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Messages - Draggon

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Strategus General Discussion / Why...?
« on: September 08, 2011, 02:28:10 pm »
...are there armies of 5, 10, 18, etc attacking huge cities of 10k plus?  Something kewl tactic I'm missing?  Or is it a mass hysteria / mad cow disease-type epidemic sweeping across Caladria.

I see the logic behind not allowing multiple accounts as it would be very easy for people to have x number of accounts just farming gold/troops and not actively playing cRPG.

However, not allowing anyone from the same guild to login and help each other coordinate when needed to drop troops / gear, to me, seems a little over the top.  All this does is cater to the people who I've seen referenced to as the "no lifers".

For instance, in our guild almost everyone has full time jobs or even (like in my case), jobs that take you away from being able to play cRPG or logging into Vent for a week at a time or more.  It's very helpful if you can just ask someone to move your Strategus character or perform a transaction for you via forums when needed - albeit, not all the time.  Just periodically if it is in fact, needed.

To say that a guild has to wait for guild member <insert name> to come home from his/her night job before the guild can make a move as a whole... I don't think is the best way to handle this.

My suggestion to an alternative would be to watch for those accounts that obviously don't have any cRPG activity and are being used as farming accounts.  And ban those plus the account of the controller.

SHC_Draggon    Black Coat of Plates    13995    (usual: 15012)
SHC_Draggon    Black Greaves    3995    (usual: 4627)
SHC_Draggon    Gnezdovo Helmet    3995    (usual: 4395)
SHC_Draggon    Miaodao    7495     (usual: 8376)
SHC_Draggon    Danish Greatsword    13995    (usual: 15922)
SHC_Draggon    Katana    8295    (usual: 9376)
SHC_Draggon    Milanese Sallet    7795    (usual: 8811)
SHC_Draggon    White Transitional Armor with Surcoat    17995    (usual: 19407)
SHC_Draggon    Black Lamellar Vest    2795    (usual: 3342)

Buy / WTB Thick Rus Scale or Druzhina Elite (+1)
« on: September 04, 2011, 10:37:02 pm »
Hit me up with an deal!   :mrgreen:

Sell/Trade / WTT Heavy GA for Tempered SoA
« on: September 04, 2011, 02:07:15 am »
WTT Heavy Great Axe for Tempered Sword of War.  And I'll throw in the womenz...

(Search SHC_Draggon on the Marketplace.)

Scene Editing / Re: Stonehammer Keep - Siege Scene
« on: August 29, 2011, 10:23:44 pm »
Wow that's amazing how much the dynamic changes when you add alot more players.  We tested the crap out of it but with only 10-12 players.  With that many, the Attackers actually won alot more than Defense.

Good feedback though Punisher.  I'm sure Seabhac will be taking a look at your suggestions and working on some changes, plus we have some more feedback to look at on our forums as well.

One of the main things we want to avoid is making it too easy for the Offense, as alot of maps are currently.  And that's really the opposite of how a Siege should be.  Obviously in IRL sieges the advantage for the defenders was huge; however, this being just a game, that advantage should be toned down to being very minimal. 

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: How do I stop being shit at parrying?
« on: August 28, 2011, 06:04:16 pm »
You mentioned you hold your mouse angled; that's a big factor.  I actually have to sit with my left side more towards the keyboard to keep my mouse in more of a straight  'x / y' axis.  The game doesn't know how you sit or hold your mouse, so it's only going to interpret straight up/down/left/right movements for your blocks.

Also, you have to actually move your hand very deliberately and quickly.  Doesn't have to be far, maybe just an inch or so, but it can't be just a flick of the wrist.  When you flick your wrist only, your mouse usually turns a little - and the block may go down when intended to block left, or whatever.

