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Messages - Grumbs

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Game Balance Discussion / Re: How do we balance teams in game?
« on: June 16, 2018, 10:04:56 pm »

General Discussion / Re: New Balancers
« on: June 09, 2018, 09:01:50 pm »
Buff polestab

Announcements / Re: Donkey Crew is back!
« on: May 17, 2018, 07:33:30 am »
Their studio reputation is mostly intact, less than 100k history nerds who bought the game on Steam are irrelevant among general population of gamers. On every gamer who knows what Of Kings and Men is, comes at least 500 who never heard of it.

It's not a circlejerk just an honest observation, have to give man props for being good at something. Have zero interest in their game, actually any video game at this point.

You might be surprised at the damage that has already been done to their company. If they ever release anything else on Steam a lot of people will come out of the woodworks dredging up the past. Just look at the comments on the Steam page for OkAM. The Donkey Crew made a lot of promises then disappeared without a single explanation. The internet doesn't forget stuff like that. I don't think gaming journalists or anyone really will give them the benefit of the doubt again (except diehard fans here, which I find weird because they still didn't even tell us anything about what happened to okam)

General Discussion / Re: Fuck it, rice bucket
« on: May 11, 2018, 10:51:21 pm »
He posted to GD of chadz Role Playing Game mod for M&B to get advice on building his physique rather than for vanity reasons?

If you genuinely want advice rather than to show off your abs/biceps then post on r/fitness instead. Otherwise drop the act because I'm pretty sure you just want people to admire your abs

General Discussion / Re: EUcucks, the looming issue
« on: May 11, 2018, 09:10:06 pm »
So when is the NA vs EU tournament? That is obviously what this seasons story line is building to

Announcements / Re: Donkey Crew is back!
« on: May 11, 2018, 08:00:06 pm »
Welcome back. Now that OKAM is dead and buried can you talk a bit about it? Surely there is no longer a NDA? Or is it bad manners/bad for future employment to do a tell all?

Its gonna just hang there like a bad smell until you guys talk about it

General Discussion / Re: EUcucks, the looming issue
« on: May 09, 2018, 09:31:38 pm »
The only step forward is to ignore EU players. When we focused on fixing EU issues we were met with hostility and a dead NA server because the game EU wants to play just isn't fun. Ranged has never been so weak yet you all are still calling for nerfs and you don't even play the game lol.

At this point, anything EU is secondary if that. NA is more important and we should have never taken our focus off fixing issues for our side.  Sorry to say it but EU is just a bunch of whiny cunts that can't agree on anything. I am sorry I ever listened to the nerf this or that threads I fell into the classic mistake column after saying I wouldn't... to get some inside perspective though it is very overwhelming a bunch of people claiming something is OP and you don't even know what they are talking about. You feel the need to fix it for them in some meaningful way. Yet they aren't there to improve the game and will never be satisfied no matter how many changes are made. I'm sorry I fell into this trap like every other balancer of this mod. Won't happen again.

This sort of negative attitude puts people off too. When everyone involved in the mod is NA and the main balancers single out a whole region of players as cunts you know there is something wrong with how it is run

Yeah fuck EU. What a bunch of bastards. Ah well, I am just going to wait until the mod inevitably loses its NA players too then you can balance a mod for no one

General Discussion / Re: EU: Why aren't you playing?
« on: May 05, 2018, 10:53:22 pm »
I might be jumping to conclusions this early on, but according to the poll results it seems like the way to fix EU1 is to:

1: Make people play EU1
2: Get balancers that play more than just ranged
3: Find people that have no life and make them play

General Discussion / EU: Why aren't you playing?
« on: May 05, 2018, 06:37:50 pm »
EU1 is empty and I would probably play if there were like 20+ players but there isn't even that many. I blame Kingdom Come: Deliverance and the lack of different types of players in the balance team

General Discussion / Re: the deve wipe?
« on: April 14, 2018, 08:34:44 pm »
Just wipe it 100% or don't wipe at all. A split community will be worse than it is now.

