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Messages - Franke

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General Off Topic / Re: Vexillology thread (post cool flags)
« on: October 12, 2014, 04:20:06 pm »
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This one is pretty cool, could be a house sigil from Game of Thrones

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Deutsches Forum / Re: DEUTSCHE... heim ins Reich 1.0
« on: October 12, 2014, 01:01:36 am »
Ich denke auch dass der OP es mit der Bildung eines "deutschen Blocks" (so wurde es bereits einmal in der Vergangenheit getan) eher GO (Polen), DRZ (RUS) oder Kapikulu (TR) nachmachen möchte (und ja, ich bin mir bewusst dass nicht alle Mitglieder der genannten Clans die entsprechende Nationalität haben) und nicht das Ziel hat, nicht-deutsche Spieler bewusst auszugrenzen.
Dass dies nicht sonderlich zweckmäßig ist, wurde bei ähnlichen Vorstößen in der Vergangenheit bereits diskutiert. Die "nationale Karte" funktioniert bei flächendeckend eher schwach ausgeprägten Englischkenntnissen (notgedrungen) einfach besser.

Dass der OP sein Projekt mit einer (zugegebenermaßen lausigen) 3.Reich-Rhetorik bewirbt mag man als unpassend (sofern als Witz gedacht) oder blödsinnig (sofern ernst gemeint) bewerten.

Deutsches Forum / Re: DEUTSCHE... heim ins Reich 1.0
« on: October 11, 2014, 11:51:59 am »
Das Niveau von DKG erreicht der Thread auf jeden Fall mit spielerischer Leichtigkeit[/spoiler]

Frevel! DKG ist unerreicht!

Ich kann mir diesen Thread nur mit einer beträchtlichen Menge Alkohol, gepaart mit einer gewissen Unerfahrenheit was den Konsum desselben betrifft, erklären.

Some good ideas, a pity they are like 2 years late.

And I am still waiting for those blonde girls, mister.

Spam / Re: Why crpg mod died?
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:45:33 am »
Bisantium disappeared, just like fallen breegayd and age are eee

Spam / Re: c(ounter)RPG_Strike
« on: September 22, 2014, 10:07:07 pm »

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

*thx to Blackbow for making this image
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An event? It's on EU1 on every day mofoing day...

Historical Discussion / Re: Ironclad
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:57:34 pm »
I've seen the first one, pretty dissappointing.

My thoughts. To me it seemed they were desperately looking for a "last-stand" scenario and completely exaggerated it. I mean, the defenders are holding the castle against those vikings with like 15 men or so. And at the end, the day is saved by the French, really?

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EDIT: As it happens, I'm currently watching American Horror Story and when I rewatched the Ironclad trailer from OP it struck me that that Lady (dunno her name, it'S like the only female role in Ironclad) is played by the very same actress who plays that freaked-out girlfriend in Season one of AHS...

General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: September 22, 2014, 09:52:34 pm »
I know it has been a while (actually only around 6 months until season 5 starts, wohoooo), but I stumbled across this picture on FB and decided to share it here in order to give proof to the theory on how the Tyrell's managed to smuggle the poison that killed Joffrey to the wedding.

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Never thought that Facebook account would become usefull.


General Off Topic / Re: HBO's Game of Thrones. [No Book Spoilers]
« on: September 14, 2014, 05:31:14 pm »
Daenerys gets eaten by her dragons.

Too late, she already got eaten by Daario...

General Off Topic / Re: Teens seeing a NES first time in their life...
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:28:48 pm »
My uncle got me a Commodore C64 for my 8th birthday. With a computer in the house, my parents never allowed me a console. I always had to visit a friend to play on his NES and later SNES)...  :( But I remember that awesome football game for the NES with those ugly/obese looking players in it.

EDIT: Nintendo World Cup was the name.

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General Discussion / Re: Which Medieval games do you currently own?
« on: September 05, 2014, 04:11:27 pm »
Only one I own except M&B:WB  is WotR, and I regret that I've bought it. The screenshots made it look like a graphically improved version  of Warband but the actual game did disappoint me a lot: The clunky character movements and combat, the rather small variety of equipment items.

General Off Topic / Re: Hit-Girl
« on: August 28, 2014, 12:36:02 am »
A firearm is nothing that belongs into the hands of a nine-year-old girl, supervised or not. What the hell is wrong with ppl?

General Off Topic / Re: Shooting and protests in Ferguson, Missouri
« on: August 14, 2014, 10:00:29 pm »
Pretty ridiculous that the right to peaceably assemble (which is part of the 1st amendment) no longer applies to this country.

Historical Discussion / Re: Lances
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:26:13 pm »
I guess in a field battle the lance became useless after the initial clash as it would have been too long for the close quarters combat so the rider might have dropped it.

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