Lastly, setting your mouse sensitivity under options is another big part of it.  If it's too sensitive you'll be all over the screen.  And obviously not sensitive enough and it requires too much hand movement to be effective, plus cuts down on your turning ability.  Everyone likes different levels of sensitivity though, so you'll just have to try different settings out for maybe a day or so each, and see how it goes.  I would start at somewhere around middle/medium speed first, and then adjust up or down according to your liking.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: two questions
« on: August 28, 2011, 05:28:37 pm »
On the "Role Not Defined Yet", all that means is that you haven't chosen a Main Character yet.  Once you choose which of your characters will be your main, you can use that character ONLY to use the Marketplace and play Strategus.

As for the KDR posted on and your 6 kills/51 deaths; yeah there something screwed up there.  Mine has never been accurate either so I never really worried about it.  cRPG isn't about the KDR anyway like Native is.  cRPG is way more objective based.  You may sit guarding a flag or weak spot during a siege so you can protect your x5 and only get a few kills, but in essence keep your flag from getting jacked.  Shit like that.

SHC_Draggon    Light Strange Armor   2049   (usual: 2589)
SHC_Draggon    Long Spiked Club        3495   (usual: 4126)
SHC_Draggon    Old Heater Shield        549    (usual: 751)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Boss battles? :D?
« on: August 27, 2011, 04:10:25 pm »
Oh yeah you'd definitely have to reset.  The way Rabbit works is that you only get x5 as long as you have the flag.  I'm sure it'd need to be the same for Mutant; i.e. only have x5 for as long as you remain the mutant / boss.  Soon as you die, you're back to x1.

Also the upkeep would not be bad at all.  Usually matches like Rabbit & Deathmatch have much longer battle timers, so you end up way less repairs.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Extra XP from every kill
« on: August 27, 2011, 02:21:03 pm »
When I first started playing cRPG I was wondering why there was no XP per kill, but not long into it I saw why this is a bad idea - at least for Siege.  People already don't defend key points (primarily flag) enough as it is.  If you added XP-per-kill it would even be less, and the ones that play smarter and DO guard key points like back doors, ladder holes, flag, etc would basically be penalized for not allowing a couple of ninjas from taking the map.  Minus-XP-per-TK would be great in Siege though, possibly.

XP-per-kill / minus XP-per-TK might work in Battle mode.  Except that would probably turn things into a Cav-fest.  For instance, I know I can get more kills as Cav but I enjoy Infantry Melee more - hence I stay melee.  You would probably see alot of people swap to Cav just for the added XP.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Boss battles? :D?
« on: August 27, 2011, 02:13:04 pm »
Bash the Boss!   :mrgreen:

Could be fun.  I do like the Rabbit mode and this sounds alot like Rabbit actually except there's no 'beef up' bonuses in Rabbit and you have to carry a flag which slows you down (which is probably a good thing so you don't just get to run forever at x5).

General Discussion / Re: Blackrose server abuse
« on: August 23, 2011, 05:07:59 pm »
Man, I enjoyed the change of pace that Deathmatch offered from time to time.  It will suck if it's no longer allowed permanently.  x1 to fight everyone vs everyone is a tad slow xp-wise but it's good, fast action if there's 5-10 people in there at once - or more.

And double what Mendrak said, they have it on some kinda auto-loop timer.  I've always wanted it to stay on Deathmatch longer, but it shifts to Rabbit and Battle every so often on it's own.

Faction Halls / Re: Faction-/Clan-/Guild-List/Overview
« on: August 18, 2011, 05:59:25 pm »
Hey there Niemand, awesome work here man.  Could you please add:

Clan: [SHC] Snowhawk Clan (limited recruitment)(NA/EU)
Description: SHC is a tight-knit Barbarian/Cimmerian PvP guild with roots back as far as UO (most recently AoC).  No retreat - no surrender - fight against superior odds - style combat.
Leader: Entar
Members: 12+
Contact: SHC Forums, SHC cRPG Thread
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Buy / Re: [BUY] Great Axe or Sword of War
« on: August 18, 2011, 05:49:08 pm »
Found both - thanks.

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