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Messages - War_Ferret

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Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 31, 2018, 10:17:26 pm »
Aww fuck it, you decreased effective archery wpf again. I didn't notice earlier, because I haven't been playing archer for some time. Very convincing how you want to improve hybrid builds.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove night time cycle?
« on: March 17, 2018, 06:35:10 pm »
Devs are too busy experimenting with what will happen, if you balance items into uselessnes or if you strip all wpf from archers. You have to understand though, because crpg is their learning playground now. As a rule of thumb, they only do what nobody asked for.

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 15, 2018, 08:28:20 pm »
Instead of giving out cryptic health bonuses that nobody can quantify, because there is no display of health anyway... I'd prefer if level 36+ would give you just a single skill point instead of 1 attribute and 1 skill. That would be 1/3 the normal progress and you could still improve your build very, very slowly.

And ty for reverting the effective wpf overhaul, the one ppl hate me for pointing out. Now I can aim with bows again DESPITE the -2 accuracy, lol. (as if I had known it...)

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 12, 2018, 07:25:01 pm »
Hell yeah, another ezmode archer gone from the mod, this patch really is great!
Good puppy!

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 12, 2018, 06:44:50 pm »
huh. I guess deciding to try and fix the mod when all looked hopeless was an attempt by big, bad, egotistical ol' me to hijack the mod. certainly, my efforts over the last few months can be solely reduced to changing numbers here and there, I've definitely not done any actual work. even so, I absolutely think that I'm the best developer to have worked on the mod, because I'm just so full of myself. despite the fact that I'm just a senior in college, I fully believe that I'm more qualified than any on the donkey team combined. I implement balancing changes because I think they will be awful and will be effective in killing the mod, and certainly would not revert any changes that had an ill-desired effect. in fact, I'm so stubborn that I refuse to ever admit to making mistakes, and am so arrogant that I can find no flaw in myself or my work.

sarcasm aside, I've said it before and I'll say it again. balancing is a process. changes made this week might be totally reversed the next. it's never been my intent to nerf classes into the ground, and I don't plan on starting that now.

I make mistakes. made one last night when I included changes to archery that I hadn't run past anyone else, that were different from what I had said I'd do. so I reverted those changes, and implemented the change that I actually told others I would make. which was the -2 to acc.

so you know, these changes aren't being made arbitrarily. currently, agi archery is rather weak, and I'd like to change that. but, that would likely mean buffing bow damage, which is something that will make str/balanced archers even stronger. to combat that, I'm looking to increase the difference in accuracy from agility to strength for archery. however, currently 30-9 builds see a slight difference in accuracy compared to 18-27 ones, even while wearing full plate. meaning that the acc changes aren't through just yet.

by the end of all this, str archers will do more damage, but be less accurate, while agi archers will both do more damage and be more accurate. that's the hope.

there you have it.

the incompetent developer, professor.

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the actual implementation of accuracy changes to bows, which is what I should have done in the first place
(click to show/hide)
And most of all, you want to make any hybrid builds impossible/useless. CRPG is boring enough as it is, without restricting every player to either melee or ranged. Question is, with what legitimation does one person and a handful of minions decide these fundamental design choices? You're not fixing stuff, you're just changing it to your personal taste. Anyway, thanks for sharing the party's plans for the future of the mod, chairman. And all it took was calling you an incompentent thief.

Maybe you can also share what you have done to effective wpf. Because you can't tell me that the extreme inaccuracy after the patch is just due to -2 bow accuracy. My bet is that an archer with ~120-140 wpf has actually less effective wpf now.

edit: btw if you want to do something about archers in plate, I've got a brilliant idea: why don't you increase the armor weight wpf penalty? I think it's entirely possible that this is what it was originally introduced for. And there's something wrong with your "actual implementation" list, too.

edit2: and maybe you remember that PD levels used to come with a wpf penalty (like throwing still does... or not... nobody knows aka "opaque game mechanics"). Since this is exactly what you are trying to achieve, have you tried re-implementing that instead of whatever you're trying now?

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 12, 2018, 04:58:44 pm »

Clown 1: "You applied the wrong patch, dude."

Clown 2: "Wut? Thought we were gonna fuck archers into the dirt. -5 accuracy, right?"

Clown 1: "Yes, but we are going with plan B now and be more subtle about it. We reduce effective archery wpf, so when it still looks like you have 127, you really only have 50 now. Still -2 to bows, so they think that's the reason."

Clown 2: "Awesuuuum! Fucking f.a.g.cher cunts never know what hit 'em!"

Nameless Archer entering the stage: "Oh, my bow got nerfed. Snap! Well, -2... that's not so bad, I guess."

Clown 1+2: "bundle of sticks!"

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 12, 2018, 03:28:48 pm »
Have you considered that maybe 127 wpf isn't enough?
Whatever. I don't care anymore. It's only a matter of weeks until nobody will be playing the mod anymore, so why bother. Maybe if you nerf another -5 accuracy off of all ranged weapons and add 100% more weight they will come back, lol.

edit @njames you can shove your fascist downvotes right up your ass, thank you.

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 12, 2018, 02:27:36 pm »
updated original post with new relevant information from today's patch. here are the item changes done in that patch

Further Item Changes:
(click to show/hide)

You and your balancer team are incompetent. You just hijack the mod made by better people than you and play around with numbers in text files, because you are not able to contribute anything else to it that would justify you being called "devs". You should have just fixed the launcher and left it at that. After all the recent bullshit changes, subtracting -4/-5 (after announcing a -2 nerf...) accuracy from bows finally does it for me. Now it's not even possible to have a steady aim with composite bow at 127 wpf and 8 PD anymore. You killed throwing and archery in just a few days. Enjoy balancing a dead mod.

edit: ok, maybe slightly overreacted, but when I posted this you had just nerfed highest tier bows by -5 accuracy. How am I supposed to know it was a mistake? After what you've already un-balanced in the recent time, I wouldn't have been surprised, if you had actually meant it. Apologies, next time I'm just gonna assume another misunderstanding...

