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Messages - Mongolista

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Strategus General Discussion / Re: Kalmarunien going after everybody :)
« on: December 16, 2013, 04:10:24 pm »
Lativan: What makes you think that? We have always been there :O

Arn: First of all you did not promise not to come down, you were begging us not to join peacebreakers and lemikz in attempt to fight you back, which we didnt and you used it against us.
Second of all even if you had promised not to come down, you would have broken that promise in about 2 weeks, which is probably the longest duration Kalmars can keep their promises :P Anyway good battle, now its Peshmi I see, bring it on!

Strategus General Discussion / Re: lol
« on: December 16, 2013, 01:38:38 pm »
Leshma not sure if you are complaining about impossible penetration of the castle defence, but that is what the castle is supposed to give you, a very good defensive advantage, I think Kalmars were more than successful yesterday coz they have killed the same amount of tickets they invested in the fight. Besides there really should be little to no chance of capturing a castle if the defenders are prepared, got the tickets, people and decent gear.

And yeah, the only real fights are against us at the moment because we are probably the last clan who didnt run like chickens right to Greys and DRZ after HRE, Fallens, GKs and Mercs stopped being active. :) Either somebody joins us and helps us fight back or EU strat is gonna be dead once again after we get wiped out.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Random idea
« on: December 15, 2013, 03:46:03 pm »
Deleting factions would definitely make it harder for multiacc assholes who are leading everything through the special program or w/e that was

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Kalmarunien going after everybody :)
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:27:05 pm »
We kept our word to not come down and rape you when you tried to reinforce Reindi, did we attack you? Nope, so we kept our word, but now is a new day and a day with much blood to be spilled!

For Kalmar and for the North!
It was more of an implied relationship, you gave us money for the tickets we have lost, grandmom kept telling Cum you do not wish to mess with us, overall you were acting really friendly.
I understand you are trying to feed everyone whos reading this with your lies again and I am not trying to persuade them otherwise, I am just describing what the others may expect when dealing with you:) Good luck

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Kalmarunien going after everybody :)
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:14:07 pm »
As much as I appreciate your concern Panos, Im doing just fine:) If you have any problems understanding the spirit in which the prime post has been written, do not hesitate and read it over and over few times so you dont have to accuse people of whining where no fuck has been given and look stupid afterwards, as I was saying, we have enough resources to take all of their armies. Enuff said

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Kalmarunien going after everybody :)
« on: December 14, 2013, 09:04:54 pm »
The drama before the rape :twisted:
Cannot say I didnt see it coming and in fact couldnt care less, to be fair this game has been dying for a while now, which is maybe why people started leaving and being innactive, if we win, good, if we lose, I guess its time to grow up and move on. Im just doing a favour to other clans to see how you deal with people and to warn you are not to be trusted.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Wake up EU
« on: December 14, 2013, 08:55:56 pm »
Well Coalition is gone thus the old block needs to either make a new Coalition or find other partners strong enough to go against the other block, or you can always start supporting the multiacc cheaters and have easy money, access and victory to everything :) That is ofc if you have no spine and your morals are lower than your brain wpf.

Not to mention all the duped gear, gold and other hacked shit due to no admins/devs giving shit.


Strategus General Discussion / Kalmarunien going after everybody :)
« on: December 14, 2013, 08:51:09 pm »
New clan, probably unlike any other clan in EU strat, has most of the players active and goes on rampage, first lemikz, then peacebreakers, now they are after us even though they were promising peace and did not want to start a fight with us. Well the time of truce is probably over as they are marching with several armies of 2k tickets on our castle, fortunately we have enough resources to fight them back for now.

We would like to just spread the word that this clan is not to be trusted, anything of what they say is a lie (seems like kinngrim taught you well grandmom) they use to their advantage and doing any business with them is of a high risk they will turn it against you.

Also they are heading south to our territory, thus leaving their north side wide open; anyone willing to attack them do so now as their defence is at its weakest.

Shields set to ready, bring it on bitchez!


cRPG Technical problems / Lag spikes
« on: November 29, 2013, 12:56:07 pm »
I get lag spikes....a ping goes from my usual 26 to 100-200 every 5-15 minutes, it is driving me crazy as the lag only goes on for about 2-3 seconds which is enough for the opponent to kill me. It does not happen to me in any other online game, I have also played native for several hours and it worked smoothly as well, I have fiber optics connection with 50mbps and the lag spikes happen even when my roommates are not in the house so I cannot possibly think of other option than that the eu servers are SHIT!!!, but seriously, is there anything you can do about it? I mean if a stupid native server with 60 ppl on can have a stable ping for everyone, cant you make that happen too?

I had these lags for the last few months, I just went for full str build so when I get lag ppl dont kill me with 2 hits, but after the last patch I cannot play full str build and I die fairly easily, which is why Im whining about it just about now.

Thanks in advance,


I think he means they have cried about STR whores in general, coz it was the only countermeasure for their crazy spamming all over the place, now nobody will go for extreme STR build and yay agi whores can cut everyone in 2 hits :)

Your wrong. Strenght still dominates strat, when it comes to melee classes. You dont need to be a 36-3 build to carry a maul, a balanced build can hit the requirements aswell.

Builds like 36-3 is not great anymore, true. But that was kinda the idea behind the patch aswell. Look at it from another perspective, would an agi build with crazy amounts like 3-36 work? Not rly.

I see, that makes sense....I just...dont understand...why they....ruin my build...yet let all the rondel dagger buckler assholes troll around....stop....the....heresy!!!  :cry:

Teeth: As Kafein said I think the problem is not on the side of agi whores getting more pts but on the side that str builds lose their wpf, which is much more crucial

Kafein: I really like your anti-archer pic  :lol:

Suggestions Corner / Re: Autobalance sorting and class balance.
« on: November 21, 2013, 01:00:58 am »
A clever idea actually, I have encountered this problem many times in the morning when the servers are waking up and also at night when the servers are dying out, basically when theres about 20 people and the balance usually throws all the archers in one team and all the shielders (or melee) in the other. Even if the teamwork is awesome, lacking on one of the classes can be a crucial point for victory.

Is it just me or is it yet another buff for the agi whores? My main was the ultimate Str whore (36/3) and it definitely wasnt as OP as some of you cry here, one of the reasons for sticking to this build was the increased number of shielders since the last two (or three) patches and the only countermeasure to deal with them quickly was the maul build, this build is pretty much useless against any other class unless you know how to block, so I cant possibly understand anyone crying about 2h str whore nabs who cant block - either youre a shielder or a balanced 2h, if youre a shielder you should not even dare to cry about anybody lacking the skill of blocking well, if youre 2h balanced build and the str whore cant block (and you can) then you pretty much lead the fight as in most of the cases my only chance was to chamber/hit the faster builds. I am not crying about the new patch, just dont see the point for such a change, it only eliminates str builds for the cost of making agi whores universal in strat, basically we are left with shielders, balanced/agi whores 2hs and ranged now and we have no anticlass for shielders?? correct me if Im wrong please

Diplomacy / Re: Silent Spring of the Peoples
« on: June 06, 2013, 07:00:50 pm »
I'm trying to show that fear has big eyes and convince people to take use of accumulated resources, but you're probably too young to understand this shit^^

Nice one, answering a clear question with another senseless babble + calling people kids to show how mature you are; I cannot help to get the feeling you're rather negative about this "recruiting" of yours (if that's what you're trying to do).

Diplomacy / Re: Silent Spring of the Peoples
« on: June 06, 2013, 02:05:27 pm »
What is the meaning of this post? What do you want people to do? What do you not want them to do? I am probably getting too old for this shit

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