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Messages - Simon_Belmont

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Well... There is that one drunken video of Canary, granted it's somehow just not quite in the same league as this.

Is it filmed at his retirement home?

We gaylords wish we could stoop so low and remain so glorious at the same time. Everytime I read Smoothrich's posts I know I'm in for a good time. This video was no exception.
Cool guys get drunk and sing terribly with their gfs while challenging admins to a fight for ingame money.
He should get the adminship until Canary responds with a video of equal proportions.

PS: Are you just bored out of your mind and downvoting every single one of my posts, Turkhammer, or does this get you horny?

Other / Warn McMarco
« on: August 05, 2014, 11:49:58 am »
1. Name of your character involved: Grudgebringer_Belmont
2. Name of offending character(s): McMarco, aided by Aisa (but it was mostly McMarco).
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: 11:20, EU_HRE.
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after: McMacro quite simply decided to change the map when we were only 3 people playing. Aisa aided him at first and I didn't mind because I thought he just didn't like the first map so I went with it. Then he did it 4 consecutive times even after I warned him that he would be reported. Then decided to vote to kick me and the vote passed (only Aisa and him voted).
5. Why you think the offender did what he did: Typical kiddo that thinks he can do as he pleases in HRE because no admin is there to stop him. It's not the first time I've been kicked off (last time banned by Illuvatar, Lamerina and a couple other autist tryhards about a week ago, of which I sadly don't have any pics).
6. Multiple Screenshots:
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened: Sadly, no one did. Some guy joined afterwards but I don't think he saw anything, really. I think the screenshots are enough proof.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Banner Changes
« on: August 04, 2014, 08:43:09 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Someone said this a while ago, I think it's relevant now.

Also there are at least 2 guys in EU with poorly and comically (for them, at least) drawn dicks as their banner with the word "swag" under them. They are unfunny and unoriginal but those are totally fine? Any of the banners in the first page are avant garde masterpieces by comparison.

General Discussion / Re: Good comments.
« on: July 31, 2014, 12:34:40 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Woops, must have slipped.


For everything. Specially when I get team killed or I team kill myself.

On a more serious note.

(click to show/hide)

I almost forgot :D

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: July 14, 2014, 10:41:24 pm »
Nice response dildo guy, like a 40 year old man gives a fuck about grammar on a video game board website forum. If you took your time carefully write your response your a bigger cunt than i thought

That post made no sense because your punctuation and grammar are still awful and your insults pathetic. For being 40 you sure get salty like a 15 year old too. And shhh now, there are comments actually worth reading in this thread.

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: July 14, 2014, 04:19:45 pm »
Throwing is a fucking joke. Who cares what you dealwith pissant.

Whatever you say, cool guy. You sure got me there. Nice grammar, by the way.

General Discussion / Re: Horse archery is too strong
« on: July 14, 2014, 03:25:14 pm »
ok lets make hew thread about archers then. cuz they are top boarding:  nebun,shoko,steevee,bagge...should i continue?
instead of non-stop whining on forum do something on server...take a thrower and deal with it ffs!

Probably because a thrower can't do jack if a ha focuses him.  Example: I was fighting enemies in my spawn when a HA (Niluk, I beleive) showed up on his horse. Everyone was too busy fighting so I didn't have any aid. Niluk bumped around 5 times and got two arrows on me. My only hope would have been picking up a dropped spear but being bumped as I was I couldn't. After bumping me several times I guess he got bored and finished me off. If that's the kind of fun you enjoy then you are a sadist asshole, I don't see why other players should have to deal with that.

General Discussion / Re: #BlameApsod
« on: July 11, 2014, 08:30:04 pm »
Apsod is the reason i started to play horse crossbowman.

Not even him could spawn something THIS evil.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 08, 2014, 03:59:55 pm »
Think of one community that lets you get banned like 10 times and still get unbanned. Think of the amount of time people have to waste on idiots just because they know how lenient the admins can't get perma'd even if you try. You can hack (cheat) your tits off and still come back with a new key. How many people cheat with wallhacks just because they know how the admins aren't going to care even if it was possible to prove it? You can just come back NP.

cRPG is probably one of the most hacker/griefer free mods I've ever seen. Have you ever stepped outside and played any game besides Warband? Anyone can buy keys to avoid being banned, in any game. You make it look like admins have a rough time dealing with "trolls" but that's really not the case.

