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Messages - Draggon

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 26
General Discussion / Re: The best players by US state
« on: May 18, 2012, 01:45:48 pm »
I'll toss up a claim for Louisiana, and accept any duels for title of cRPG SwampMaster.

Faction Halls / Re: [SHC] Greetings from Snowhawk Clan!
« on: May 15, 2012, 11:42:10 am »
Ah damn!  I stand corrected. =P

Suggestions Corner / Re: Team Deathmatch
« on: May 09, 2012, 01:10:33 am »
^ Double what he said.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Please return ladder in cRPG
« on: May 09, 2012, 01:08:53 am »
Anyone voting yes on Siege ladders has clearly forgotten what it was like when deployable ladders were used.  Attack won damn near every round regardless of who was on defense.  If you were stuck on defense for awhile, you were pretty much automatically perma x1.

I used to be a ladder advocate, but once they were removed and I saw immediately how much better Siege was - didn't take long for me to convert.  As a result, Siege is alot more unpredictable as to whether Attack or Defense will win.  And proof of this is that Siege's population has almost tripled. At one time we were lucky to have 40 ppl in Siege (on NA), now it's up around 80 to full almost every night.

M&B Nexus Mods link is back up as well.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove please the 5% from the market
« on: May 08, 2012, 01:12:22 pm »
Yeah it's the same principal as when the gubment decided to tax the shit out of tobacco and oil companies.  Guess who pays for it?  The customer.  Cigarettes and gas prices simply go up.
Same thing goes for the Marketplace, it's already happening.

(click to show/hide)
Hmm so looking at the Hospitaller Banner is all this white shading at the top there thats mixed with black this shine effect?

I ask because this is what I hate about it the most personally I would get rid of this and simply just have it as black and white cross just like what's been done with the Templars banner where there is no horrible shine its simply just a white and red cross.

I simply ask you make it something like this where its just a black/grey coat and a white cross, Something that looks epic but simple too and doesn't have the horrible white shiny effect mixed witht he black:

(click to show/hide)

Also reason Im being persistent about this particular banner is cause I like to roleplay in CRPG and thought it be really cool if I could ride round looking like one of these hospitallers  :D

But also thanks Casimir for directing me to the sub mod. I installed it and its great I really don't think I would have known about it unless you had mentioned it lolz  :D

Banzai I wouldn't mind doing this at all.  Would be no problem to remove the shine.  Just so you understand it's not going to be a flat black, i.e. #000000.  It looks cartoonish in-game and doesn't look real at all.  Have to have some greyish in there to resemble folds in cloth, etc.  Then of course I'll match it on the back.
I can even throw some blood spatter on it if you like, from that 2nd pic you provided.

Niemand I have a solution for the AHB/shield/chest banners that doesn't involve downloading anything extra, but it's getting late so I'll fill you in tomorrow.
Time to hit the rack.

Banzai, both you and Casimir are correct in a couple of regards.  I've actually been kinda waiting on a response from Hospitallers on this so I'm glad you chimed in.

The scripts.txt actually does color the back of the black&white Hospitaller heraldics as the same white to match the cross.  I can very easily go back and try to make the backs black again, however there are several problems with this.
When I did it before, the almost 'velvet' appearance of the front threw the colors off and there's no way to actually match that on the back.  I tried several shades of black, off-black, grey - all sampled from from the front mesh of shades.  None of them worked and tbh, looked rather shitty.

There's really only one way to fix this, and that's for you to allow me to re-shade the front to where it reduces or totally gets rid of the 'shine' effect that can't be reproduced on the back.
Or, the other option is that I can match it as close as I can and we can just roll with it.

Now as far as the fuzziness... unfortunately there's nothing that can be done for that.  It's a Warband issue with the Heraldic with Surcoat.  What happens is that the graphic gets spread over a larger area, depixelating the image.  With the other Heraldics though it's not an issue since the 'canvas' is almost half the size.  The images come out a lot sharper.

Lastly, like Casimir mentioned, to change the emblem positioning on the Heraldics, you have to download and install the file he listed in his post.  That will put the emblems on the chest of heraldics.
Otherwise, in order for Clan's emblem to show up correctly in the circle above their head, it has to be in a certain position in the  Unfortunately that defaults the emblem to be right along the belt line of heraldics, unless a mod like the one above is installed to correct it.

Damn that's strange.
Okay try this one.

Faction Halls / Re: Clan Banner Pack (v 3.5) BIG UPDATE
« on: May 07, 2012, 09:56:25 pm »
Hey Overdriven, when you do your next update could you slide this slightly altered SHC banner in?
(click to show/hide)
Slot: G-2-5

Version 2.8 Download:
M&B Nexus Mods
Google Drive
- Opened slot A-3-5, former Armata Branceleone (AB)
- Added Warpigs (Warpig), slot B-3-1 (desaturated, added noise)
- Opened slot B-3-4, former Varangians (VRN)
- Opened slot C-2-5, former Order of the Rose (Rose)
- Moved Cavalieres (Cavalieres) from B-2-6 to correct slot E-3-6, opened slot B-2-6
- Removed The Risen (Risen), slot D-1-3
- Reserved N4B, slot D-1-3 (placeholder banner, N4B in Greek)
- Added Joannites (Joannite), slot D-1-4
- Added Knights of the Honor Guard (HG), slot D-1-5 (desaturated, added noise)
- Reserved FIDLGB, D-1-6 (placeholder banner, big black medieval bowling ball)
- Reserved PROfessionalz (PRO), slot D-2-2 (placeholder, same colors as official banner)
- Added Deutsche Krieger Gottes (Wolves), slot D-2-5 (desaturated, added noise)
- Reserved Black Watch (BW), slot D-2-6 (placeholder, yellow eye on black background)
- Opened slot D-2-7, former Camel Screamers (Camels)
- Opened slot D-3-2, former TĂșatha na nGael (Tuatha)
- Added Orde van Oranje-Nassau (NL), slot D-3-5 (removed 3d effect, added noise)
- Moved Knights of Jerusalem (K-O-J) to the correct slot, from C-3-6 to D-3-6
- Reserved Order of the Staffmen, slot D-3-7 (placeholder, staffs in a circle pointing outward)
- Moved my old friend (former Bandits) reserved slot from G-1-5 to the correct G-3-3 with placeholder
- Reassigned matching colors to the Heraldic backs of all moved and added banners

(Compatible with cRPG Version 0.274)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Remove please the 5% from the market
« on: May 07, 2012, 08:36:22 pm »
What the hell is its purpose anyway? it just gets the prices higher

General Discussion / Re: Class you dislike fighting the most?
« on: May 06, 2012, 02:38:43 pm »
So, basically, anything/everything that kills you.

Yep, everything that kills me is annoying. =P

Updated scripts.txt for 0.274 patch.

- Go to File > Download
- Drop into your main cRPG folder and replace the old one.
- Done!

(this fixes the Heraldic backs to match the banners again, since the patch overwrites your scripts.txt)

You bet. Will have it up today.
Should also have the next release soon to follow, but at least for now will get the repaired script up.

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