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Messages - Erasmas

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Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: March 26, 2014, 04:52:33 pm »
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 The only comment I have:

Cause everyone wants to play this game the way HE/SHE likes it (but not the way someone wants him/her to


Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: March 26, 2014, 03:36:29 pm »
This game has the potential to be the greatest game ever in my opinion and according to my taste in games

Fewer and fewer guys play it and soon it will die

It needs a flame, its needs a balanced war between the two titans in EU

Grey Order and Druzhina has the key to unlock it

If you dont, this game will be dead within some weeks

Thats all there is to it, even if you think there are clans able to fight your alliance at this point - there is not

Harpag, Nebun, Sultan Ozan - either you talk to each other and decide you want to make an effort to make an interessting war that will draw the people back into Strategus or you dont and it dies.

And no matter who anyones blames, who anyone says is responsable or who anyone is doing shit wrong or right - this is the fact that cant be argued over.

And I am not saying you arent allowed to play however you want to play the game, and I know you like to be in your comfortzone, and I know that you like to win (who doesnt?) but above all that - Im hoping you like to have good wars and the ability to keep on playing this game.

This game will not exist if you dont make that war happen

Whoops, posted too early. More to come...


I heard "this mod is dying" many times over few last years. Yet it is still here, and you are here.

What I read here is: "GO is big, Druzhina is big. We stand no chance. So we will not play. And it is their fault."  Hell no. It is YOUR fault. It is you who are lazy, unorganized whining pussies. We just do our job. We collect resources, and try to capture our claim. It is not done yet. We try to play in organized, planned manner, as the STRATEGIC game deserves.

Last strat  GO was one of the more active clans. Did we capture whole map? No. Did we want to capture the whole map? No. Did we have fun? Yes. Nothing have changed since then.

[More 2]

This threads's topic is "Rally against the Grey Order". Very good. I expected, somehow,  that it is going to be a real rally on the map. Clearly it turned out to be a "forum rally".  The first quick round of attacks failed so it's over, right? Sad. FFS this Strat was started 2+ months ago!!! And the first month was spent on earning itty bitty amount of cash to start decent economy. What do you expect? That we will suddenly start mindless wars with everyone? Hell no. This is Strategus, not Moronus.

Knitler wrote it some time ago, and I agree: it is doable to wipe us off the map. You just need to WANT. And work for it. We do work hard, we constantly strive to get stronger. Do you?

Diplomacy / Re: *****Rally against the Grey Order
« on: March 25, 2014, 06:10:07 pm »
We play strat to attack and fight not sit in a castle and wait for 10 months

What castle?

General Off Topic / Re: Fapocalypse
« on: March 19, 2014, 02:43:18 pm »
Excuse me sirs.... here are your long expected ass-pictures:
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Photoshop... Damn photoshop, I love it  :D

Diplomacy / Re: BRILLIANT Game of Thrones Diplomacy in STRAT
« on: March 17, 2014, 08:40:42 pm »
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Diplomacy / Re: BRILLIANT Game of Thrones Diplomacy in STRAT
« on: March 17, 2014, 07:04:45 pm »
and now imagine that all these goods are being carried by ONE!1!  rouncey.

Ill call PETA right away.

No wonder this Rouncey is Half Dead...

General Discussion / Re: The Caddy
« on: March 17, 2014, 06:42:40 pm »
the only thread on this forum where I "+" every single post  :D :D

Keep it up! And stay away from me on the battlefield  :D

Diplomacy / Re: BRILLIANT Game of Thrones Diplomacy in STRAT
« on: March 17, 2014, 08:29:11 am »
The answer is obviously: Spy_the_Grey

Congratulations, Rogue! You won a blowjob! Likewise though, you have to do it yourself :D

Diplomacy / Re: BRILLIANT Game of Thrones Diplomacy in STRAT
« on: March 16, 2014, 09:52:26 pm »
Folks, a contest: Guess who is the spy?

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The winner will be paid in gold/looms/blowjobs

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Epic fail to small clans
« on: March 16, 2014, 09:37:18 pm »
I had admins/a dev check things for me and they found multiple people in NA factions confirmed as multiaccounting who never got banned once their names were given to Meow (the person in charge of banning all that stuff back then)

Infact I still have a saved chatlog from then-

5:25 PM <Shik> I'm pretty sure not just FCC is multi accounting
5:26 PM <Shik> my point is that the rules seem to have a lot of loopholes
5:26 PM <Meow> didn't check anyone else

(the "didn't check anyone else" is referring to only checking UIF factions, fyi)

QED. Thank you.


Anyways, the case is closed for me. And clearly for devs too, and I respect that.  I understand the sentiments, but it would be much better if we all concentrate on current affairs.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Epic fail to small clans
« on: March 16, 2014, 08:34:40 pm »
well to be fair chadz explained how it was done you just don't believe him :D

Well, the circumstances we saw at that time were quite against this explanation.

I was a newcomer in strat 4, i worked hard, I fought for it, and then found out that a lot of people cheated to get an advantage, and  of those people that got hit by the ban wave a fair amount where GO. Call it old hurt but to see a GO telling others to play hard and fair rubbed me the wrong way.

So you have no idea what happened at that time, but you feel you are in position to post some hardcore critique... Well, I don't know if I would be so brave.

5 or 6. This is the number of guys banned in GO at that time. Fair amount? Judge for yourself.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: March 16, 2014, 08:29:41 pm »
got cought only those guys who were not smart enough to change IP all the time, right drz and go?

Actually, no. Cought only these who had some troops and eq on Strat...

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Epic fail to small clans
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:45:18 pm »
If lessons were learned and it doesnt happen anymore that's good but you cant pretend it didn't happen.

Fine, but do not forget about the context of the whole story too. Which was not the show of utmost objectivity and transparency.

What annoys me is not the fact that someone brings this well exploited topic again, but that I really wish to encourage newcomers and powers-to-be to fight for it, to work on it  because it pays off. And I do not want to let one dickhead to drag the folks attention from that.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Grey Order Strat Announcement
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:33:50 pm »
cheating and multiaccouting en masse from the GO and mass bans

Necro indeed. Plus let me add that "mass bans" in case of GO related to roughly 5 guys , none of them being leaders of the clan, and even these we highly injust in our opinion. This case is closed already.

Strategus General Discussion / Re: Epic fail to small clans
« on: March 16, 2014, 02:03:06 pm »
nope none of that is true

Nothing indeed. The buba's post repeats generally spread lies without a small bit of understanding what really happened and what was the problem. Read the post you mention carefully - it really shows what was the problem.


And let me add one more thing fort people that do not remember Strat 1 or 2: At that time rules for Strat were forged. Not many things  were certain. Many bans were casted for various reasons. Now most of guys learned their lesson and the rules are more or less universal, albeit still unclear in many cases.

It is easy to say "GO are cheaters, UIF guys are evil, they are all exploiters" and dismiss good advice. I will repeat again - get your shit together. The bottom line is - Strat needs dedication, organization and good relations with people. And having that anything is possible.

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