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Messages - El_Infante

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Suggestions Corner / New pictures for polearms.
« on: April 13, 2011, 07:26:24 pm »
Every weapon has it's own picture. For example, 1handed axes have his own pic when you kill someone. 2Handed swords, have one picture for morningstar, one picture for great swords, one picture for hammers. So, why polearms have only a spear picture? Bardiches need to have its own picture, as poleaxes, bills or blades, because it's funny to have your own weapon kill pic. :-) Maybe can we have this on a future?

Suggestions Corner / Re: WPF Requirements for all weapons?
« on: April 08, 2011, 04:39:56 am »
The problem is presently, everyone can be a hybrid without spending WPF points on certain weapons. For example, you can swing very fast a Long Hafted Blade without WPF points in it. I was trying a build of high STR char while noticed that high speed weapons, don't need proficiency at all to be useful.

In the other hand, everyone can use a xBow without WPF; changing the reticule intervale between 1-100 wpf with solve that problem, but won't fix seeing archers with long mauls, or xBowers with German Greatsword. I think if we want a balanced game, hybrids needs to be hybrids (that means they're not good as spec, and they couldn't carry high tier weapons of neither classes they mix). Furthermore, that could be better if all weapons have two requeriments as we saw on other posts. PS for melee, PD for bows,  and HIGH WPF requeriments for xBows. If we only have WPF req, everyone will go to AGI builds. If we only have PS requeriments, you will see STR builds of archers/maulers, archer/poleaxers, or archers/2H with German, Danish or Flamberge.

Spec classes need to have advantages that only can reach being spec. At that moment, you will see that cRpg become balanced. Archers deadly at ranged, but weak on close combat. Crossbowmens being useful at ranged/close combat. 2Handers and Poles, being deadly at close combat with the high tier weapons of the game.

For example, as Christo and me said before:

Christo, what do you think of something like this?

Heavy Crossbow:120
Sniper Crossbow:140

I think that WPF requeriments are easy affordable to be an hybrid or spec crossbowman.

Another example:

German Greatsword   
weight 2.5
requirement about 5 or 6 PS, 130 - 150 WPF
spd rtng 92
weapon length 123
swing damage 38, cut
thrust damage 30 pierce
Can't use on horseback

The "phantom reach" of curved weapons, is due to how hitboxes work.

Suggestions Corner / Re: WPF Requirements for all weapons?
« on: April 08, 2011, 01:53:33 am »
Christo, what do you think of something like this?

Heavy Crossbow:120
Sniper Crossbow:140

I think that WPF requeriments are easy affordable to be an hybrid or spec crossbowman.

No way to make understand you that three days ban is EXCESSIVE for being afk. Do what you want. I won't post again NEVER on crpg forums.

I pressed accept on equip menu, and after round starts i had to go out for a short time, I played on this servers long months ago and never get banned/kicked. A man with 30k of full equip and you know it's true banned for leeching. EU_Siege servers are full today of naked low-lvl chars leeching all the day and I was banned three days from all servers. And you can read before, I apologized for my behaviour. Your ban is EXCESSIVE and i think that is not a good behaviour from an admin because at least you can kicked me.

cRpg is cRpg because of players that play, and you're very unfair with one of them.


I was be banned on all EU servers for being AFK about 5 minutes, three days duration. (With full-equip of 30k). My fault. Please unban. I think a three days ban on all servers in that situation, when it's obvious that a player is not a leecher it's very excessive.  Thanks

Foro en Español / Tercio, clan español de cRpg recluta
« on: April 04, 2011, 08:46:04 pm »

Hemos creado a día de hoy, un nuevo clan español para cRpg. Se llama Tercio en honor a las tropas españolas que fueron el terror de Europa desde el siglo XVI hasta el XVII. Cualquiera que este interesado en unirse, puede hacerlo. Nos gusta jugar en equipo y por eso creamos el clan. Actualmente somos tres jugadores, con varios jugadores mas pendientes de unirse.

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Post original en ingles:,12796.msg183581.html#msg183581
Cualquier interesado, PM a El_infante. Todo el mundo es bienvenido. Saludos

General Discussion / Re: Hybrids need nerf?
« on: March 15, 2011, 02:53:49 pm »
I think that the problem is not crossbowers or archers. The problem is the ranged-spam-fest that all servers have. You can't walk ten seconds without being spammed by arrows, flying axes and bolts.

