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Messages - Shamlow

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General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:09:49 pm »
The upkeep isn't ridiculous.

when you retire at level 31 you can sell your loompoint for 600,000 gold or more (and still buy a +1 heirloomed item for less than 500k), make 100k profit and you don't have to worry about money much any more.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:07:27 pm »
Why again high level players arent hit by upkeep?

Go back, and read the thread. I'm not going to quote all the high level players that claim the upkeep they are hit with makes no difference because they have x amount of gold.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:05:33 pm »
Congrats, I just wrote you off as a moron

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:04:02 pm »
if you run around in gear that's worth about 20k (it tells you on the equipment page of the website) you should make some pretty good money.  You can't expect to make money if you're wearing "good" gear.  That's just the way the game works.  And if you want to find out why upkeep is in place, you need only read some of the posts in this thread to find out why. 

Also on the equipment page tells you what your max upkeep is for a round (if every piece of equipment gets hit with upkeep).  Besides weapons, your upkeep chance is 7% for every piece of equipment.

I have 20k gear, I'm barely breaking even. I'm not arguing that upkeep should be taken out of the game. I am saying if it is intended to "slow down" high level players or give them a "money sink" it should only hit HIGH LEVEL PLAYERS. Right now it doesn't hurt them AT ALL, and is mentioned OVER and OVER in this thread.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 09:01:10 pm »
No, clearly the problem is you are incapable of using your brain. Just because something has been done for x amount of time doesn't mean it's working. The statement I quoted has you contradicting the point you are trying to make. You said upkeep isn't bad, while telling me it is not relevant to TOP LEVEL PLAYERS(AKA THE PEOPLE YOU NEED TO BE HITTING WITH THE UPKEEP) so who does that leave to get penalized from the upkeep?

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:57:33 pm »
Ok, I just did the math my gear=23052, I have peasant boots, my head costs 300, and I barely make money. Having to run around naked to make money is not game balance.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:53:30 pm »
And for the record, before the steam sale on warband, c-rpg was easily the most played multiplayer mod for warband, it far exceeded the people playing in the native mp servers.  A lot of c-rpg players are now playing mount and musket napoleon bullshit, so that's why it's not as populated.  A week ago the NA1 battle and NA2 siege server at peak times had 200 people playing (and the other NA c-rpg servers had anywhere from 20-60 people playing in them as well).  The EU servers were always full during peak times as well.  So that's 400-600 people playing during peak times.  The community is pretty damn good (number's wise) for warband.

Those are not great numbers, because you are losing and not gaining people. This isn't an mmo 60k people play, where you don't care if 1k people leave it everyday. Every person matters, and every new person REALLY matters.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:51:56 pm »
Welcome to cRPG!

I am fine with the grind, I am fine with level1/gen1 not doing a lot(any) damage at first, but for the love of god stop holding down the new people who are trying to get into this game.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:50:49 pm »
The upkeep isn't ridiculous.  My first generation I was able to buy over 60,000 (*EDIT* actually was around 50-55k) gold worth of gear, and still had enough left over to be a heavy lance riding a courser by the time I retired (I had to go footman a lot to pay for the bills).  Your first gen is very difficult, but when you retire at level 31 you can sell your loompoint for 600,000 gold or more (and still buy a +1 heirloomed item for less than 500k), make 100k profit and you don't have to worry about money much any more.

You are making the point for me why, upkeep is bad. I don't understand how anything you said in that post makes sense to you.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:46:44 pm »
By the way I ran some tests last night with my character and a couple friends.

My character is level 22, I had my friends attack me while I stood still. One person played on a level 1 with starter gear, another on a level 12 toon with a mid range weapon.

The level 1 can't even do damage basically. Now I get it he shouldn't be able to one shot me, but he hit me probably 20-30 times and could only take off 50%. More than half the hits did not even register damage. Before you say, "oh well he doesn't know the hitboxes..blah blah" I played the level 1 and I know how to hit people. Now I'm not sure how the damage is calculated,(mostly because I can't find a reliable source of information) but I am assuming that his n00b weapon damage was mitigated by my armor, and causing the no damage hits. Which I am ok with, I mean if I am a man and wearing chain mail and some 12 year old kid comes up and hits me with a tree branch, ya it probably won't do anything to me.

Then we tried the level 12, and basically got the same result. Short of the fact that when he did hit me(which was about twice as frequently) he did substantially more damage. On big hits he was doing almost 20% damage, small hits maybe 5-10%. He also had hits that didn't register any damage at all, which I am guessing is my armor mitigation. Like I said though, I can't find a reliable source for this information.

