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Messages - Kivlov

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General Discussion / Re: A traiotor.
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:38:28 am »
Well if 3/5 of the world spoke Portuguese, we'd learn it...but since they dont, your English should still be above a 3th grade level using the completely wrong verb

General Discussion / Re: trolling issue
« on: March 02, 2012, 12:33:21 am »
Might want to rephrase your sentence good sir.
Use your words Tears. He's talking about never having been in LL.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: nerf horse xbow my old friends
« on: March 01, 2012, 12:30:51 pm »
People who has +3 Light xbow will rage

Just like the people who had Coursers or Arabians with 4 riding builds raged when they got changed, or when my beautiful 16-24 great maul build got nerfed etc. etc.
Changing requirements on things isn't uncommon but making light xbow unusable on horseback isn't the way to go. Upping it's strength requirement while mounted to reload or increasing reload time type of thing because light xbow on foot isn't a problem.

Also, lol @ saying they'd nerf HA because HC got nerfed. Horse Archers are fairly uncommon on NA, not sure about EU and I shrug off everything but headshots from HA's anyways in my heavier armour.

As for taking down the HC, they're all high 8-10 riding dedicated HC. They're harder to hit than normal cav because their mounts maneuver and accelerate better than your standard cavalry player. Takes a little more luck with the RNG on accuracy. I made one just for fun, 10 riding and stole a champ courser. Bloody ridiculous on that thing.

With speed bonus, they do pretty significant damage (considering it's only a light xbow) and then they just run off and reload and then come back. None of the danger of using a crossbow on foot because their reload is done while moving.

I'd say it's on the strong side of the spectrum and could use a little tweak, nothing drastic though.

Talking frame lag. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's when I'm about to engage in melee so I pretty much die. Will see if that removes it completely, otherwise it's a non-issue since it's not common.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: nerf horse xbow my old friends
« on: March 01, 2012, 12:16:46 pm »
Another NA only problem, just like the bec was
Kind of like the Arabian being an EU problem? Nobody rode it on NA and now it's 7 riding. That drastic of a change seems to me to be a result of a few players doing really well with it on EU.

The prevelence of HC on NA is mostly due to ROHYPNOL riding around with x3 everything and doing well with it. Before he went xbow, there was amatsuka and release arrows and neither are particularily good at it. Everyone is trying to emulate ROH but lack the heirlooms and the understanding of how projectiles are released while moving to do it as well. However in contrast to that, now that there are 6+ of them on a team, their lack of skill is overcome by sheer numbers.


Anything, to stop the annoying lagspikes during a fight, it always seems to happen in the most important seconds to me.

Well, I know.. "get a good PC", but still.
I've got a quad core, 8gb ram, 560GTX TI, blah blah blah, nice computer and I occasionally spike (usually at the worst possible times.)

Game Balance Discussion / Re: nerf horse xbow my old friends
« on: March 01, 2012, 11:20:58 am »
Do not nerf HC!

It's proper counter to HA's and enemy cavalry...

Thing is, HCs have their downsides as opposed to HAs ALREADY, do not nerf them further!
The downsides being....?

Highly accurate weapon? Check
Pierce Damage? Check
Ability to get 5 HA and 10 Riding? Check
Low upkeep? Check
Relatively fast firing speed? Check

Bows are far less accurate than the crossbow on horseback, especially so when you can get another HA if you go 7-30 pure horse xbow. Most rounds on NA1 are delayed far longer than they need to be by horse crossbows riding around like mouth breathers. If their horse gets killed out from under them, they drop their xbow and start punching people. If they can't afford a horse (STF), they stand around spamming whistle until they get one called over to them.

It really is silly and not fun to play against or wait in spectator for 2-3 minutes for the last couple retards to just die when your team is losing 24-2.

General Discussion / Re: Petition to make NA1 a West Coast Server
« on: February 20, 2012, 12:59:47 am »
Texas is too far south, gtfo.

Western would be too far west for a lot of people, mountainous around colarado would be ideally centralized since anyone around BC will ping roughly the same to chicago as texas.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: cavalry complaints
« on: February 20, 2012, 12:56:47 am »
Stay near pikeman
Wait for pikeman to stab horse anywhere so it rears

IMHO, going to have to fix up how jacked up rearing horses is with polearms before you nerf them since you can stab them in the side and they stop and because the pikes quick enough, you get a free headshot out of it which usually kills even a champ cata.

Announcements / Re: cRPG is looking for admins (EU, NA)
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:54:35 am »
Tungsten (NA)

Announcements / Re: xmasRPG - November 2010 Edition
« on: December 20, 2011, 08:12:08 pm »
How the hell are people level 20 already, what the fuck.

General Discussion / Re: Classic vs New cRPG
« on: December 16, 2011, 06:58:38 am »
Honestly the only thing that will end this debate is putting up an old server and seeing how many people have rose coloured glasses on and who genuinely liked peasant wars slowly evolving into knight battles.

General Discussion / Re: chadz, we want the classic version of CRPG
« on: December 15, 2011, 01:50:18 am »
Why are people saying this game wasn't fun for new players? I came in to this game about 4-5 weeks before the changes to retirement and I had way more fun playing than I am now. (Not to say that it isn't fun right now but it's just not the same type. This now feels more like just a battle game, or a FPS instead of what I had originally got from the mod.)

Sure there were a few unkillable death machines like Goretooth, Rich, Lady but that's what made it fun. You had to find a good place near the XP to leech off kills without getting killed and running in to save a teammate as a peasant was glorious. Busting out of a ruins with 3 wooden shields to block with my face for someone and then dying and watching the person I just saved kill the guy I saved him from was awesome. Felt like I had accomplished something as a peasant instead of just waiting idly for enough XP and gold to buy a longsword and start spamming like people do now.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Best gauntlets to loom?
« on: October 06, 2011, 07:07:08 pm »
I like the hourglass. A little heavy but they work with almost every build I do and the armour they give is pretty swag.

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