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Messages - Dark_Blade

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Sell/Trade / Re: The Temple of Loom-whoring
« on: July 24, 2014, 03:46:06 am »
хпхпхп )))000)000

Sell/Trade / Re: The Temple of Loom-whoring
« on: July 23, 2014, 05:14:01 am »

Sell/Trade / Re: The Temple of Loom-whoring
« on: July 22, 2014, 06:18:18 am »

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 20, 2014, 06:06:59 pm »
average flightroute through the war zone? hm okay.
there are some strange things else but i dont know everything thats why I wont state them(for example as far as i know the list of people who gone there is still not open as far as i know)
if you dont think about any probability of provacation with this... well its pointless to have any conversation with you. you are just as disable to analyze as the rest of people who belive in every word from some tv channel, no matter what country is it.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 20, 2014, 05:17:48 pm »
Honestly there isnt anymore information needed to be sure that the separatists did it. The leader bragged it himself that they shot a plane down 20 minutes before the news got out that a civilian plane had crashed. It wasnt a Ukrainian plane or anyone elses, so it was definately that plane. The leader deleted his statements right at the moment when they found out it was civilian. Like thats gonna do any good.

And I think Butan has just lost it by now. He has been wrong so much that the pressure of his wrongness is making him splat more random stuff in this thread with increased rage.
well the question is what the fuck is this plane and what the hell it was doing there. i am almost sure it was provocation to:
variant 1:
give even worse name to separatists and russia
variant 2:
to end all this shit with the reason "enough civilians got killed in all this. since now this became not a local but global problem because complitelly inocent people died because of it" 

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 20, 2014, 03:45:41 pm »
What channels do you watch? Well, it's kinda obvious for everyone that you can't get the nude truth from TV channels, no matter which TV channel it is. From the bullshit of Ukrainian TVs I can point out:
1. Yes, the cruelty of separatists. I totally agree with you that separatists are shown as cruel terrorists who bomb cities and kidnap civilians. That's obvious that with all their shit they're not killing civilians on purpose (I don't refuse that there might be some retards who do but still the vast majority doesn't kidnap/marauder/rob banks). When they actually kill civilians they do it because they can't handle some kind of weaponry they've got (same situation as happened with Malaysian plane). The main anti-civilian purpose that they really have is that they're hiding inside cities and civilian blocks but some people can call it tactic (I personally don't).
2. The amount of dead separatists. I think that you have to cut the amount of dead separatists like 3 times at least. First of all, you can never count it, second is that they kind of count wounded as dead and third is that if this amount of dead separatists was real (I mean not the global one but the daily losses of separatists calculated all in one) then it would break like 20 thousand of separatists which is not doubtful, it's impossible.
3. Chechens. I've seen a lot of videos where it was said that cruel separatists have shittons of Chechens among them. In reality most of shown separatists were not islamic radicals but just random slavs with beards. In reality I doubt that there is more than 5% of all separatists being from Caucasian region overall.
4. Closed borders. I've heard it like 10 times already that Ukrainians control the whole border line between Russia and Ukraine. In reality they never did, that's why there are still holes in border which are actively used by separatists.
5. Caught terrorists by SBU. That's the other common thing that I hear from Ukrainian TV: like SBU caught 10 separatists who were trying to support DNR/explode something/recruit other separatists/destabilize situation. In reality I guess that half of these cases are just random alcoholics who yell "Glory to Russia, back to USSR".
Новый канал(the most of proofless bullshit i hear from there since maydan. subjective as fuck), 5th channel, 1+1.

one of the way which our propaganda use is making some wrong things as right apriory.
i have nothing against "separatists" because it is separatism. i am not sure about "terrorists". I am totally disagree with "russian terrorists" and "russian mercenaries" lol. separatists are being named by each of those names often repeatedly. but damn... majority are surelly not mercenaries and not even russians. so wtf?
and its so with the rest of things.

i complitelly dislike when they are starting to tell "russian propaganda is liying" etc.
1. I live in ukraine and i complitelly dont give a fuck what does russian propaganda says cuz i am not in russian. its not my business and for sure its not business of our tv. its not worth to be in the TV-news propgram.
2. everytime when i hear about the russian channels who are using fake proofs i am getting one question: "how can i know that you arent doing the same?"

as you said about separatist who are bombing civilians. well MAYBE but surelly they are not aiming at it. even more... i belive its our army may bomb some civilians because of same reason. they are attacking at least, ofcourse its harder.

i luv the cool stories about russians who are launching something from the russian territory. well you dont have any real proofs except someones words. how can it be counted?

this airplane... in one tv-news block i've hear the version with some russian rocket launcher, then another version about some heli who took down the airplane. i dont give a fuck about versions. how dare you are call yourself as "news" but telling the things like old grandmums.
there are many strange things about this airplane. wont count them and wont say my opinion cuz i have not enough information to be sure in something.

Sell/Trade / Re: The Temple of Loom-whoring
« on: July 20, 2014, 05:59:58 am »

General Discussion / Re: Funniest cRPG Quotes!
« on: July 20, 2014, 05:40:33 am »
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General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine
« on: July 20, 2014, 03:44:11 am »
was out of this thread for long and going to gone for long again.

i know about strong russian propaganda but i dont give a fuck cuz i dont live in russia.
the thing is our tv... just... many one-side shown facts, many nonsense facts without proofs(getting lold every time when i hear how separatists a bombing civilians inside the town... they are inside the town. are they bombing themselfs or what? maybe they have this ammo that they have to waste? cool story), many anti russian statements.
well the main trouble is everything is being showed from one side and quite rarelly its so with proofs. why cant they just tell facts? as i've got from what america and eu are currently doing about all this - most of things we can hear from our TV is bullshit. if its not bullshit there would be real war with russia like one month ago.
I just cant get how those people dare to use information source as a weapon. maybe i should blame the whole modern world for this... well i am blaming whole world then. 

Sell/Trade / Re: Evlampiy's shop "Last Suka"
« on: July 19, 2014, 05:48:02 am »

Sell/Trade / Re: The Temple of Loom-whoring
« on: July 19, 2014, 05:44:53 am »

Sell/Trade / Re: The Temple of Loom-whoring
« on: July 18, 2014, 05:34:46 am »

Sell/Trade / Re: The Temple of Loom-whoring
« on: July 17, 2014, 08:08:14 am »

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove Valor
« on: July 17, 2014, 08:07:00 am »
remove u!
fighting in a group is pretty easy way to get points. its easier then just getting ganked alone. also people who are going for a valour are not interested in teamhiting anyone.

from another point - i have no idea whats going on NA. i was playing on NA time after time... well i found majority of players pretty bad and such players are usually grouping up... or just some good players(for expample Sun) are just running alone, killing about 7 players, then getting killed and all the team is being raped by the another team? well its definitely not fault of this lonely pros but of the useless team.

Sell/Trade / Re: The Temple of Loom-whoring
« on: July 16, 2014, 05:09:23 am »

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