I wish I could give raw #s, but with the inability to tell my own hps/mitigation it's nearly impossible to tell what any of the damage/stats on weapons translate as far as real damage.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:30:56 pm »
Guess what you already dont pay upkeep if your gen 1 and under lvl25 or something like that  :mrgreen:

And also the playerbase is pretty steady and lots of people play this game since 1-2 years and even more.
the server are alway fulls on prime time even if its an crappy looking old game .
Yes crpg is that good.

I'm gen 1, I am under level 25. I pay upkeep, all my friends are under 25 and gen 1s, they all pay upkeep.

the server are alway fulls on prime time even if its an crappy looking old game .

Last night there was 1 server at max cap, and it was 120pop. There were less than 400 other people playing this game across another 16 servers. I don't know how you think those are good numbers, maybe relative to the people playing multiplayer mindsweeper. Right after the sale, I saw 5-6 200 pop servers topped out in the Vanilla game, and 2-3 in crpg(120pop). Those are the new players this game needs, and this ridiculous upkeep system will keep them out. It's already hard enough to play this game long enough to be able to do dmg to a level 30. You can't slow them down anymore.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 08:04:17 pm »
The game is balanced around level 30's, not level ones, if you don't like the grind, just make an STF char instead.

If the game is balanced around level 30s, then you should not be charging anyone under level 30 upkeep, plain and simple.
That wouldn't do anything to hurt the game, because you can't stay at level 29 to avoid the upkeep. This would help your new players out extremely, allowing them to get decent gear quickly and stockpile some cash for the eventual level 30 upkeep. Worst case scenario here is your level 30s reroll more often to avoid the upkeep, which also helps your new players as there are not as many level 30s per game.

As upkeep stands now, it is only effecting your low level new players. I don't understand how you don't see that as a problem. Look how small the playerbase is , this is not the type of game you just randomly pull players into. This game's community relies on new players that come from word of mouth. Right now if I want a friend to join, you basically have to tell them they won't be able to do much for the first 10 hours they play this game, if not longer. That is a problem if you actually care about making this game better. If you don't please tell me so I can stop wasting my time.

Warband just had a sale on Steam, you just got X amount of new players into the game. I've talked to at least 20-30 new players recently, and they all have similar feelings.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:30:42 am »
No, you are a fucking moron. Why the fuck do you need money, why can't you just enjoy the game without some stupid grind that doesn't mean anything?

Do you not enjoy playing the game? If you need some idiotic grind to play a pvp game, then go play World of Warcraft.

I was addressing Arathain.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:03:51 am »
Ya, that is what I'm trying to say.

Like I said, how is it a problem if everyone is running around in plate? You have to look at it from a game balancing point of view. Are they wearing it, because it's too strong? Are they wearing it, because they just want to?

Everyone just keeps calling me a fucking retard, or saying I'm raging. I'm trying to improve this mod, simply because I like and it's fun.

General Discussion / Re: What is the point of upkeep?
« on: April 25, 2012, 10:04:39 am »
Upkeep does it job in keeping player gear somewhat low (and diverse), and that's all it's meant to do. 

It only keeps the gear somewhat low for your new players. High level players have stated(in this thread) that it means nothing to them. Having 1 mil gold, makes upkeep points less. The only people you are impacting are the lower levels, probably only the first gens. Who are the key to making this game more popular.(maybe better?)

I don't see how all the high level players running around in plate is a problem? Have you tried playing your game all over as a level 1? I have, and I am level 20 and just played with a friend who is level 1. We went to a server to just 1v1 and he could hardly even do damage to me. By hardly, I mean he probably hit me 10+ times before I died. Not to mention he would hit me probably 10 more times along with that, and do zero damage. That's 20 hits to bring me down.

Now I understand he is level 1, but is that really the player you want to hinder anymore than that? Already new players are having to go up against people that are the equivalent to gods, you really should discourage them buy hitting them with a 5-600+ gold tab at the end of a round.

The fact that you don't have everyone wearing full plate now, has more to do with players making choices on who/how they play. If players migrate toward one set of items over and over, it's a balance issue 90% of the time. I'm not asking you to have a dedicated team to keeping shit balanced, I understand this is just a mod. Just throwing upkeep into a game like this for the reasoning of, "Oh, well this will give them X amount of more hours to get to the top before they get bored" is not the best reason.

If you are actively supporting this game,(which it seems you are) there are so many more ways about extending the life of the game. Instead of what you are now currently doing to it by killing it. By killing it I mean you are not increasing in a new/bigger playerbase.

I only say this, because I really like this game so far, and this mod seems to be the only one adding to it.

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