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Messages - Kaelaen

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Events & Tournaments / Re: MURRICCA Clan League
« on: May 01, 2013, 05:44:19 pm »
"Okay, the plan is to split up and take them on one on one.

Shit, that wasn't team chat."

You all thought I was joking.  Even my teammates thought I was joking.  Well, you all thought wrong.  P.S. Good fight Ravens I had a lot of fun even if my teammates were raging the whole time.

General Discussion / Re: KARAOKE NIGHT 9 PM EST 4/28 FCC TS
« on: April 29, 2013, 09:38:43 pm »


Larry the Magical Cheetah: "I'm going to touch your butt."

Truer words have never been spoken.  Bravo sir, bravo.


I used to go weapon master first, but these days if I do a standard 18/21 build I'll max out iron flesh over weapon master.  This is because I remember when FCC was a bit more active about a year or so ago and Cyranule hadn't respecced to archery yet.  He had 130 proficiency in two-hander (to have proficiency in polearms), used the slow as fuck sword of war, and people screamed at him for being a spammer despite using a build and equipment with terrible stats for spamming.  This was because he had good footwork, timing, and understanding of weapon ranges, things I feel are all very important skills to master and if anything maximizing weapon proficiency feels just as much a crutch as maximizing iron flesh to me.

Both are maxxed out on my main but whenever I make skip the funs I always have low wpf because I like being able to live despite the presence of ranged players and teammates.  Fuck teammate, including myself.


General Discussion / Re: Post Ur Best KD
« on: April 17, 2013, 05:41:34 pm »
He would never post about it because he's not the type to brag therefore not the type to take screenshots, but my best memory of Cyranule was him going 66/6 in battle in the Tuna Town server.  No, Tuna Town wasn't always melee only, and this was before he even how horses worked.  So with range shooting at him, horses bumping him, and him with nothing but a longsword, he did that.  The number is really easy to remember too, because if you take away the / you would see Cyranule for what he truly is (But you have to add "White" before you say it.)


General Discussion / Re: Game feels clunky?
« on: April 11, 2013, 05:11:15 pm »
In general though cRPG is glitchy and choppy. The only reason I sometimes play the farce that is Native is because it feels so damn smooth and responsive. Maybe all the extra scrips are too much for the sloppy Turkish basement coding core.

I've always felt this was the problem.  Over the years, melee kept getting 'tweaks' on it to slow combat down, introduce new animations, etc, and combat just kept getting slower, and recently, buggier.  I wish we could just have native animations with absolutely nothing changed, in regards to melee at least.  I want to stab at people without having to worry it'll suddenly turned into a right swing halfway through.

Of course, too much work has gone into all these irritating tweaks and 'fixes' that it would be unreasonable now to undo all that work, so goddammit.


General Discussion / Re: Game feels clunky?
« on: April 10, 2013, 04:41:38 am »
People were talking about skilled HoC in that one HoC dicksucking thread (I think it was called underappreciated players or something), anyway Smegmar in my opinion is the best duelist out of HoC.  I think people just didn't notice him because he wore literally like 6 body armor the whole time so if he got shot, gg.  Apparently he's armor crutching now?  Oh well.  Didn't need it before though.

To remain on topic, I feel NA1 is fine.  Sometimes I get FPS drops but that's on my computer.  NA3 though is absolute garbage.  People go through my blocks all the time why?  Because I have something different showing on my screen compared to what's actually happening.  I notice this a lot when I'm attacking.  I'm trying to do a right or left swing LOLOL halfway through the animation it turns into a stab.  Sometimes this works out in my favor.  People who know my fighting style expect a side swing, and get stabbed instead.  But the more obvious thing that happens is I'm at an improper range for a stab and so I glance and get fucked.  FUCK.


« on: April 07, 2013, 10:26:25 pm »
FCC is neutral evil.  We always do things that only benefit us.  If the other team benefitted from some random strat bug, we'll call them out on it and call them shit players and yell to get people de-adminned.  If we benefit from some random strat bug, we just pretend WITCHCRAFT performed witchcraft and make everyone laugh, diverting everyone's attention from the fact we benefited from bullshit. 

VE definitely fits better as lawful evil.  Sure they are out to take all your lands, but they obey their deals to the letter.  You don't really think of VE as an underhanded type of clan.

General Discussion / Re: Name your flaws here
« on: April 01, 2013, 02:34:30 am »
(click to show/hide)

The problem isn't cRPG, hell the guy barely plays video games at all these days.  The problem is being shipped to a different State so he can't be with her on a daily basis.  (Her being Gmnotutoo, btw.)

To stay on topic, I am a strength crutcher.
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Oh the shame.

To stay even further on topic, actually I can't think of insults for the first few posts above mine fuck it.


