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Messages - Peasant_Woman

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Game Balance Discussion / Round restart on DTV: Ballista functionality
« on: November 23, 2017, 10:27:51 pm »
On DTV today I noticed that on round restart; if a player is using a ballista their view will remain focused there. Is this intended or just a real annoy to fix? Avoided 'muh relaism' to post here; as this may be considered balanced and fair as;
Any movement resets the view to the players avatar.
Conversely this does give a player (or two) a heads up as to what the bots are doing.

Seems more legitimate that this is the case to me after writing this all out. Thoughts?

General Discussion / Re: free zottlmarsch
« on: November 21, 2017, 01:01:15 pm »
Long story short all I know about this issue is this thread; so grain of salt me.
Agreements rectify issues. We experience an issue, a disturbance in our happy little community and we try to find a solution. Some of these solutions work. Some do not.
Overall having a game have real life consequences seems like a folly a failing and evil but on the surface it can seem a solid solution.
Personally I believe that any ban in game or from a community should be temporary; length up for debate but TEMPORARY.

What is the cost of a chance? TO change? For real? Seriously? Like srs now gais. That probably tells you i'm for unbanning zottlmarsc;
if only to see additional fireworks as we slowly reach a very frightening conclusion.
Personally have seen and observed the way admins and moderators act and behave for MANY MANY years and SOME I cannot comment on, others however I do have the ability.

Do you believe that a community is just the player-base or involves everyone who ever was or will be involved with it? That is the question I am faced with.

Hi, it is signed.
I can only approved.

Scene Editing / Re: Peasant_Woman's Maps. Updated - 09/11/2017
« on: November 09, 2017, 06:19:55 pm »
Decided to go through it earlier than expected and found some old classics(familiar to my eyes) as well as some of the ones asked for; a siege AND battle version of Trouble in the Neighborhood.
Left out a few of the really really large ones (300+kb)

Scene Editing / Re: Peasant_Woman's Maps. Updated - 07/11/2017
« on: November 08, 2017, 09:35:43 am »
Thanks for the feedback Ikarus; it really helped me to figure out what has been happening community-side these last few patches.

If anyone happens to know the name of a map they liked from the past or can describe it to me in general terms, this weekend I will be going through my modules looking at maps for inspiration; if you would like me to check if I really do have the map that no-one else does then please post here, PM me or ask someone you can contact to let me know?
I'll do my best and maybe bring back some oldold maps that the community made. :)

Scene Editing / Re: Peasant_Woman's Maps. Updated - 07/11/2017
« on: November 07, 2017, 04:14:13 pm »
LakeBasin 12kb
(click to show/hide)

Completed today, minimalist; the first screenshots show my completed map with overlay followed by the original vision of the finished map which was less than complete. I have hit some stumbling blocks with these newer maps but; must persevere.

General Off Topic / Re: Fuck you, haters!
« on: November 04, 2017, 11:38:34 pm »
holy shit,  they are playing rageball!

With a gravity hammer.
'Nuf said.

People with motor-function difficulty. Impaired eyesight and whatever else could use an auto-blocker, at times. Maybe I just have a lot of sympathy for the disabled what can I say. :thinking:

Scene Editing / Re: Peasant_Woman's Maps. Updated - 17/10/2017
« on: November 02, 2017, 05:38:35 pm »
Untitled Map - 61kb finished today.
Maybe some suggestions on what to call it? I didn't and won't choose a name. Feeling obstinate.
Also; press modify if you have the button still. Kek, this forum. Or should I say, Kek my access to it.

Here are the pics

Try use Chrome Cassi? It just works. (So I'm told)

It is always hilarious to be accused of cheating. Really the ultimate compliment.

It entirely depends on the person/people cheating and the person/people being victimised by it, yet 'you are right' as they say.

Agreed, it happens in places. I saw the website and left in a hurry. Honest opinion; we as a player-base seem to be fragmenting this game we love into small and small pieces. Don't shit on someones favorite cake as it were. I bet there are servers that are hacks only, auto-blocking only etc. :lol: even feels like I've written this out before.
All of this can be taken to mean that even Native may be fragmenting. *Good lord will someone save the code lol*

In the words of Validated Doomsayer; 'I knew it!'
Heard it here first folks.

Gold and level reset for a possible new system, fine;
Just please don't touch the heirlooms!

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord / Re: 2017-2018
« on: October 18, 2017, 10:52:32 pm »
I climbed aboard the hype train. What they didn't tell me is there would be no doors windows or seats. The lights flicker and the conductor is naked.

First? Being elated in making the jump between being a Taleworlds sub-forum and our own thing just by virtue of being like "19", having a job; a girlfriend and probably clinical depression caused by a factor of both.
Most memorable?(for me) The scene editing guide in scene editing(it was a better time) // Ninjas with guns in spam...(it was nostalgia)

General Discussion / Re: What Kind of Maps Have You Liked the Best?
« on: October 18, 2017, 01:04:36 pm »
City(castle, siege) and ruin maps are best in my view.
Village maps are nice; since I like full immersion, in certain states of mind I may find myself felling trees and forking cabbages instead of seeking the enemy team and using teamwork with my own. :lol:
Protip: Work WITH the terrain not against it and you can go very far indeed; not every detail needs to be smoothed out, sometimes the terrain generator can work wonders.
A mix of styles is best, all the greatest maps use a careful blend of styles. Pre-plan what you will do before you do ANYTHING or at least make use of the terrain colour feature to block out certain areas as being a type of thing or responsible for a certain play-style or feel.

any map which you can ambush people from above like batman is preferable
Literally 'getting the drop' on other players feels and looks fantastic; as the sky-box is criminally underused in most maps, please use this feature more.
My map "2Desert" was an experiment with the available height of maps and is the smallest available setting in the terrain editor.
Just my 2 paragraphs.

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