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Messages - VesX

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NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 09:03:48 pm »
I say a day or a 3 days since the admin in question does hate me and has had problems with me before and this does not just happen........

I have 3-4 other admins saying this is a bullshit ban......

I apologized and said ill try not to let it happen again and posted screenshots of it happening IN ARMOR!, that should be end of story unbann and everything is over

Instead he wants to wait this out and keep me from playing since i play alot everyday and he knows it....Ive tried everything i could to fix this but i guess Tydeus does not want to respond to me anymore or see it was an accident and im sorry!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 08:51:07 pm »
Exactly..........You just showed everyone what an asshole you are haha good job there

Instead of saying why u were shitting on me you talked abunch of shit

"You're being a crybaby and a leecher piece of shit"

Thats nice

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 08:47:56 pm »
<11:39:59> "muse": You're being a crybaby and a leecher piece of shit and trying to make ammends by blaming it on ping spikes.
<11:40:03> "M4X": I just dont get where you get off on my ban thread jumping in and saying all this shit
<11:40:22> "muse": I get off on it because I'm the one who's killed you MANY MANY times, so I have quite a lot of experience on the matter.
<11:40:36> "M4X": Good job bro want a medal?
<11:40:44> "M4X": you killed me har har im not that good
<11:40:51> "muse": Not what I'm talking about.
<11:40:52> "muse": l2 read
<11:41:12> "muse": You wouldn't know though because you were alt tabbed, autowalking to enemy spawns.
<11:41:22> "M4X": I even posted screenshots bro get on my level
<11:41:30> "muse": Okay?
<11:41:40> "M4X": i dont leech i have 19 MWs and a shit ton of gold
<11:41:43> "muse": Maybe you should read what I JUST said.
<11:45:31> "M4X": i did and responded maybe you should get the sand out of your pussy and not be a dick to people you dont even know
<11:45:38> "muse": LOLOLOLOL
<11:45:40> "muse": cry about it
<11:45:48> "M4X": haha what are you 15? hahaha
<11:45:54> "muse": cry about it
<11:45:55> "muse": gf
<11:46:19> "M4X": O man your funny hahah your jealous of my gold and looms i feel bad for you man its okay though i was once like you
<11:46:27> "muse": I bet you're jealous that I'm not banned.
<11:46:34> "muse": Get wrecked kid.

That is what this kid said to me on teamspeak when i asked him why he was attacking me on my post.....Love how he tries to edit his hahaha

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 08:44:57 pm »
When did he perma-ban me the first time??? I think i would have made a thread for that................Also this is just Tydeus attacking me and trying to get me out of this community because he does not like me he has said so in the past and has had a problem with me that should just exonerate this ban now.....And i posted proof ans said it is not my fault!

Everyone agrees even other admins i should get a 1 day ban or be unbanned not perma-banned for a first offense!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 08:38:06 pm »
Thanks tears and i just took some screenshots to try and help the case this really sucks im being punished for something that is not my fault =(

And its hard to bear with and also is this a good time to note that Tydeus has had a problem with me before................Maybe thats why he is trying to perma-ban me????

No 1 day ban or week ban or nothing straight perma-ban and its because he has had problems with me in the past and talked shit and such i might have some screenshots from 3 years ago

He is reading these posts and not even responding and he is in teamspeak ignoring me....

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 08:18:24 pm »
Here is some screenshot proof from the Community server:

Here is with normalish ping!

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Now with the random lag!

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Sometimes it is bearable and other times i get diconnected and sometimes i get the diconnected to server message............I cant help this im sorry but heres some proof please unbann me!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 07:14:50 pm »
Honestly if you banned me for 1 hour i did not even notice it i should have been banned for a day because of this not for Eternity(Perma-Ban) so??? For leeching which i was not even doing it should be more like an hour a day a week a month then a year but perma-ban for leeching when i was spawning with a weapon and stuff is ridiculous even if i lagged out and my internet crashed and stuff

Please Free Me!!!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 07:03:37 pm »
Okay so im getting perma-banned for this???? Are you kidding me i apologized and said sorry and it wont happen again why are we doing this right now are you kidding me???? I play this game every fucking day and now im getting called a leecher and your saying your going to perma ban me????

