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Messages - Herald_Hardrata

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Suggestions Corner / Re: Could a shield bash mechanic be added to crpg?
« on: September 20, 2011, 04:23:18 am »
My bad, still kind of new to the forums. Thanks.

General Discussion / Re: NA Servers - Game Admin applications OPEN
« on: September 20, 2011, 04:18:19 am »
I would be a good admin because I am petty, respond poorly to personal slights and am highly vindictive in nature. I don't believe in giving warnings and I will never provide a reason for bans on the forums. I will hold different players to different standards based on my own personal biases (e.g. If someone is in my clan, I will look the other way if they are revenge tking someone. If you're not in my clan or if I don't know you, I will instantly ban you for anything against server rules, which are subject to change at any time based solely on my personal discretion).

Once you promote me to a position of power, it will be very hard to remove me if the need should arise: I will do anything and everything to retain my position. I will lord over anyone below me on the admin hierarchy and shove my noes up the assholes of anyone above me. I am not a consistent person. I will bring my personal life and all its drama to the server on a regular basis. I expect that if I am having a bad day, everyone below me should also be having a bad day. If I were a magic the gathering card my color would be red and black, because I am chaotic, moody and narcissistic to a fault.

Choose me, I am the best candidate because of the characteristics I listed above. I look forward to hearing back from the NA Administrative Appointment Committee!

Suggestions Corner / Could a shield bash mechanic be added to crpg?
« on: September 20, 2011, 03:56:34 am »
I'm just wondering because the animations for archers were changed in crpg, it seems like it'd be possible to add a shield bash animation as well. You could have the command replace the kick function for shield wielders, and perhaps add a bit of blunt damage.

Just curious if this is a possible / reasonable addition to the crpg experience. I know it'd make combat more interesting. Especially since we have bucklers in game already, and those commonly doubled as a nasty punching weapon.

Historical Discussion / Re: Weight of swords...
« on: September 04, 2011, 07:12:02 am »

thats all about 2handed swords, and yes contrary to forum belief they could hack pike shafts as they did (omg what wood is weaker than steel NO WAI)

taken from that article-

"The Italian humanist historian Paulus Jovius writing in the early 1500s also described the two-hand great sword as being used by Swiss soldiers to chop the shafts of pikes at the battle of Fornovo in 1495"

"The fighting two-handed sword, weighed (on average) between 5-7 lbs. I give the following three examples, randomly chosen from our own collections, which I hope are adequate to make the point:

Two-handed sword, German, c.1550 (IX.926). Weight: 7 lb 6oz.

Two-handed sword, German, dated 1529 (IX.991). Weight: 5 lb 1oz.

Two-handed sword, Scottish, mid 16th century, (IX.926). Weight: 5 lb 10oz.

All your examples are way after the medieval period. 16th c. steelwork was much more refined then what smiths were capable of in the 10th c. I'm not saying that a sword couldn't cut through wood, I'm more concerned with the fact that many people here seem to be arguing about different eras of history. I remember hearing stories about giant claymores that the Scottish would drag behind them and then heave around, lopping off the legs and hacking into the chests of oncoming cavalry. Apparently the swords were too heavy to wield normally.

It seems like people here are arguing about 2h swords as if they're universally the same across multiple continents and spanning multiple centuries in which a lot of advancements in smithing was taking place. I'm sure there were many swords that were much heavier. For instance, many experts believe that the long axe was a much more effective weapon as it was faster (weighed less) and was more versitile in combat. But that's in the early middle ages. To go and compare a 10th c. long axe to a 16th century swiss longsword is ridiculous.

Historical Discussion / Re: Agincourt
« on: September 04, 2011, 06:38:56 am »
A lot of the French knights ended up drowning / being trampled to death in their armor actually due to the mud essentially immobilizing any knight unfortunate enough to fall down in it. Also, the amount of French knights on the field should have been an advantage (they had many more knights), but the field was too small and the French were crowded too closely together to fight an effective mounted battle. These factors combined with many of the other factors mentioned previously in this forum made it a very bloody defeat for the French.

