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General Discussion / Re: Lorne_ATS
« on: January 08, 2011, 09:27:42 am »
Never had any problems with Lorn, never seen Lorn troll anyone that did not have it coming.  I have no idea what you guys are going on about. 

General Discussion / A case for the 20% upkeep
« on: January 06, 2011, 07:44:26 pm »
Did he just say a case for the 20% upkeep?  Is he serious?

Yes, I am serious.  I think the 20% maintenance fee for the losing team was a great idea.  I think going with a 5% maintenance random penalty for winners or losers is a bad idea and is simply a random money sink.
The reasons why I liked the 20% upkeep are probably the same reasons chadz created the patch in the first place:

1.)  Controlled the tincan population
2.)  Forced players to work together as a team
3.)  Get rid of overpowered players
and partly:
4.)  Forced high level wealthy players to care about the outcome.

Recently in another thread I came across this quote:
If you are level 30 and have all your eqiup (with easy upkeep now) it doesn't really matter. At least my motivation to win rounds is like before the patch... I don't care.

And its true, why would a 30 level player with all his equipment care if his team wins or loses?  Since the 5% maintenance fee is now random and not linked to winning. 

If  a 30 level player has all his gear and has reached the level cap, he does not care at all if his team wins or loses since he already has all the experience points he needs and has all the gear that he needs, so he does not care about the gold.  The 5X muliplier for xp or gold will sway him not at all.   So his motivation to help the team and work as a team is gone.   

Also I suspect that the 5% random maintenance fee will not be enough to cut down the population of tincans.  Sure it will help a bit, but I believe that most people will wear their plate most of the time now.

A 20% maintenance fee linked to winning or losing makes more sense to me. 
1.)  It forces the whole team to work together to try to avoid losing.
2.)  Forces players to cycle between plate and low level armour thereby cutting down on the tin can population.

The only problem with the 20% maintenance fee was that people started to take off armour when on a losing team to avoid paying maintenance on it.  To solve this simply make it so that if a player gets a kill that round even when on a losing team he will not pay maintenance.  This will reward skill at arms.  And this way people will continue to wear armour and other expensive gear as they will want to get a kill and thereby avoid paying maintenance. 

What do you all think?

Announcements / Re: Version 0.201 Released
« on: January 06, 2011, 06:47:24 pm »
it's not the whine that was the reason for it. People on the losing side started to wear nothing and just wait for the end of the round. I couldn't think of anything that fixes it, other than that.

However, the most important thing now is the multiplicator, which doesn't sound that bad, does it? The problem before was you were punished twice (less multiplicator, pay maintenance). I think there was no reason for this.

Easy fix for that, make is so that if a person kills someone that round they don't have to pay maintenance even if their team loses.  That way people will be encouraged to wear their good stuff even when on a losing team as they will want to make kills and avoid maintenance.  This will also act as a reward for skill.  And put back the maintenance to 20%, or at least don't dismiss that idea totally.  As I got a feeling a 5% penalty won't dis-way people from being tin cans all the time, which was something you wanted to fix in the first place.       


The whole random maintenance thing does not make much sense.  Its just a random money sink.  If you are going to use a money sink attach it to something that will reward good play and punish bad.   


I liked the old 20% upkeep system.  It actually forced players to think and plan.  Now its going to go back to the way it was before tincan wars :(  I guess its time to put on the old black armour and get back to the wars. 

General Discussion / Re: N/A Server Connection Issues
« on: January 06, 2011, 01:42:56 am »
So I'm able to play on NA servers but I get kicked at the end of each round, kinda sucks but awesome that the servers are up aha :D

Just checked the servers are down :(

General Discussion / Re: Let's Have a Player Wipe!
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:58:48 pm »
No thank you, I got 4 different alts and I rather not start them all from zero again.  I grinded plenty as it is.  Besides with the current upkeep and cap new players finally have a chance to compete 1 to 1 against the old hands.

General Discussion / Re: Generational Bonus
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:56:47 pm »
Ah good stuff, I guess now all I have to do is wait for the NA servers to come back again.  Thank you. 

General Discussion / Re: Arrow Damage Type
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:44:28 pm »
Thank you

General Discussion / Re: Arrow Damage Type
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:36:50 pm »
How will heirlooming bows work now?  What are the bonuses that you get per heirloom to lets say a longbow?

General Discussion / Generational Bonus
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:07:18 pm »
I was wondering if currently their is a generational bonus for leveling?

General Discussion / Re: Cost of being a tank
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:35:19 am »
I would counsel patience, I think the mod is going through birthing pains from the patch.  Let's wait and see.

General Discussion / Re: NA "Kicked from Server"
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:25:39 am »
hey lorn , my skills are so messed up when i log in the EU i got 4 riding 2 HA and 5 PD , guess   what i have become   :idea:  lol

Congrats Balb looks like you are a horse archer now  :D

General Discussion / Re: Where can we find a Change Log?
« on: January 05, 2011, 05:16:39 am »
This is located in the Announcement thread:

its not really a changelog, but this was stuff on the todo list that was done. there are many more things, feel free to post them if you figure them out

Code: [Select]
    cRPG mod:
    - snow instead of rain on snow maps
    - cap archery wpf to real wpf
    - change bows to cutting
    - item maintenance, breaking
    - change the income to xp per minute
    - figure out new wpf formula (test with different builds)
    - after death, trigger the equipment screen
    - auto refreshing when stuff breaks - also, when you buy equipment or update your skills. checks while it sends the bonus.
    - fix xp bar (calculate gen bonus ingame)
    - strategus: check bows for difficulty - checking all items in all gamemodes now in the server, nothing done on the website any more
    - add a message "xyz, owner of abc castle" when he joins the game'
    - add male/female to DB and send the info ingame
    - fix spectators being assigned to teams and getting xp/gold bonus
    - update player with ingame screen
    - store admin commands (kick, map change...) in server log
    - fix bug with whistle when joining in a middle of a match
    - rework weight nerf, make it work in %
    - added optional level limit for servers - it's using the battle_earnings_multiplier if you are > you will be forced spec.
    - added autobalance by banner (autobalance value to 2)
    - added autobalanceless mode (set to 0)
    - normal autobalance = 1
    - the multiplicator will only rise if the losers team AB score is at least 70% of the winners
    - added a rudimentary voice chat
    - fix halfswording instaswitching
    - reset siege objects after each round

General Discussion / Re: NA "Kicked from Server"
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:40:38 am »
I was able to get into a EU server with no problem, I guess its an NA server thing.  Hope it gets resolved. 

General Discussion / NA "Kicked from Server"
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:35:50 am »
Everytime I try joining a NA server I see a flash of a battlefield then I get the "Kicked from Server" message.  Anyone knows why, or is getting the same thing?

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