A wipe will reduce the power gap temporarily which could increase the amount of players (newbies), but once some people have retired a few times the power gap will be exponentially in their favour, then the mod will be worse than it is now with newbies getting wrecked more than now. People want a wipe to make a more even playing field, but then the playing field will be way more uneven after like a month at most because people will get looms and then eventually those people will stop retiring and stick with a high level character. Then you will have the shitters + the newbs + the guys that cba wasting time on a dead mod trying to get looms vs the people who no life the game. Then it will be 10x worse than now in terms of power gap between players. Its much better when its shitters vs decent players like it was before (when people played). Just get more balancers involved in the mod and make it seem like its less of an elitist club for ranged vs melee players with only ranged players who balance

The other idea for a wipe is that it gives goals to players that have "unlocked" everything already because they played since like 2010. They have loads of max level gear and feel like they have no more goals. But Why wipe everything to give people more goals? Just add more thing that people can unlock. Tweak the power available in the items and add more tiers while restricting the overall power no lifers have. Just nerf +1,, +2, +3 and add +4 as a new level. And make all items grow on a power curve that gives really shitty benefits at +4 but still gives something that makes people think its worth wasting their time trying to achieve. Maybe add some cosmetic bonuses or really tiny benefits

General Discussion / Re: the deve wipe?
« on: April 10, 2018, 07:25:54 pm »
Who can be bothered retiring again? If there is a wipe then there should be a huge lessening of the grind to compensate and maybe tweak loomed items. Make them optional sidegrades maybe rather than pure upgrades to unloomed gear. So + armour but + weight at the same time or something, and for weapons + armour but -speed to compensate.

Otherwise there might as well be a server with no looms and all players are set to a certain level. Or it will just end up as the loomed vs unloomed which is more of a power gap than what we have now were everyone has looms

General Discussion / Re: the deve wipe?
« on: April 09, 2018, 11:35:06 pm »
Seems like a really strange idea personally. If it works then go for it, but it seems like if you want people to play you just have to make the game fun to play. I think a wipe will just be a temporary novelty that isn't really going to change the core of what makes people play the game. It might make people play for a bit because its new, but what is going to make them keep playing with a wiped server compared to playing now without a wipe? And we will have a more split community?

Go ahead and try whatever though, it doesn't make make much difference to me any more. I'd just rather you put some effort into the core of the gameplay rather than spend effort on wipes. Tweak up polestabs, add new gear, add ladders etc. What keeps people coming back usually is active development and fun gameplay and the sense that the devs are on the community's side rather than fighting against them

General Discussion / Re: Wipe
« on: April 08, 2018, 12:55:14 pm »
There was still a decent discussion going on before it was moved. San even came in after it was moved, but by then no one was seeing the thread anymore. It just reeks to me that people would actively try to discourage that type of discussion.

General Discussion / Re: Wipe
« on: April 08, 2018, 12:31:49 pm »
Would have been worse if a balancer did move it, but it just shows that its a waste of time when you look at that poll, the discussion that was going on then someone just hides it away for no reason. Moving that thread there where they move all worthless threads is literally saying its a waste of time discussing the balancer team or the future of the mod.

General Discussion / Re: Wipe
« on: April 08, 2018, 08:16:31 am »
Uh... Tell me who tried to contact one of us to be added to balance discussions or better yet when did we ignore ideas? That literally never happened lol. We even implemented many things that random people had asked for... I only ignore one person and its because they failed to see why their ideas were piss poor... after countless attempts to explain I gave up and decided to ignore him to be the wiser decision.

So color me confused when you say we didn't want any other development input... because I don't even know how many different discussions with countless different people I partook in. the problem is population can't sustain itself when no one joins the server.

Read that thread. People discuss the balance team and it gets moved to chamber of tears? Look at the poll. I know its Panos starting the thread but that whole situation just looks like a very negative way to deal with the subject imo, especially when the discussion wasn't too inflammatory. It put me off the whole mod personally

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