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 09, 2018, 04:09:11 pm »
James, do you have a autoreact to forumposts? i see you upvoting and downvoting the second its posted lol  :P :P

And we need more polls for item changes and balancing, this is way to closed of from the public when its going on. sudden changes in classes and gear is not good for the playerbase atm
First step would be to enable damage messages in the chat log again, so everyone can really judge balance and isn't left in the dark, if he doesn't happen to be an admin.

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 09, 2018, 04:07:16 pm »
Just give out exchanges and do whatever you want. I have full faith in the team to balance the mod to shit. The only request I have is to stop calling people "balancers", only because they are privileged to change item stats. I can only speak for my own stuff, but everyting you did to it was shit. You made my barbed arrows and bolts useless, because you HAD to play around with slots again. I don't know when this really happened, but when I came back end of december that's what I found. Same with my precious donkey. It was now useless compared to the new mule and plated donkey. That was 3 items I reforged before I even heard about exchanges. You made the executioner sword 2-slot and robbed it of its niche, the only high-tier 1-slot 2h that had always been 1-slot from the beginning. Instead of admitting that you fucked up and reverting the change, there was talk about possibly making some other weapon 1-slot instead, just like with your brilliant "large" stones idea. Stones... first throwing weapon that was rendered useless, now daggers and throwing lance. Which one is next? It's only a matter of time until all ranged will be stationary because of item weight increases.

I know that realism doesn't count for you, but making 8 XL-dildo-sized wooden darts 0-slot while the same number of throwing daggers and shurikens(!!!) are 1-slot, that's beyond retarded. And it's almost as retarded to give higher damage to some ninja star than to throwing daggers. You would have to be one unlucky sob to actually get killed by a shuriken in reality. It's so light and poorly designed, it would probably not go any deeper into the flesh than a few centimeters, if it doesn't bounce off your shirt first. What an actual balancer could have done here is to increase the shuriken stack-size, like I suggested before, and leave damage the way it is. Then shurikens would have had their niche without having to fuck everything up.

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 08, 2018, 01:44:36 pm »
Have you started giving out exchanges yet?

Need exchange for...

- Throwing Lance: Used to be able to carry 6 of them (2x3) plus 16 throwing daggers, now they are 1 slot/lance and therefore trash

- Throwing daggers: 1 slot now instead of 0, -2 damage, useless item now because inferior to snowflake in every way

Fun fact btw: basically every throwing weapon received a weight increase of around 50%. Should also ask for exchanges for my other throwing stuff, because thrower is just not worth playing anymore. Finally we can all be 36/3 and be gay! Next time you want to "balance" something, send me the list first. I can save you a lot of embarassment. But most importantly: next time you feel the urge to play around with numbers in text files: if it says "slots", don't change it. No. Bad.

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 07, 2018, 10:38:04 am »
I was playing on EU1 the other day and 2/3 of the server were dedicated throwers out of 20 people. I'd say by far EU has a worse thrower situation
When I played last night, I only saw a handful of throwers and didn't have a problem with them at all being 2h/archer. I think 2/3 of the people were playing strength melee builds. If everyone goes 36/3 for the manliest punch in the game and then cries about not being able to deal with ranged, maybe that's the "class" you need nerf. With just a few points of athletics you can outrun every ranged guy, since every ranged weapon/ammo in the mod is made of lead. But instead of expecting people to balance out their builds, if they don't want to be rock against paper, you just make everyone else slower again.

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 07, 2018, 10:28:01 am »
We had a... uh malfunction with the yew longbow wasn't supposed to receive a dmg buff but only -2 accuracy... and well our -2 accuracy on all bows didn't go through either.

It's just melee modes of throwing weapons that received hefty nerfs.

So the "abuse potential" is switching to melee mode? You didn't just nerf the melee on throwing weapons, you also made them heavier throughout and nerfed damage on throwing daggers, throwing hammers, darts and probably more.

Darts are now 0-slot and daggers & shurikens 1-slot? Logic?

And giving shurikens more damage than daggers is just bad design. Instead, in order to give them a niche (and maintaining some realism), you should have increased their stack count to 12 and maybe increased their speed even more.

Announcements / Re: Reset without Regrets
« on: March 07, 2018, 02:03:13 am »
Wtf is the problem with throwing? Abuse potential? Can you elaborate?

I'm gonna expect some echanges for basically ALL my throwing stuff, since you nerfed it hard and you probably won't stop until every throwing weapon has been replaced with apples, bananas or coconuts. Let me guess... now that throwers don't have them mighty stones anymore, NA server gets regularly emptied by a bunch of marauding dart and dagger throwers. High abuse potential my ass.

And if executioner is really 1-handed only now, you can exchange that, too. Just give out 100 free exchanges to everyone, if you intend to keep "overhauling" the whole database in whatever unasked-for ways you please.

Just glad I already traded my yew bow. It was already ridiculously inaccurate before the patch. Now it got +2 damage and another -2 accuracy, lol.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Add сrouching to game
« on: March 05, 2018, 05:47:29 pm »
I played very long in FI2. and I know a lot of players there, they regularly used this option. and we always won. archers will be able to use not large shelters such as low fences, infantry to use wall shields in 2 rows
Sure, if it's possible, I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be enabled. It's not like it will have a big impact on game/class balance or anything.

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