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Messages - genric

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General Discussion / Re: Archery. A discussion.
« on: July 12, 2012, 04:58:10 am »
Your funny Aderyn, I faceshot you your first day bro. Remember, I was the fucker the GO modelled their lvl 35 archers on, they took my name, MADE A CLAN BASED on it. I'm new like the mountains are new.

Anyway, still seems ridiculous to me that I'm rewarded more for being a kiting my old friend. The newest changes nerfed the fuck out of 1handed, I assume that was unintentional, but still no change to the system that makes archers more effective if they have 5PD and loads of athletics. BTW, stop trying to argue with me: Im always right, its written into the fabric of the universe.

If you are always right why open this discussion in the first place?

Seems pretty silly to open an archery discussion and just throw down everyone's words and opinion with "WRONG, NOPE"
It seems the best builds are to be some combination of 15-24 str and 15-24 agi. Which basically goes for everything that you want balance with. you want a build with the most damage? horn bow with 30 str. 10pd would destroy everything. You just can't hit it.

Closed Requests / Re: FCC_Aldogalus_MB
« on: July 11, 2012, 07:44:27 pm »
If he is running and firing then it's not delaying.
crossbow cav make the game last till the flags come up.
Most people when left themselves will fight to the end the best to their ability because if you give up then why even play the game if you wont play your hardest all the time?
Although it seems both of you used the polls in a way that might make the admins mad at both of you because you used the poll to get back at Aldo, aderyn, so I'd be prepared for a ban also.

Remember aldo bundle of sticks is not a reason to poll ban someone lol (quite from muki)

General Discussion / Re: Archery. A discussion.
« on: July 11, 2012, 08:13:38 am »
and nothing remains.

A lot of people with shields

General Discussion / Re: Archery. A discussion.
« on: July 11, 2012, 07:38:44 am »

So 1 wpf is a smidge past 0.85 base damage, 100 is base damage, and 200 wpf is 1.15 base damage...

OP is incorrect by a long margin on the damage differences. WPF gives a damage perk, it is not a competitor to PD, PT or PS. Losing 4.2% damage and gaining 28% still wins in PD's favor.

The main thing with WPF is that it increases your accuracy so if you have low PD but high WPF it wont compensate damage but with bodkins you should be able to go mostly for heads and decently armored people or go tartar and aim only for lightly armored. You would be a great anti archer wouldn't you?

General Discussion / Re: Archery. A discussion.
« on: July 11, 2012, 07:26:12 am »

Not true, but I see your point.  I played longbow and respecced to test the difference between 27/15 and 18/24.  The damage difference vs. whatever armor i picked at the time was 72 vs. 60, but to sacrifice all of your accuracy and shoot speed for that damage difference was awful.  Power draw is supposed to give you a 10% damage boost per rank, which sounds incredible, but it takes away your WPF drastically. 

There's an online calculator, very in depth, allows you to choose bow, arrows, loom level of each, target's body and head armor, PD / WPF, anything you'd even need to know before velocity is taken into the formula.

How up to date this is, I forget, but its still a great guide for a ball park estimate.

Dude thats awesome I was always using the cRPG calculator pack to get really rough estimations but that Bow Master is crazy better. Uumdi you always show me the coolest things.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Muki
« on: July 11, 2012, 02:34:17 am »

First of the poll wasn't started by me.

Second off I said my old friend in chat twice (as the logs will confirm) and not directed towards anyone.  Furthermore let me define my old friend for you.

verb (used with object)
to tire or weary by labor; exhaust (often followed by out ): The long climb my old friendged us out.
British . to require (a younger public-school pupil) to do menial chores.
Nautical . to fray or unlay the end of (a rope).

Slang . a cigarette.
a my old friend end,  as of cloth.
a rough or defective spot in a woven fabric; blemish; flaw.
Chiefly British . drudgery; toil.
British Informal . a younger pupil in a British public school required to perform certain menial tasks for, and submit to the hazing of, an older pupil.

So again what rule have I broken and where is my apology?

You are missing 4 and 5
If you include those the admins will have no choice but believe what you have to say and everyone will gather behind you as you lead this revolt.
You must find the missing pieces of the puzzle! Go! Now!

General Discussion / Re: Hospitaller Hacking in Day Z
« on: July 11, 2012, 01:28:11 am »
Good riddance to him. I'm glad hospitaller was winng to take the steps to remove and ban his IP from the clan.

I don't see a problem with them defending him at first because thats what you do for friends you have their back. But when it went that far they were willing to take the steps and hold him accountable.