Strategus Issues / Re: Covered Flags
« on: March 22, 2013, 06:24:43 pm »
C:/Users/Matey/Documents/Mount&Blade Warband/cRPG/Screenshots

I don't know why, but that part blew my mind for some reason.


General Discussion / Re: Choose your Hero ( for each class )
« on: March 03, 2013, 05:24:41 pm »
I'm gonna do this damn proper.  One hero per class, OP's list only, final destination.

Archer: King Itchy. 
Dude pulls off some sick Legolas shit.  Also he hurts, a lot.  Fuck him so much... wait a second.  (Downloads the pew mod) D'AWW LOOK AT THE CUTE WIDDLE ARCHER AAAAH OH GOD WHY AWW HE'S SO CUTE OH FUCK I CAN'T CATCH HIM OH FUCK OW WHY DO YOU HURT ME SO BAD

Polearm: Adoptagoat
What the shit is this?  Is it a fence with a sign on it asking you to adopt a fucking goat?  It's not like it fucking does anything.  It just stands there in the middle of nowhere with a pointy stick resting on it.  (He goes on to score 49/28)  What.  The.  Fuck.  Seriously, he doesn't even move!  Are cav just impaling themselves onto him or what the hell is going on?!

2h: Redarrows
The goddamn definition of swag and style.  People dress up as samurais and shit but no one carries it with as much attitude as this motherfucker.  Goddamn does crazy kenjutsu poses in the middle of a duel, then comes flying at you at mach speed despite only having what 4 athletics?  Fucking awesome fighter.

Mauler: Arathian
Look I gotta admit maulers are fucking gay man.  But he acknowledges this, and absorbs it to give him power.  He is gay.  He is Arathian.  God bless ya.

Crossbower: Segd
Dude looks like a fucking dinosaur or some shit.  Still outperforms most people in strat no matter what server while styling all over people with his no shoes.

Shielder: Krosis
Fucking hilarious fighting this dude. W Key hero for real.  If you see a gigantic blob of melee, he's probably in the middle of it.

Horse archer: Hannibal
I woulda said Bigsandwich but someone already mentioned him somewhere else so I gotta go with Hannibro here.  Hey, I ain't saying he's my silver trophy when it comes to horse archers mate, just he slipped my mind just like he slipped yours, ya know?  I mean, how many of y'all even still remember this dude?  Anyway, goddamn hilarious to watch him get dismounted, chamber fist some peasant to death to steal his weapon (because real pros don't spawn with melee) then proceed to make it out like a fucking bandit the rest of the way with no powerstrike or weapon proficiency.

Thrower: ChuckyTosser
How the fuck have you bundle of sticks not mentioned him already goddamn.

Cav: Smoothrich
Dude seriously what the hell quit rolling random 2 hand hero builds and get the fuck back on your horse and pick up a lance goddamn how the hell are we gonna continue to taunt those weirdos on the wrong side of the ocean that we're better than them at everything including cav shit watching you not run around lancing people is like watching Loki when he stopped being an archer shit's unnatural man it's like a bad itch everytime I see you it's like "what the fuck is he doing"

Xbower+ cav: CHINASERFX
I only put X in because he comes first alphabetically over Y, but that don't mean shit because either one is an interchangeable machine, just like real Chinese peasants.  Except these two badasses are machines of DEATH.  Watch 'em fly around on goddamn arabians spinning in crazy coordinated circles shooting one target and you learn exactly what the word 'helplessness' means.  O ya, did I mention they were coordinated?  Shit I should just erase X from the name cause CHINASERF is one body made up of two avatars.  And just cause they don't have any powerstrike or melee skill don't mean either one can't put you to shame in a gay dickwaggling competition.

General Discussion / Re: The P.E.W. Project
« on: March 02, 2013, 08:54:39 am »
I am not even an archer.  But this mod has changed my life.  cRPG somehow, despite everything, became playable again.


General Discussion / Re: Post a picture describing your playstyle.
« on: March 02, 2013, 08:43:28 am »
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Diplomacy / Re: MEGACLAN hero party attack fledgling BIRD CLAN!!
« on: November 25, 2012, 01:10:48 am »
Where the hell is Smoothrich?  There's some serious smack talk that's not being said right now and all this reasonable talk isn't sitting well with me.  Honestly Kesh, you call that post-match defeatist excuses?  You used to be good at this.  Anyway, you see how this fight went down?  Million man army shot down by the 47%.  Welcome to Obama's Calradia.  Good thing Huey quit while he was ahead.


General Discussion / Re: NA 2v2 Tournament Interest Check
« on: November 08, 2012, 12:52:36 am »
The only one like this I ever saw was hilarious.  Everyone thought the Miley/Allers combo would win... Miley ends up TKing Allers.  Fun times!  Anyway I'd be down.


Faction Halls / Re: The Free Companies of Calradia (Strategus Faction)
« on: October 24, 2012, 07:19:26 am »

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