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Messages - Ming

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Suggestions Corner / Auto Team Balance change
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:24:29 am »
Hey guys,

This auto team balance i found very unfair for hard working players. This not only encourages leeching but also ruins some very nice aspects of this game.

This is what happened to me yesterday when i was on for 5 hours in a row on eu6.

At first i went in with a peasant gear to gather more gold, my score was average on the list. There were some x2 and 1 very short round of x5. The multiplier for me with a peasant armor and in the middle of the score board is fine, at least with something other than x1 i meant.

Later when more and more of my clan mates came online i switched to my heavy armor and gear which worth around 50k in the hope to help more in the sieges.  I played around 30 rounds with that armor and my score was constantly around top 3 on the list.  However i have been receiving x1 multiplier almost EVERY round... it was like a dam when the attacker was winning i was put to defend, when defender was winning i was put to attack...this is SO frustrating!

Understand that by putting the good players on the losing team makes the battle more equal for both sides...but doesnt this really unfair for players who spend alot of gold on equips and really try hard to win? (because they are likely to be higher on score and be switched to losing team)

In the end it turns out that i actually gain more multiplier with my peasant armor and be lower in score list, and this is making me really feel like to leech although i know this will be then unfair for every1 else.

shouldnt we do something to change this?

General Discussion / Auto Team Balancing change
« on: March 31, 2011, 10:22:37 am »
Hey guys,

This auto team balance i found very unfair for hard working players. This not only encourages leeching but also ruins some very nice aspects of this game.

This is what happened to me yesterday when i was on for 5 hours in a row on eu6.

At first i went in with a peasant gear to gather more gold, my score was average on the list. There were some x2 and 1 very short round of x5. The multiplier for me with a peasant armor and in the middle of the score board is fine, at least with something other than x1 i meant.

Later when more and more of my clan mates came online i switched to my heavy armor and gear which worth around 50k in the hope to help more in the sieges.  I played around 30 rounds with that armor and my score was constantly around top 3 on the list.  However i have been receiving x1 multiplier almost EVERY round... it was like a dam when the attacker was winning i was put to defend, when defender was winning i was put to attack...this is SO frustrating!

Understand that by putting the good players on the losing team makes the battle more equal for both sides...but doesnt this really unfair for players who spend alot of gold on equips and really try hard to win? (because they are likely to be higher on score and be switched to losing team)

In the end it turns out that i actually gain more multiplier with my peasant armor and be lower in score list, and this is making me really feel like to leech although i know this will be then unfair for every1 else.

shouldnt we do something to change this?

I did nothing. Will go over and check it now.
It plays with sound for me now and there's no message about it being restricted. Can someone check again?

perhaps its a good idea to put all our videos on our forum

Ok I think I've managed to get the copyright infringement away from my video. I filled out a form and they might put it back. meanwhile you can still watch it without sound. PM me if the sound gets back on. Also if you wonder where the Circle duels are, I took them away to get under the 15 min requirement. Will make a new video with them (this time trying something different to get music on). Wish me luck guys and again sorry for the bad FPS.

cant play this video at my location (the netherlands), weird :P

Hey btw :( you guys give me - on awsomebar? :(

its NOT me!



a really nice piece of music for Risen battles

Suggestions Corner / Re: Duel server xp suggestion
« on: March 06, 2011, 06:26:37 pm »
thanks :D

Melo, i have posted a suggestion for duel servers on the suggestion corner, here is the link:,

pls check it out and support this if u agree :D

Duel server xp suggestion

Noticed that many people wanted xp for Duel server. I personally enjoy dueling  but at the same time i also need xp. Duel is a really big feature of this game and i think people really do deserve some thing back from playing it.

*No gold nor upkeep involved

I got an idea for xp. For every person you slay in duel, you receive a certain amount of xp (eg: 3min of x1 XP) This feature may help to avoid leeching.

Only the people on the top of the score board receive multiplier of xp. (eg:  the first on scoreboard recieve a X3 xp, second receive X2 xp.

In order to avoid people taking kill in turns and therefore gaining unfair advantage, for every death in the server you lose 2 min of XP gain ( or something like that)

Hopefully this may add one more fun feature in the game and encourage more ppl to play on the duel servers.

Suggestions Corner / Duel server xp suggestion
« on: March 06, 2011, 05:13:17 pm »
Noticed that many people wanted xp for Duel server. I personally enjoy dueling  but at the same time i also need xp. Duel is a really big feature of this game and i think people really do deserve some thing back from playing it.

*No gold nor upkeep involved

I got an idea for xp. For every person you slay in duel, you receive a certain amount of xp (eg: 3min of x1 XP) This feature may help to avoid leeching.

Only the people on the top of the score board receive multiplier of xp. (eg:  the first on scoreboard recieve a X3 xp, second receive X2 xp.

In order to avoid people taking kill in turns and therefore gaining unfair advantage, for every death in the server you lose 2 min of XP gain ( or something like that)

Hopefully this may add one more fun feature in the game and encourage more ppl to play on the duel servers.

Just ignore/mute the trolls. Personally, I wouldn't even bother with TKing him, as that could net you a ban if he was in bitchy enough mood to take a screenshots. Anyway, as I said, I don't care if someone insults me or our clan and there is no point in trying to defend ourselves, as they will just continue to troll even more. Our results speak for themselves, and I couldn't care less if some peasant/my old friend (pun intended) is calling me noob ^^


I encountered a very annoying mess yesterday. Seriously i just sometimes dont know why for ppl to intensionally TK for no reason.

here is the story:

A  peasant hit me with a wooden stick so i kicked him once and left him.

Next round the peasant kicked me down the ladder while im holding me shield and defending him for arrows.

So the next round i killed him, coz i just really couldnt stand him.

He then started insulting me and the entire Risen clan in chat, and spamed for the rest 1hour.

Ill let u guys decide if it was my fault.
moreover, who wants a peasant hitting u with a wooden stick and kicking u off ladder all the time.

His name is: Dave_With_A_Horse (or something like that)

10 kills in 2 minutes is nothing tbh.  :(

What? it wasnt 2min, was 1min!!!!!
Thovex killed 10 ppl in 1min

Seen you yesterday, welcome Risen_Cadarn/Sejanus.

Welcome to Risen Cadarn! :D

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