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Messages - Ethgar

Pages: 1 ... 27 28 [29]
Sounds good Rhalzo

Sounds good bront, 

I've got about 53g left, so between paying costs, and crafting, I'll be out here shortly.   Also, I'm guessing when finished I just trade them over to gracux correct?

Also, I sent you a steam invite Bront. 

I just saw equal out there, so just joined the faction.   How much eel should I save up before I hand it off?   Or do we not have a number,  right now it's at 4.   

Also, for in game do we have a flag picked out that we use? 

Same for me as well, I apologize for missing the battle.  I was completely passed out, as I stated I might be!    LOL

Ok, I'm now outside of Rebache, so I'm just awaiting to spot one of you guys near it, so I can apply to the faction.  So if anyone doesn't mind stepping outside so I can do so, it would be much appreciated!    It only took me damn near a day to get there!   Damn game started me in the south near Tulga!   

Well, after adjusting my time in the settings, its looking like it will be at 5:50 pm est time, so I should be good to go in helping!   I'll be sure I'm on around 5:15, in case you have anything you want to fill me in on!    I'll also try to talk Gracux into being on as well, but not sure what he has going on tomorrow.    :)

Also, Rhalz, I sent you a message via steam earlier.   I'm guessing you got it.   But my steam name is Grimm, so if you see someone by that name typing you, it's me.   

Steam ID:  Grimm77
Xfire ID:  Grimm777

OH GOD!!!    They shall perish and be sent back into the depths of hell!!!!     On a side note though, I'm not sure if I'd be able to help on this one, cause knowing me I'd probably pass out, and forget to be on due to the early time...........We'll see if I can make something happen.    Did you want me to sign up, just in case I'm still up at that wee hour in the morning?

I noticed you played EVE
I'm curious, were you space-rich

Not really.   Mostly a guild/corp of a few friends, to whom have played the game much longer than I.   I did thoroughly enjoy the fact that everything in the game was real time based.   Was kind of what pulled me into it, not to mention the endless amount of things you could have done!!   

HAHA Ethgar has joined our minions! I knew it only be a matter of time. Now we just need Scrabbz, Phantom, and Goat to join and the prime evils will be complete. Welcome duder!

It is only a matter of time my friend, only a matter of time.   

Why do you want to join Fuck It Dude, Let's Go Bowling?   To be quite honest, I just got tired of SonicHog/Gracux repeatedly stating I need to join the clan, and start playing Strat with him.  (He's a friend here at home......shhhh.......don't let him know I consider him that, as it's going to go straight to his head, and I'll never hear the end of it).  Not too mention, after playing the standard servers, constantly trying builds as I go to see what I like, I believe it's time for me to venture into this aspect of the game and from the sounds of it, this group is very laid back, to which after playing several online games in the past, this is what I need.   :)

What is your current build?   1H+shield/thrower

What generation is your main? He's my first character in CRPG

How old are you?    31

Are you able to shut up and listen to instructions during battles?    I have led guilds/clans as an officer in several other games (BF2, BF3, WOW, Eve), and are more than willing to listen when I'm not sure what's going on.   I know what it's like to be on the giving end of orders, and receiving in games, so I have no issues what so ever when asked to do something. 

When are you active on cRPG/Strategus?    I'm available usually after 4 or 5 eastern until about 10 or 11, as I have to be up at 5 or 6 in the morning.   Sun/Mon I'm available usually any time. 

Where are you based in the world (NA/EU)?  NA

Do you have Teamspeak and a microphone?   Yes, that and vent as well. 

Very helpful information.  Thank you for the time you put into this Tears.  Helps a bunch being new to the mod, and not the game.   


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