General Discussion / Re: English Bill and Swiss Halberd needs love.
« on: March 14, 2011, 05:24:28 pm »
Pike is a excelent 2nd weapon to dehorse cavguys. You can carry both of them. For example, Bec de Corbin.

Bec de Corbin   7312   
weight 2.8
requirement 14
spd rtng 93
weapon length 120
swing damage 36, pierce
thrust damage 26 pierce
This is an example of an OP weapon. 36 swing pierce!!!!! 93 speed!! And 4 attack directions. Do you think not? Go to a duel server with Halberd or Bill and try to fight a Bec. You will be crushed

General Discussion / Re: English Bill and Swiss Halberd needs love.
« on: March 14, 2011, 05:13:44 pm »
Ptx, give ONE reason to take Swiss or Bill instead another polearm like Poleaxe, GLB, Glaive, Long Hafted Blade.

General Discussion / Re: English Bill and Swiss Halberd needs love.
« on: March 14, 2011, 03:59:27 pm »
For example:

Swiss Halberd   6285
2 attack directions   
weight 3.25
requirement 12
spd rtng 91
weapon length 162
swing damage 37, cut
thrust damage 28 pierce
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield
Poleaxe   8036   
weight 3.25
requirement 17
spd rtng 89
weapon length 141
swing damage 40, cut
thrust damage 31 pierce
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield

More damage, More pierce, 4 attack directions. Give me one reason to take Swill Halberd instead Poleaxe, from example. Both weapons are hardly underpowered and if someone of you think it's not, lets give a try. And don't say something that giving 4 attacks directions makes it another long voulge because all high-tier weapons (2h, polearms) have at least 3-4 similar weapons. To have a useless weapon, better remove it from the game. I know someone that can kill with clubs, but it don't mean that club is an useful weapon. Look at the game and say how many people play often with this weapons. No one.

General Discussion / Re: English Bill and Swiss Halberd needs love.
« on: March 12, 2011, 05:58:06 pm »
Don't forget that Bec de Corbin have 36 Pierce dmg and have 4 directions attack. And it is fast as hell (93 speed). It's only a suggestion. Another suggestion is giving them 4 directions attack lowering speed or range.

Nowadays, EB and SH are useless weapons. You can say "I know someone that rocks with .. ". Ok. I can say after that this man rocks x2 with another weapon like GLA/GLB or Long Hafted Blade.

General Discussion / English Bill and Swiss Halberd needs love.
« on: March 12, 2011, 05:27:02 pm »
I think that this two new polearms, needs a bit of love on next patch. Why?

While all melee weapons in CRPG have four attack directions, this two have only two directions. It is a great disadvantage. It makes that weapons hard to play with it, so I think, EB and SH needs other advantages that make both a good choice to play with it.

Swiss Halberd   6285   
weight 3.25
requirement 12
spd rtng 91
weapon length 162
swing damage 37, cut
thrust damage 28 pierce
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield
English Bill   7589   
weight 4
requirement 14
spd rtng 89
weapon length 174
swing damage 31, pierce
thrust damage 28 pierce
Can't use on horseback

Let's take a look at other polearms. For example Bec de Corbin.
Bec de Corbin   7312   
weight 2.8
requirement 14
spd rtng 93
weapon length 120
swing damage 36, pierce
thrust damage 26 pierce

Why a shorter weapon (Bec) have more damage with 120 weapon length that a bill that have +54 reach? I suppose that the more longer and the more weight weapon have, the more damage have to do. Take a look at weapon weight (EB -> 4, BeC -> 2.8) For example, we have Great Long Bardiche.

Great Long Bardiche   10746   
weight 3.75
requirement 18
spd rtng 88
weapon length 155
swing damage !!!!47!!!!!, cut
thrust damage 18 pierce
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield

This weapon have: -20 range. +16 damage (pierce vs cut) and the most important thing. The more base damage weapon have, the more final damage you get with power strike. I have suggestions for both weapons.

English Bill   7589   
weight 4
requirement 14
spd rtng 87
weapon length 174
swing damage 40, pierce
thrust damage 33 pierce
Can't use on horseback

With 2 points less on speed rating, and 9 additional points on swing damage, it make English Bill a good choice for "support playing".    I welcome all new ideas to improve this weapons.   

Swiss Halberd   6285   
weight 4
requirement 18
spd rtng 89
weapon length 162
swing damage 48 cut
thrust damage 30 pierce
Can't use on horseback
Bonus against Shield

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