Good job Hospitaller.

Scene Editing / Re: SIEGE MAP *BALANCE* FEEDBACK - Rochester Castle
« on: July 11, 2012, 12:46:56 am »
This map is upsetting to me. For the defense you are on the huge tower and being anywhere else but at the top has no advantage and there seems to be very limited cover for archer and what really helps the defense is good archers weakening the enemy. But defense archers seem to get picked off pretty easily due to lack of cover at the top and once a couple defenders die they are on the farthest wall imaginable from the flag and have to fight the offense all the way up and if the defenders lose too many at the top they lose it seems to be nearly impossible to regain the flag once lost.

To fix? Honestly I'm not too sure maybe have a couple more walls at the top with murder holes that the friendly archers can shoot through with more security and not face total annihilation? Maybe have a few more spawns up at the top to possibly increase the chance to get reinforcements because that 33 second wait time is MURDER when you are spawning as far away as the offense.

So it seems many people have very different opinions on this map and I feel it's just not my type of map. Your other new map is really cool and thats generally the types of maps I like. The siege map with the ships on the beach is a really cool map very fast paced.

Scene Editing / Re: [Siege] Scene makers!
« on: July 11, 2012, 12:35:05 am »
I'm excited for these new siege maps. It is gonna make NA_2 even more popular now then it is growing to be now. :)

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fix that stupid siege-bug already.
« on: July 11, 2012, 12:33:36 am »
Honestly I don't think I often see the bug hit offense I often see defense win even though there are attackers standing almost on top of the flag. I just assumed they stepped a little too far off the area that contests the flag but they are still really close to it and seeing this makes me wonder if there is a little bug with that. Is there a time limit to the over time when the match ends? or could you technically just have everyone stand around the flag, sing songs, and get exp forever?

Scene Editing / Re: SIEGE MAP *BALANCE* FEEDBACK - Devonshire Keep
« on: July 11, 2012, 12:15:35 am »
Strangely this map doesn't seem to come up for me very often. Being new many of the people were just kind of exploring and looking around at what was in it and all that the last time I played. But it was very straight forward and was not complicated at all but had turns and twists so you could have many engagements all over the map. The flag is always a massive war zone with swords and arrows going everywhere so it makes things pretty intense.
I feel overall the defense might have a slight advantage because of the number of archer spots and high ground advantage the defense has but that is by no means a problem for the map because counter archery and the spawn times even it out making this possibly one of the best maps yet.
Good job :)

Spam / Re: Chinese/ Crusader Pack
« on: July 10, 2012, 11:55:41 pm »
I can't wait for the new weapons and armor to appear. I think it will make the clans more organized, by giving more variety, and make the entire game more interesting by having new weapons.

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [NA] Shadowren
« on: July 10, 2012, 06:42:26 pm »
before acting in the ban/unban thread I have to ask you make sure you really think about your punishments and if they are fair. You banned me for the same amount of time you banned another person, He had four or five tk under his belt and was using all manner of threats. I had screenshots and he had nothing but just asked that I be banned too. This isn't just you either I've heard a few admins just ban all parties involved and doing that is worse then just dealing with the griefing and no one likes dealing with that, so it seems that people just seem to lose entirely when they play some days. Damned if they do and damned if they don't.

This is a review of character thread and I am reviewing character not fighting, insulting, justifying, or anything. Just advice.
Thank you.

Closed Requests / Re: Ban request Occitan_Zlotz
« on: July 10, 2012, 09:39:56 am »
yes randomdude was annoying a few people on but I didn't want to make the focus him since he was just being a little troll. Thanks for adding those pictures of him doing the poll and of him saying he was punishing my "dumbass attitude"

Closed Requests / Ban request Occitan_Zlotz
« on: July 10, 2012, 09:32:03 am »
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Zlot was killing the virgin so I stopped him by defending her. Then i let the peasants kill me since I was the last alive to keep the game going. He ran up to me and killed me

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He kept threatening that I would never play the game again and it would, as he said be a "nightmare" for me to try and play. I tried to continue to play the game and defend the virgin but we never got past the first level or two because of the team killing was his first objective.

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This image is of him saying he is killing me because of my 'dumbass' attitude

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The last time he killed my before I got off because it was impossible to try and play with him repeatedly assaulting me

All I did was try to stop him from killing the virgin by defending her. I apologize if I don't understand the game type fully but I took it quite literally.

Openpalm was on too and might have a couple of pictures in support of what was going on.

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