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Messages - Algarn

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 203
General Discussion / Re: JIHAD AGAINST RANGED
« on: September 03, 2018, 11:18:32 pm »
If you're going to keep on with your holy war, don't forget to put your items in your armory, this way they aren't lost.

You can always post what you have in mind, as long as it sounds balanced, they might have a look at it. Don't get your hopes up though, cos without any attention, it'll end up just like Dave's suggestions about crossbows.

General Discussion / Re: Please add a new official rule
« on: September 02, 2018, 12:02:11 pm »
Yeah, but once the server reaches 15-20 players, then it's totally okay!

Small name guessing game
(click to show/hide)

Was pissed off and couldn't be arsed to switch to melee, did perform quite poorly either way. To be honest, I'd have wanted Dave and Speedy to log on their melee alts, but they do their own thing.

Then again, I wouldn't be against class balance, it just was pretty poorly implemented (aka not-working-at-all kind of poor).

General Discussion / Re: Please add a new official rule
« on: September 02, 2018, 12:30:07 am »
I think it was fun  :?

Ranged or cav on low pop is cancer.

General Discussion / Please add a new official rule
« on: September 01, 2018, 10:53:39 pm »
No ranged or cav below 10 or 15 players on PVP servers. It just kills the game at such low player counts.

General Discussion / Re: Hey Speedy, this is for you...
« on: September 01, 2018, 12:39:00 am »
They aren't playing well, they are just clan stacking on a dead low pop server tryhard pike ganking 5v1 on new and solo players and kiting with xbows. Anyone can do this, most of us just aren't lame enough.

Clan stacking is pretty much useless if you aren't on Discord/ts communicating. Now, if you're going to tell me not to play spearman because you hate spears, and not to play archer because you hate archers, you can fuck right off. If people can't block down, or want to run off on their own against squads of players, it's their problem, not mine.

EDIT : there should be a new rule : no ranged or cav below 10/15 players. Nothing else should be done, please for the love of god, no more nerfs, that kind of shit killed the game.

General Discussion / Re: Official Donate To Hannah Stone Charity Fund
« on: August 31, 2018, 05:49:32 pm »
For a second, I thought it was a bot. Gold is very, very easily acquired, as long as you play DTV with a team, or play EU1 with 50 body armor max. There are a lot of cost-effective weapons and armors that allow you to rack up quite a lot of cash.

General Discussion / Re: Hey Speedy, this is for you...
« on: August 31, 2018, 02:14:26 pm »
So what did he do?

Speedy basically wrecked the server using a heavy crossbow and a spathoklavion. Panos lost his shit, and decided to try to tk him for 3-4 rounds in a row. Sure his playstyle is infuriating, but it's just going a bit far.

EDIT : for anyone who played on EU a few years back, it's just Veselov, but with better skill.


Most informative gameplay about perks and various info, nothing new at the 30min mark though.

I havent played Warband so long, that the fond memories of it are slowly fading, with the need for more of it. Based on these vids Bannerlord looks kinda shitty by today's gaming standards. Honestly I dont even want it anymore.

Don't underestimate the fact it fills a niche not a single other franchise ever considered filling : no game allows you to control your army and forge empires. Also mods were amazing in warband, they'll be even better in this game.

Diplomacy / Re: Dhirim once more flies the Black Banner
« on: August 23, 2018, 03:47:49 pm »
+3 Pikes are now available at a 30% discount, 36% when I'm back to Dhirim.

General Discussion / Re: Increase the XP and gold gain on EU1 already.
« on: August 23, 2018, 03:02:48 am »
One interview of the bannerlord devs revealed that the game may be near completion (1 year till release). We still have a monstrous grind that hasn't been fundamentally reduced for years. Please buff rewards from battles, DTV makes me want to jump from a bridge out of boredom sometimes.

Skills showed in the video:

The perks are pretty shit for what they are in that version, but I believe that mods can do a lot with that system.

Noob gameplay :

I'll post more as soon as I get my hands on some gameplay posted on youtube.


All the melee skills in beta :

General Discussion / Re: remove nomad from defend the virgin
« on: August 20, 2018, 11:10:56 pm »
Add markers on the heads of the last 5-10 bots that can be seen across the map.

Useful, but doesn't solve the fact 1 fucker is going to delay, shooting its stupid arrows doing 1 damage to us.

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