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Messages - Casimir

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 386
General / Re: Dev Blog #4 Battle Maps
« on: January 22, 2016, 03:40:12 pm »
chadz's eyes have more baggage than Charles Manson.

Faction Halls / Re: [Druzhina_] Druzhina
« on: January 22, 2016, 03:32:56 pm »
eyy lmao

General Off Topic / Re: Iraq falling appart
« on: January 18, 2016, 03:23:11 am »
Ffs berenger y u do dis?

Announcements / Re: Strategus 3.0 - Less grind, more battles!
« on: January 17, 2016, 09:23:10 pm »
NA gets voting cos democracy, EU only has war.

Found an interesting mission in my yapan game.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Thankfully I believe the AI is programmed to never take that mission. Swedish humor I guess.

Well I don't know about impossible, which ones were you thinking?

Estates are indeed really fun, and useful if you manage well! Gotta understand that influence/loyalty is mostly static (over time) and only big ass events and giving out the maximum-est provinces to them can make them very profitable (at the same time, not, since it increases autonomy; also events can force you to completely fuck up an influential group!).

I have been participating in a stable MP game that is nearly over for the past two weeks, I will post a european-centric animated gif of it in the next days (when its done), in political mode (and other modes if people suggest something that can be done!).

Might be interesting to see the development mode just to see whether players were more interested in blobbing or growing their countries internally.   did you play with RNW? I've tried a couple mods which are supposed to improve it but i still find i am largely disappointed by its results and have gone back to playing without it.

I think the estates definitely need some working, the base autonomy loss from the distribution of provinces remains a huge problem for me and makes me unwilling to give any more than the required provinces, it also seems incredibly hard to keep the influence and loyalty of the merchant classes and they seem relatively weak compared to the other estates (i mean who the fuck ever really needs diplo power after all?).

General / Re: Dev Blog #3 Recent Work
« on: December 18, 2015, 07:40:08 pm »
Wait, who the fuck is tolonar?

One of the interns I assume, their profile says they are female so I'm guessing its either the girl from the video or donkey crew found their interns on tumblr.

General / Re: Dev Blog #3 Recent Work
« on: December 18, 2015, 06:43:48 pm »
Love the modular approach you guys are taking when it comes to creating assets seems very in tune with efficient development and also open for possible moding in the future. 

I'm interested by what you said about the forest growth system and how it will naturally spread, will this result in some dense highly forested areas which will be less useful until pop levels rise and will it be reflected in different types of terrain which will have varying levels of productivity (eg. highlands producing less goods per area than prime farm lands)?

Deutsches Forum / Re: teilen Deutsch polandball Comics
« on: December 14, 2015, 12:31:39 am »
aint nuffin wrong with a cheeky nandos m8

General Off Topic / Re: Religion of peace stabbing in London
« on: December 07, 2015, 01:55:55 am »
Thanks to gun control in the UK this lone wolf attacker was not able to easily arm himself with military grade weapons and ammunition, thankfully the majority of people do not need to carry lethal weapons for fear that others might be carrying them and we can even have faith that our police services are unlikely to kill civilians due to the majority being armed with only non-lethal weaponry.  This attack would have been far worse if this nut had access to more dangerous equipment than a simple knife and I think it is an incitement of the fact that gun control saves lives. 

A couple days ago a 'lone wolf' terrorist attack in the states resulted in the gunning down of numerous innocent people, due to the fact that these weapons are much harder to acquire in the UK than in any US state this attack had only 3 victims and the perpetrator will face justice of law.  It should be noted there is still an issue with violent crime in the UK, with an increase last year of knife related crimes up to 26k, but thankfully due to control of lethal weapons we have managed to avoid having a mass killing every single day of the year in 2015.

Considering the 2.7+ million Muslims in the UK I would say that the one knife crime incident that occurred which involved a recourse to the defence of Syrians or Islam is probably more to do with current events (syria bombing campaign / cali shooting / paris etc.) than being an 'actual' terrorist attack such as the 7/7 bombings.  If this had happened in a less charged environment it would be unlikely to have made national or even regional news.  There will always be nuts in the world who want to get attention by shouting at the top of their lungs and attacking people, whether that be physically or otherwise, it doesn't make them right and it doesn't mean people should pay them any attention. 

There are plenty of honest, descent Muslims in Britain, I know, work and have lived with several British Muslims of varying descent in my time and none of them have ever echoed any sentiment of what some purport to be the fundamentals of their faith.  Of course they are not representative of all Muslims in the UK or in the wider world, just as those who behead people are not representative of my old house mate Tasnim who used to make the best damned Tajine you'd ever try; I think it's very easy to label a whole group if you don't know individuals and if you do it's impossible to be unbiased by it. Of course like any sane person I think the extremest elements of Islam are despicable, hell a lot of the moderate elements are pretty fucked up and dont mesh with 'western ideals' (whatever those truly are). That doesn't mean I'm going to reject wholesale anyone who is associated with that faith as it would be as close minded and foolish as cutting of someone's head because they don't know the first passage of the Quran and it only feeds those who hold such extreme view points as that.

Diplomatic feedback allows you to interact with the ai, setting your attitude towards nations and declare what provinces you wish to capture.  Estates add internal faction who compete for influence and can add bonuses to your country, but they cost you autonomy in provinces and if their loyalty drops to low they will turn their bonuses into strong malus's against your Kingdom and they can attempt to seize power if they gain to much influence.

It really depends on what you want to do.  I'd say common sense, and art of war are general must buys as they add a lot of universal feature, art of war probably being less important of the two. If you  are interested in a colonial game then conquest of paradise and el dorado should be taken as well. Others such as res-publica and wealth of nations are less important and should only be taken for specific games such as playing the Netherlands or Poland. The latests cossak DLC is also one of the biggest, particularly for the estates and diplomatic feedback features which have some pretty big implications for pretty much every country in the game.

scotland can into independence

I'm wondering what I should play next, any recommendations?

I really enjoyed my ceylon game, took me a couple attempts to get the achievement but once you've overcome Vajinyagar it's not unreasonably hard, other Indian nations can be good fun and the religious divergence in the region make it very interesting.

If you would like a more relaxed non-European game I cam suggest taking one of the Indonesian nations are forming Malaya, Makassar were my choice when we did it in one of our MP sessions but the stronger nations probably make for an easier fun.

General Off Topic / Re: Meanwhile in Hungary
« on: November 27, 2015, 02:31:04 pm »
albanians barely hold right to be called nation. When is last time you heard anything about them or name 1 good thing to ever come out of there?

Skanderbeg best starting leader EU4 m8.

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