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Messages - Genzaemon

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EU (Official) / Re: unban- Genza_von_Krem
« on: February 28, 2014, 05:15:56 pm »
can i know when i will get unbanned because that was a rage ban i even said sry, it happen to tk accidently even an admin
i didnt griefed or smthg it was a pure accident.

so the admin who banned me show yourself and do your fucking job, give me an answer at least (i posted this thread 2 days ago)

EU (Official) / unban- Genza_von_Krem
« on: February 27, 2014, 05:03:06 pm »
plz i can explain why i did tk an admin yesterday on DTV server but he insta banned me witout letting me explain or saying sorry.

I tough it was the last round when i shooted him and i really tough he wont die from it (because of the pre round when you are unkillable) . Anyways i had no intention to tk him why would i do this seriously.

I m sorry but it was an accident

ps: it was a nice shot btw xD


cRPG Technical problems / Re: respec failed
« on: February 26, 2014, 03:11:59 pm »
problem solved you cant respec with 0 gold hahahha

cRPG Technical problems / respec failed
« on: February 26, 2014, 02:47:56 pm »
wtf when i try to respect point an error message appears: respec failed

I did enter the right char name (Genzaemon) and password

help pliz

EU (Official) / what the hell?
« on: February 23, 2014, 12:14:22 am »
yo wtf

i got banned for all eu servers

how long??

NA (Official) / Re: Ban request Spartan_Levy_Hoplite
« on: January 02, 2014, 05:36:42 am »
So it was you...

Dont dare fuking talk to me and just admit what you did like a man.

I m bad in english i dont want to debate with you, there was absolutly NOTHING to justify what you did. I started to run from you at the end you chase me and tk me and laughting at me with your fucking friends because you was bored. I wasnt a dick i did nudge on or two for fun but i didnt tk, insult, greefing, afk, be a dick like you said. i was doing my best for the team and when i got intentionally tk i said "next tk i screen + make ban post" then you said to yourself "hey i m so bored let's make this guy mad it will be funny" and you did.

I told you MANY TIMES to stop you didnt, now i guess you re happy? i just wanted to play. Personaly when som1 nudge me, i m not upset and they werent too because they didnt report me and if they told me to stop i will but it was with good intention. You just took that as a justification of what you did and its very ridiculous.

and actually,  its funny to see how you change now. You were harassing me, insulting me, laughting at me with your fucking friends but now you speak calmly.

Like i said, there was NOTHING to justify what he did and peaple like him are killing the game because they are bored of it and they make peaple bored aswell. Just get the fuck out and let us play

you say i elaboratepaint job, make montage... Are you serious? Do you really think i have nothing to do of my time?? i just wanted to play and i told you several time to stop you didnt (and you killed me mooore than 5 time and you said "Killing genza is actually more fun than the game", just check chat log and you will see)

Now stop acting like a kid and admit it

again sry of my english

ps : he said i get kickpoll? they spam kickpoll on me for no reason on the fourth one i guess they were bored of the spam and me crying on chat to tell to stop and they were just like "lets just kick him". We really but really need more mods on DTV there is no law anymore and like he said "THEY ARE THE LAW"

NA (Official) / Ban request Spartan_Levy_Hoplite
« on: January 02, 2014, 05:00:36 am »
1. Name of your character involved : Genzaemon

2. Name of offending character(s) : Spartan_Levy_Hoplite

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible :NA 7 (DTV) , ~4h10 GMT+1

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. : first of all, he began to tk me, i didnt tk him or nothing i said to him "next tk i screen + ban request" he said "oh yea ??" and he started to chain tk me more than ten times. Every time i spawn he kill me with throwing lance while him and his friend harass me on chat. Then it started to make me crasy and i knew he wont stop so i stopped playing.

5. Why you think the offender did what he did. : only for fun. He was with his friend Leonidass_ (they are same clan) , and apparently they were bored of the game and wanted to do somthg fun. They said i quote "Killing genza is actually more fun than the game" but i dont have the screen... nvm. Actually it seems they were not afraid of getting banned

6. Multiple Screenshots :
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7. Names of players that can witness what happened. :  I dont know, i m new on this na server, and i dont remember anyone who tryed to defend me. It seems like they were all friends against me.

