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Messages - Darkkarma

Pages: 1 ... 203 204 [205]
General Discussion / Re: Killing riderless horses mid-round
« on: January 17, 2011, 07:56:18 pm »
I kind of wished you'd just get banned already and save us all the time/team-related killings. You sound pretty close-minded/unfair. You're basically asking us to stop and take all the things mentioned in this thread into account every time we see a riderless horse in game which is a bit of a hassle in itself in the heat of a fight. If we are in battle, unless I see someone on my team make a B line for said horse, I kill it instantly. In most cases the horse is pretty badly injured anyway and will go down in one good hit and random bumps/enemy horse jackings are no good at all so what's the point really? Now if it's at the beginning of  a round and one of my team mates dismounts for whatever reason, then I let it be. Other than that, I stand by what I've said.

General Discussion / Re: Patch complaint
« on: January 06, 2011, 12:54:11 am »
The new crpg patch reminds me of another game i used to play. what was it again? oh yeah native warband where you pay for gear everyround and everyone has the same weapons skills and everyone sucks.

in short new patch= old native warband

thanks chadz for reinventing the wheel...twice....and the second time you actually made it worse

nah though

Here's wishing you good will and the best of luck in your future endeavors, my Templar brothers!

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