now.

You want a high missile speed? Go STR archer.

I think you are missing my point or didn't read my first post.
I played as a HA with very very low effective WPF only because the missile speed is so high that shooting was still so easy. I had PD8, so if higher PD increased the missile speed, shooting would be even more easier.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Missile speed
« on: December 15, 2013, 02:56:32 pm »
Missile speed IMO should be defined in this way:
Higher requirement->Higher DMG-> Higher missile speed

I't annoying that even short bow have higher missile speed than my long bow...

i agreed 100%
Then Rus Bow and Long Bow would be for foot archers
Yumi, Horn Bow and Tatar Bow for HAs. Horn Bow is a good bow for castle and small maps on foot too, little less effective than big ones.
Bow, Nomad Bow and Short Bow for low level archers.

All bows would still have a purpose in game, maybe last three little less but hey, no one uses practice sword nor club than peasants and Fuma Kotaro :wink: (side note, do archers use any other arrows than Bodkins and Tatar? i think not)

In my experience, it felt stupid that it is possible to sniper shoot people on horseback from long distance with Horn Bow only because that high missile speed. PD8 makes sure that the shot will hurt even from far distance. If missile speed was decreased by 2-3 and "small" bows had smaller value, foot archers would use a lot powerfull bow than HAs but i think HA is stronger class in battle than foot archers. This adjustment would compesante classes to be equally strong, maybe HA is still sligtly stronger because movement.

Game Balance Discussion / Missile speed
« on: December 14, 2013, 03:44:04 pm »
I write this in the perspective of HA
I played a lot with my HA main, maybe some +100M exp, and i dare to say i played well.

My build:
24/18 (lvl32)
Power Draw 8
Riding 6
Horse Archery 3
Weapon Master 6 -> archery wpf ~150

I'm sure my effective wpf was pretty low compare to normal archer builds but that didn't bothered me. I noticed that the missile of Horn Bow (requirement 5, so my PD8 gets full power still) is so damn high the aiming was still pretty easy. The Low wpf never bothered me either on horseback or on foot. ofc as a HA it's easier to move near your target than normal foot archer, horse gives you that advantage. However normal foot archers can "fortify" themselves where infs and cavs have hard to reach (on roof, high slopes...) so when bad guys are coming, archers can either start to shoot them or escape (Templar Steevee with ATH9 is pretty much fastest animal on the battlefield  :lol:, so archers CAN run). If they decice to hold their position, the target is coming closer so shooting becomes easier like a HA can move closer to target. Only difference is that normal foot archers have higher effective wpf so rate of fire is better and they can hold their aim longer.

Despite my low effective wpf i could easily play 3:1 KD and want to say that this was a time before the first archer buff patch. Then came august 10th with new updates. HOLY what the hell! Missile speed got buffed, nice. +3 bows and arrows weren't needed for higher damage and HX got hard nerf. Totally HA dream come true. So i start to shoot people like good HAs do, noticed that polearms cannot hit me, 2h guys' lolstab wasn't long enough after all. All what they can try to do is hide and run and hide more. shielders? how about them? well i learned that you can encircle them even with +0 desert horse. just ride around those poor bastards while they are holding their shield and finally shoot them in the back. A single headshot with PD8 in close distance was usually enough to stop their misery. HX? Everybody was happy when HX got nerfed, no more OP_Piece_of_shit (i believe Strudog's STF?) running wild and killing with 20-1 stats. Well, OP_piece_of_shit and Hate_more were only players who gave me hard time and manage kill my horse.

The newest patch gave more wpf for archers, some +10? well, that isn't game breaking, really. As i said, low effective wpf was never a problem for me. I would invest those "extra" wpf maybe to 1h so archers can defense themselves better in melee (also making them harder to kill). What i ask is archers' opinion about the missile speed. Do you think it would be something totally terrible thing if missile speed is decreased by 2? 2 or 3? I know "small" bows have higher missile speed than "big" bows but in generally. If the missile speed was lower, it would ruin this low effective wpf builds because you need to aim longer and evaluate where your target it moving. It wouldn't be possible rely on bullet straing shoots anymore. Arrows wouldn't hit your target 0.1 sec after you release them. Archery would be more difficult and "top" archers would earn their reputation.

Archers, give your opinion.

If you are about to write "fuck you all range" "nerf that shit to ground" ect. please don't


cRPG Technical problems / Re: horses are not for me :(
« on: November 30, 2013, 02:08:31 pm »
Teleporting occurs me mostly if i bump with a horse which charge value is low (rouncey, steppe, desert). Teleport keeps going on until i jump. I'm not sure if the horse get "stuck" in terrain or why jump always helps me.

Kasala goes Vodka
Hahaha  :D
True that, it is well known winters are cold and dark up here north so it can be very depressing. Good vodka keeps your spirit up

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