For starters, close to no one bothers hacking Warband, let alone join a Warband mod just to hack. Ever seen a hack that allows you to crash the server? Any invisibility hack? Speedhacking? Name stealing? It's just not "profitable". That leaves hackers/griefers out. Furthermore, considering how many active admins cRPG has, it's almost impossible to get away with anything because they'll just check the logs and ban you either way. So teamkillers/teamhitters are out too. Another threat erradicated. What does that leave us with? People like Allers that get banned over and over again? Tell me, does it really bother that he may be able to come back? What's the worse he is going to do, get banned again? Why should that concern you? Waste their time on idiots? You mean the minute it takes to ban him? Again, I don't see how that affects you in the slightest.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 08, 2014, 10:53:46 am »
There are multiple reasons you are not allowed to suicide or leech. Players get upset that others are getting the same xp as them without playing. Even if this is a game that is all about grinding, it is unfair that others fight while your only goal is "get killed as fast as I can each round then ignore CRPG." If leeching/suicide was not against the rules, there could be enough leech/suicide players on the server that the team balance would be really fucked up. Players who actually want to play the game would have their experience ruined. With such a small population on NA 1, allowing people to do that would be a bad thing to do.

I think that even with his extensive ban history, even allers should not have been permabanned for this. He should have gotten a lengthly ban, much more than a first time offender. He knew what he was doing, but like others in this thread he probably thought that it was doing no harm and there wasn't any reason not to. I have explained above why this is not the case. I don't want leechers to ruin what is left of crpg, and I don't want to permaban anyone either. I would sooner give up adminship than permanently ban a player. You can quote this to canary I don't give a fuck.

Now downvote me and tell me that I am a rules-lawyer sperg who is obsessed with holding my vast admin powers over regular players. Take a shit down my throat because I enforce rules that make sense and prevent the game from turning into a festering hole of non-players grinding for xp by jumping off a bridge or running into a meatgrinder instead of fighting the enemy. Boo hoo admins touch each other's buttholes and laugh like hyenas as they punish innocent players who don't know any better and didn't break any rules. sperg admin crybaby witchcraft butthurt, unban allers. the days-long logs of him leeching are not enough evidence! give live video feed i am not a troll!!!!

My alt is has 4 PS / 76 WPF and only uses the stick as a backup weapon. I do better than that, and I am several tiers below allers in terms of skill.

You don't get it, do you, Witchcraft? Even in the highly unlikely event that a single player may make any difference in the outcome of a match, punishing him for not trying in his FREE TIME is like punishing him for having fun. Yes, his past may speak for itself for some of you but is this really the proper punishment? Take this scenario, for example: I'm playing with a char in peasant gear, a rondel dagger and a shield. I have little ag so I can't hit-n-run as many do and I die within the first minute of the match due to any form of ranged or cav. I get 5 or 6 deaths for every kill by the end of the match. I contribute very little too. Now imagine an admin can choose to ban me because I'm not contributing to the team. Now take Allers' scenario. The result is the same as mine but he wasn't actually trying. One variant in the whole grand scheme of things is enough to get him permanently banned. The only ones that have an issue with this are those tryhard nerds that can't get enjoyment out of playing and need to win every single round, otherwise they will leave.

I'm not gonna talk shit about you admins. You've been in your own little bubble for quite some time so any complain about your adminship will go unnoticed, specially by a "nobody" like me. I'm not american, so I shouldn't be the one complaining either. It's not your fault, specifically. It's the fault of such an elitist part of the community that would rather play with all the tryhards friends rather than with those who never pay attention to their xp counters. A part of community that will mostly ignore any newcomer because they are not within the top 5 players of the board. But you are right, we'd rather reward those members of the community; with the personality of a goldfish and their inability to get enjoyment if not followed by a set of rules, they'll turn out to be great admins for rp servers in games like Arma.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 07, 2014, 07:02:43 pm »
All I read from that post, Anti, was: "pls admins, notice me". You'd rather just cry about it for the millionth time and act all squeamish because a guy isn't playing like you think he should, how dare he.
Good try calling me a retard tho, I'm sure girls were watching.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 07, 2014, 06:18:37 pm »
not where i was lookin at in the logs, but sure okay.

And you couldn't handle the intensity of seeing him die over and over (even though loads of players already said he was getting kills) that you thought it was worth banning him over it? Good call. You probably also leave your seat at the cinema because someone is munching on his pop corn too loud for your liking.

General Discussion / Re: stand united with allers against bad admins
« on: July 07, 2014, 05:33:35 pm »
Love how everyone can bitch about contributing as if that was the worst bannable offence. I'm not american, I don't know Allers, but, holy crap, some of you need some real priorities instead of petty claims that charging into enemies is not contributing to the team and ruins your fun. I die a lot and I th a lot, but, what do you know?, those that report me, about 70% of the time, are tryhards with the need to feed their e-gos. Exactly the same as those who head to the forums to request a ban against people like Vue (seriously, you people are a cancer).

 But ask yourselves... does it really piss you off so bad that it should add up to his past ban history and cause him to be off the mod til he gets a new key? If you want a super competitive set up get yourselves a new server up and cry about it there.
Others are not against people enjoying themselves.

Then again, I question your ability to come up with a real solution to the issue other than "he's better off banned for his previous actions". Let's hope none of you get into a position of power in the future.

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