Sorry of my bad English

Closed Requests / Ban Milart_The_Grey
« on: December 23, 2013, 11:57:54 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: Genzaemon
2. Name of offending character(s): Milart_The_Grey
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible : eu_server_7, ~23h00
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after. :!/
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.Also what happened before and after*: only because they know i cant do anything (my poll always denied and i even got kicked because i poll) and they think its funny to see me how i react
6. Multiple Screenshots
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Now i m gonna show you a couple of screen to make you realize the big harrassement i have to endure every game :
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som1 started to th me for some reason, i reported him then Blake_Z started to say that i was too serious ect then i said seriously "next one who troll me or something i ban request" they told me to stfu and insult me. I dont ask you to ban them but just to showing you... At least they didint tk me for fun
7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.** King_Of_Stealth

cRPG Technical problems / I 'm so tired of this plz help !
« on: December 23, 2013, 11:06:33 pm »
There it happen again, Peaple are trolling me and when i said that i never ragepoll for nothing, here is the proof it happened just now and i m fuking bored of this

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as you can see i was standing waiting for the wave when i got HEADSHOT by the ballista behind me AT THE MOMENT when the wave spawn. Then i submit a poll to kick him and they started say "ragepoll" for banning me.

That is what is happening ALL DAY they provoque me to make me do something like poll or report then they say ragepoll ect. Because Patoson always banned me for this. Plus, Deathstr0ke is one of those who looks hilarious to insta troll me, he tk me more than once and always trolling me.

I m really alone and i need help because i cant play there is a bunch of troll who doesnt leave me alone because they know how i react...

When there is admin its ok but when not its just a nightmare, they tk me troll me, nudge me, staying behind me at SW everything and when i poll or smthg they say ragepoll and they poll me for ban, because all know me as a troll that is not true

And really i was at the top left he aim and lock at me intentionally then headshot me its not like i was in front of him or smthg and all of this at the moment the ennemy spawn

Check chatlog if you want but you have to trust me

so plz make this stop

ps: let this topic open, i m gonna paste all screen of them trolling me because i know they wont stop yet to have more proof because i m really determined to make this stop

cRPG Technical problems / show chat log
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:59:16 pm »
how can you show chat log of previous game witout any screen?

Thank you

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Genzaemon
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:51:50 pm »
I was not talking about yesterday only...

but i admitted that i was troll so much time and that i m not anymore because an admin have warned me (i dont remember his name)

Do you realize that i have been banned 4 days for saying noob, nudging once an archer, and insulting admin idiot (i said 10 times i was sorry)

The only proof is the chat log, it says everything, even when i ask help about those who troll me

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Genzaemon
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:45:23 pm »
Kills in DTV do not determine your behavior. There is a difference between slashing bots in a shieldwall and fighting them in all directions and trying to save your life...
I also saw you a couple of times teamhitting and trolling and such. People might not like your joking side and if they don't you better don't bother them unnecessarily. Because if you do so, it will lead to big chaos if you react bad on those people.

I dont know if you have read my many posts but i do say that i was a troll before and that i got warned once and i apologize, I want patoson to copy paste chat log to see if i was trolling and to see my "insults". Yesterday i did nothing, maybe i said noob one or two times but thats it i didnt intentional tk/th/griefing and all the game i was saying "leave me alone" because of some trolls i forgot their name staying behind me at shield wall to troll me.

I want that chat log it s the only proof, pato just saw me afk 5 min because i had to eat or smthg he tough i m the bad guy.

I want the chat log to justify those 4 days

why noone wants to understand

AND i talked about my kills because he accused me of leeching how can you leech with 250 kills + thats what i mean ...

one more time if i knew i was wrong i wouldnt do all of this, i know i m misunderstood

Closed Requests / Re: Unban Genzaemon
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:39:55 pm »
i want to have an answer to know if i m still banned for 4 days and 1 hours.

Because i dont think i will wait for so long, i might stop playing it, (that's what you want i think)

i did all i can to tell you how i m sorry but nothing.

you have to consider that 4 days is too long for what i did i tried to explain you why but noone cares

cRPG Technical problems / Re: CRPG - I really but really need help plz
« on: December 23, 2013, 07:14:05 pm »
If you really dont want to unban me at least make it two days
but please not 4 days, not for the first warn....

I have never get banned ...

cRPG Technical problems / Re: CRPG - I really but really need help plz
« on: December 23, 2013, 06:38:46 pm »
i didn't asked any apology of you...

even if i did, and everything have gone so fast i haven't even time to say sry. I was really angry for being trolled by some random guys try to understand me.

But banning me is really useless because i understood. It's hollydays i cant even access to battle servers ... i only play crpg because its a game i love and i dont really play any other game.

if you would have banned me for like 5 hours or something i swear god i wouldnt be rude again or troll or nevermind.

Just give me another chance because i m' working after christmas i wont be playing ...

I had to ban you twice because you must have left the server to avoid it or something,

wha...?? :shock: i have been kicked i rejoin to say sry then banned they was no avoiding attemp or i dont even know

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