THis is not perma-ban worthy and you know it this is worth a day ban...............And when you said you banned me for how long??? cause i didnt notice it what was it an hour?

Stop the abuse please and come to your senses im a known happy friendly player and now your trying to kick me out of this community for having PC/internet issues i was hoping i would have woke up and this would have been over..................

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 08:50:20 am »
Thanks for the support guys id like to point out i thought Tydeus/Campanelle/Bigoli/Farfelle (All the Alts he has) hated me but i guess he just admins very harsh as you can see on his admin thread here and throughout all of the reviews on him:

Atleast I'm not the only one.

Questionable admin decisions, although I do like that he actively enforces rules. Jimmies get rustled a tad easier than others.

8/10 would QQ again

I don't even think this admin has read the rules.  He banned me on NA today for some made up version of leeching.,35866.0.html

Kicked me on NA3 while I was waiting for a strat battle.  I was just standing there and he didn't even fight in the strat battle.  Had to ask another admin why I was kicked because Tydeus would not even tell me why I was kicked.  The other admin said he said I knew what I did. Didn't know waiting for a strat battle on Na3 was against the rules.

Shouldnt be hard to warn or even tell me if i was doing wrong.
^^^ Who kicks goretooth???

Anyway i guess im not the only one i hope he can see ive been having computer/internet issues and i apologized and its really not my fault and will unban me so i can try and enjoy playing again even after this harassment =(((

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 08:38:31 am »
He has been reading this thread and looking at my responses for quite a while and has not responded im pretty sure hes trying to wait this one out or something and make me wait cause he knows i play everyday and i love this game hahahaha

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 08:36:01 am »
Thank you Legs for the support man and i agree i hoesetly will say once again im not trying to leech i really have been having Pc/Internet issues the last week and it really does suck im sorry if it looked like "Leeching" even though i spawned with a weapon and clothes on everytime this happened...............

Can i please get unbanned ive been in this community for 4 or so years and i do not fuck with or antagonize people or get myself banned for stupid things like leeching!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:28:44 am »
So what do you want me to say??? I already said im sorry and im apologizing for something that is not my fault and among other things you perma-banned me for leeching when im honestly not trying to....................Can i please get unbanned i wanna play what more do you want from me??? And im not being an Exception to the rule im not even trying to break any rules...............Im not hurting anyone im the one thats being hurt from your abuse!

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:18:09 am »
I've never once seen you with 400 ping or drop from the server.
It's leeching because you're not contributing to jack fuck and running straight in to die while you're minimized.  It's not really a hard concept to grasp.

Again what is the point of leeching? i have any MW i could want and dont care for gold or XP its a video game i just want to have fun but ive had major lag spikes and  frame loss and internet drops the last week and now im getting harrassed for this??? How can you justify this at all?

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:16:09 am »
You have been warned, kicked and now banned several times for it recently and you have been borderline suicide leeching all day for the past week. I have been extremely lenient with this knowing that nearly every round you just run directly into the other team and do nothing. Not even one time have I seen you drop connection from the server, why is this? I've seen you running into the invisible wall on the edge of the map 5 minutes into the round. Yet somehow, it's your connection?

I honestly have not suicide leeched at all im not purposely running into enemies and dying.........Im sorry for my internet and all of this im apologizing for fucking lagging why are you getting all over my dick over something so stupid??? Im not teamwounding or teamkilling or prolonging matches or being racist or any of that shit so why are you attacking me????

Im in CHAOS TS everyday u cant message me and say something you have to try and perma-ban me and show the server ur admin powers and that you dont fuck around???

I apologized and ill try not to let it happen again what else do you want? Im not some fucking idiot leeching i have 19 MW items and 300k gold what would be the point of that????

NA (Official) / Re: Banned for internet issues???
« on: February 10, 2013, 05:09:17 am »
your definition of trying to fight is going in one direction with a swing held and running straight into the enemy's chest is your idea of 'not leeching' but i've killed you about 5 times today with you just running into me and me s keying, trying to see what you'd do.

Dude if i get 400 ping or disconnect then of course im going to keep running straight until my client times out or i get kicked within 1min.....................Did you even read what i said?

And i do spawn with a weapon and shield and not naked so how is that leeching at all????

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