I have to disagree with some people on here though who seem to think that the English Longbowmen were some super elite fighting force. They were good at what they did, yes, (launching large volleys long distances), but when it came to melee they would stand little chance against mounted knights were it not for the many other factors playing against the French in this battle.

Apparently the admin was only supposed to kick on the first offense. Unless each punch was considered a separate offense even though they happened in the same instance.

Here are the rules I pulled from another unband request regarding teamwounding (which I'm assuming was the citation).

"-Team Killing and Team wounding-
Team killing and Team wounding have several different levels and situations that they might occur in. The official ATS policy is : any intentional Team wounding or Team killing will lead to Immediate punishment, this also Includes a teammates Horse!

-Recommended Action-
1st Offense: On a first offense the admin has several options, they may choose to warn the Offending player or they may instantly kick the player without warning.
2nd Offense: The admin again has several options, they may choose to warn the player and kick them, they may choose to immediately kick the player, or they may choose to Ban the player for a short period of time."

Under first offense it doesn't say banning is a recommended action, so my original suspicion that it was an excessive action seems to be correct, unless the rules have changed. Once again thanks for your time.

Closed Requests / Banned for boxing on NA_Siege_Community. Unban Please
« on: August 30, 2011, 02:55:36 am »
Hi all,

 I was playing today on NA_Siege_Community, having a good time. My brother came into the room and we started talking and I showed him how the game worked. We started talking about other things and I just ran my character around the flag and challenged some people to some boxing duels while waiting for the enemy. One of the people I punched was just standing at the flag looking like a leacher, he was actually an admin (he had GK in his name, didn't catch the rest). Anyway,  I wasn't reading the text in the bottom left corner because I was talking to my brother, 30 seconds after punching the admin he perma-bans me.

Not a kick, I've never been kicked on the server and have always had decent behavior. He just straight out busted out the ban hammer without even a kick. It seemed pretty excessive. I have no idea if there were any warning given in text, they're probably were but I wasn't reading because I was talking to my brother.

Anyway, I'm sorry for punching the admin, even though he was wearing heavy armor and I doubt it did any real damage to him. A simple kick would have been quite sufficient to get me to stop and I would have learned a lesson. But a full on perma-ban? It seems excessive, so I'm requesting to be unbanned here as my friend told me to go to the forums. It's a really fun server and most of the people have been really cool, it just doesn't make sense to perma-ban someone for doing something that's not even really that bad, most people on that server like to kill time with a boxing match or two, it's not like this sort of thing never happens on the server.

Well, thanks for reading my unban request. Once again I'm sorry for punching the admin.

Sorry wrong section to post this under. Resubmitting in the "community" section.

Closed Requests / Banned for boxing on NA_Siege_Community. Unban Please
« on: August 30, 2011, 02:44:40 am »
Hi I was playing today on NA_Siege_Community, having a good time. My brother came into the room and we started talking and I showed him how the game worked. We started talking about other things and I just ran my character around the flag and challenged some people to some boxing duels while waiting for the enemy. One of the people I punched was just standing at the flag looking like a leacher, he was actually an admin (he had GK in his name, didn't catch the rest). Anyway,  I wasn't reading the text in the bottom left corner because I was talking to my brother, 30 seconds after punching the admin he perma-bans me.

Not a kick, I've never been kicked on the server and have always had decent behavior. He just straight out busted out the ban hammer without even a kick. It seemed pretty excessive. I have no idea if there were any warning given in text, they're probably were but I wasn't reading because I was talking to my brother.

Anyway, I'm sorry for punching the admin, even though he was wearing heavy armor and I doubt it did any real damage to him. A simple kick would have been quite sufficient to get me to stop and I would have learned a lesson. But a full on perma-ban? It seems excessive, so I'm requesting to be unbanned here as my friend told me to go to the forums. It's a really fun server and most of the people have been really cool, it just doesn't make sense to perma-ban someone for doing something that's not even really that bad, most people on that server like to kill time with a boxing match or two, it's not like this sort of thing never happens on the server.

Well, thanks for reading my unban request. Once again I'm sorry for punching the admin.

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